Terms of Service Announcement

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Myke, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Please be aware that all content on VFDC must comply with the Terms of Service.

    All public facing content including forum posts, status updates and signatures may not include or link to:
    • Pornography, adult or mature content
    • Violent content
    • Content related to racial intolerance or advocacy against any individual, group or organisation
    • Excessive profanity
    Content in violation of the above will be deleted on sight. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against repeated offences.
    Tricky and GodEater like this.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In case you might be wondering what triggered this announcement:

    I received a notification from Google Ads today regarding inappropriate content found on VFDC. While they were not specific, they linked to an example page which violated the guidelines given for Ad serving. The example page contained lots of occurrences of "*aggot" and "*igga" which have since been dealt with.

    The list of guidelines shown above are fairly straight-forward, but there's subjectivity around what's considered "excessive" profanity. The use of profanity is not out-right banned, but I trust your better judgement on the level and frequency of use.

    If VFDC does not comply with the content policy, then Google will cease to serve ads here. If there are no ads, then VFDC loses valuable revenue which accounts for approximately 50% of the monthly running cost for the server. The remaining cost is out of my pocket.

    The vast majority of you are complying with these guidelines. For that I thank you, and there's no further action required on your part.

    The notice is just a reminder of the standing Terms of Service you implicitly agree to by using this service (VFDC).

    Ellis and Tricky like this.
  3. FaethonsNemesis

    FaethonsNemesis Well-Known Member

    So if i understand and read correctly its ok to post something like the 1995 VF comic jpegs in the art thread.Im asking a second time after my status upd cause you cant be enough careful with the copyright issue madness these days and i dont want the site to have any problem by a lawsuit-happy nutjob.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    FaethonsNemesis - if you mean posting the pics of the entire VF Comic, it most likely is a problem.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    FaethonsNemesis, thanks for checking in with us first. If you have a genuine question regarding what's permissible to post, you're better off privately messaging the moderators.

    Regarding copyright though, this particular post was pointing out specific content, but if you read the Terms and Rules it clearly warns against copyright infringement.

    This comic you wish to post, if it already available on the Internet somewhere, then perhaps you can just link to it and credit the source.
  6. FaethonsNemesis

    FaethonsNemesis Well-Known Member

    Yes the entire,its a very rare VF art impossible to find outside US but i'll refrain from posting it now just to be safe.I was hoping that it'll help introduce to story and inspire new VF players who keep asking me about original character backgrounds.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sorry if this is a silly question but does this also apply to shoutbox? Nothing too heavy goes on there but there is often some colourful language in jest as the mods probably no doubt know.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Not a silly question at all. Even though the Shout Box is only viewable to registered users, the same rules apply.
  9. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Am I still allowed to post tournaments and tutorials I upload to YouTube?
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  11. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    People are readily violating these, using the very words you listed above.. I'm doubtful you'll do anything.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    If you have evidence of said violations, please use the Report feature to enable the Moderator team to take appropriate action.

    If you're referring to violations within the Shout box, please understand that due to its volatile nature, such as any chat medium, policing user behaviour can be difficult/impossible. If you have captured evidence of violations, or if a Moderator is online at the time, please bring it to their attention.
    BlackGeneral likes this.

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