The Action Replay Question.

Discussion in 'Console' started by Neonomide, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I recently purchased an Action Replay for PS2 and tried my PAL Evo with it. There was some codes that allowed playing in VF1 stages (with the particular code enabled). Now everyone who ows PAL- version knows that it does not have Anniversary Edition and only one VF1 stage.

    What do you think? Is this one of those cases that programmers put the stages there, but didn't have time to finish their work? Has anyone more information or comments on this?
  2. StandStill

    StandStill Member

    I've just opened one VF1 stage. Guess, there aren't any ones. But, however, you can translated all characters under the VF1 graphic-style, which produced almost a new game itself.
  3. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know. This "all stages thing" just seems that Sega intended to release Anniversary Edition in PAL-version too, but at the last moment, didn´t.

    Thanx a lot Sega, for putting 65€ price tag for our version as well. ¤#&%

    So action replay IS worth something in VF!
  4. moogar

    moogar New Member

    although i have the JAP version of VF4Evo, does the action replay cart unlock anything else?
    I am no master, and some of the quest mode stuff i simply can't do.... wonder if the action replay unlocks that stuff?
  5. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I think you can get some quest stuff as well. But in the codes listed tehere are only standard "infinite health" codes and likes. I was really surprised to find those old stages, PAL version came before the US version, so that tells something. In addition to that Sega Europe sucks a$$.

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