The Best Stick???

Discussion in 'Console' started by Mysterious_Red, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    is X-Arcade the best stick around, im not that much of an expert, but im judging from the number of slick buttons, and also the price tag /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
    here's the link-
    X-Arcade Expensive !@$!
  2. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Catch-22's stick is supposedly THE best stick. they're made from Sanwa parts which are supposedly THE best parts.

    you can check out for yourself in this forum as well: stick forum, and also this forum if you want to make your own: stick builder

    and as for the X stick.... i'm not too sure =P. sorry.
  3. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    Xarcades are one of the damn worst. any sticks made from Hori or Sanwa are the best out there. i suggest this one, as its the one im using now, its pretty slick and has that japanese ball style stick.
  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    The original Hori Vf4 stick was awesome (the one with Akira on it). The Evo Sticks are not as good because the stick (uh, shaft?) was skinnier making the ball roll around more and making it feel slipperier in general. Did anyone else notice this? All in all Japanese sticks are the way to go. The square stick base makes them easier and more precise than the American no-corner sticks. Hooray for Japan.
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The Evo sticks are closer to Japanese arcades in "feel" than the original VF4 sticks. If you practice on VF4 sticks and then play in Japanese arcades, the arcade base will feel too "loose."
  6. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    well i just got in the mail my newest stick. this is a real arcade tournament ready pelican stick. its brand new,just came out, the ps2 version, square base, the stick is american, so i'll have to change thast, the buttons are ps2 built, with the square,triangle,circle, and X. kindaof cliky when u push them in, but they feel nice and secure, ima see if i can post a pic, if not, could i emial it to someone to post it here? ive got no idea how to do that, and explaining wont work.
  7. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    nvm i cant.
  8. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I hear a Catch-22 stick is bar-none, the best. But I also know from experience that nothing beats a good Hori VF4, VF4Evo, or Soulcalibur 2 stick.

    I've heard all sorts of warnings about the XArcade though...never a good thing said about them.
  9. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    im not a big x-arcade stick fan myself, however one thing that really caught my eye was the stick labeled "2players stick deck" which has sticks for 2 player on it. can anyone tell me if there are any japenese style sticks in this format (refer to my link *first post* if you don't know what i am talking about.)
  10. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    on the 2-player stick.

    I played the X-Arcade 2-player stick with a friend...and you really don't want to use that unless you're playing against your girlfriend. Seriously, it's close-combat.
  11. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    i doubt it. i've been doing a little research on where i can order some Sanwa parts, and came across many sites with Japanese sticks. none of them had that kind of layout. i think the only way you're going to do that is if you make it yourself.

    ****and darksparda, i can upload your pics if you want. PM me if you want my e-mail.
  12. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Are Japanese sticks really like that? I was in Japan (for three days) but never played Vf. I did live in Taiwan for a year and played vf3 every day. I am pretty sure that they had Japanese parts. The sticks on that machine were not skinny like the evo stick, but more like the VF4 stick, in terms of, uh, shaft girth. Were vf3 sticks different than vf4 sticks?
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the cylindrical sticks on the Evo sticks are thinner in diameter than arcade, but so is the base (I think). Net net, no matter what the actual size is, in terms of proportion and "feel," the Evo sticks are closer. This is all based on initial impressions as I only used the Evo stick a few times.

    I do own the original VF4 stick, however, and it's really different to Japanese arcades. I never play with it.
  14. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    PIZman said:
    Seriously, it's close-combat.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    more like gay-bat am i rite?
  15. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    PIZman said:
    Seriously, it's close-combat.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    more like gay-bat am i rite?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Basically /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    As in, don't get the double unless you're going to be playing against your girlfriend. And if your girl's into fighting games, well that's just hot.
  16. armad1ll0

    armad1ll0 Member

    Yeah I tend to like Sanwa's the best.

    I've also built a bunch of them. Check out my site at
  17. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    armad1ll0 said:

    Yeah I tend to like Sanwa's the best.

    I've also built a bunch of them. Check out my site at

    [/ QUOTE ]'re the guy behind modeverything? Good freakin work, man.
  18. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    incredible webiste...drool
  19. armad1ll0

    armad1ll0 Member

    Thanks guys...

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