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The CSI Series

Discussion in 'General' started by SlimTYME, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Seeing as I'm bored shitless at work, thought I'd start this thread.

    I'm a huge fan of the CSI series. Over here in the UK, The CSI series has a 'cult' following (it being wasted on Channel Five IMHO). After seeing the CSI Taratino double finale last week, was wondering what the American guy's here think of it (seeing as it is made there) and is it huge over there? (I hear it is, but don't know for sure).

    BTW Any want's to chat on MSN (seeing as I've got fuck all else to do), my username is predicatably slimadey@hotmail.com.

    'Who are you, who.. whoo... repeat to fade'. LOL. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    CSI is pretty much pulls in the highest ratings of any show in NA. Although, other shows like lost and desperate housewives get a lot more publicity.

    Personally, I've never been a huge fan of CSI, but it's still a pretty good show. (Much prefer law and order: svu)
  3. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    CSI is mostly like a cult following here as well, either you love it or don't. Rarely I see many who are in between. I myself never really got into it, but from what I saw one day when I was bored as shit and just channel surfing, it seemed pretty ok if you have nothing to do and just want to watch something.

    I mainly watch and follow the Smallville series. I'm curious though, do any UK viewers watch that?? Man that Lana is hot.

    Oh yeah, there is that UK show, Coupling that I for some reason can't stop watching; I am in no way or form gay, but man that show is so addictive. And those women in the show (especially Susan) just make me so damn HORNY.
  4. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    CSI Miami is a top-notch program. Jerry Bruckheimer surely knows how to script and the cast is just wonderful. David Caruso (Horatio Cane) is just wonderful. He is so suitable for his role as a leader of the CSI team. And other guys are good too. The new guy in the team, Ryan, is also good, and it's funny that he and Delko don't like each other too much. What happened to Speedle? I haven't seen the episode in which he got killed, but I'm sure it will pop up soon as they are showing old episodes and new ones at the same time in Finland.

    There's below the same message again. Dunno how it happened, but could someone remove it, please?
  5. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Just seen the episdoe where speed dies last night. I'm starting to like CSI a lot more now, it took a while for me to like the character's compared to the first series. It'll probably take just as long for me to like the New York version as well. Think Horatio is a great character, albeit in a 'so uncool you actually are' kinda way.
  6. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    3 non-sequitors

    1. David Caruso is maybe the corniest actor on TV. His manufactured "intensity" really grates on me.

    2. My friends' band had some of their songs played on one episode of CSI Miami- the one with Tony Hawk.

    3. "Deadwood" is the best show on television. Too bad its on HBO, but the first season is on DVD at Blockbuster or whatever other corporate place you want to go. It may seem to start slow for some people, but keep watching- the payoff is worth it. They show is alternately hillarious, scary, sad- but always compelling and always making subtle points about a variety of weghty subjects.
  7. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 non-sequitors

    I've not got Sky, unfortunately.

    BTW What' Lost like? UK is getting on Terrestial TV next week?
  8. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 non-sequitors

    I do enjoy CSI. Personally, I much prefer CSI Miami over the original CSI. Mainly because I cannot stand the Grissom character. Nobody likes a smartass!

    Oh, and if I see another episode where the killer is apprehended due to some obscure insect being found close to the body I'm gonna puke.

    But the best show on TV by far is The Shield!
    Vic for President!

    Coupling Seasons 1-3 rule, too!
  9. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 non-sequitors

    [ QUOTE ]
    StoneColdSerb said:

    Oh, and if I see another episode where the killer is apprehended due to some obscure insect being found close to the body I'm gonna puke.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LMAO, I see what you mean, it's every 3rd episode!
  10. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 non-sequitors

    NCIS, House & 'The Inside' are better than CSI IMHO. House is on in the UK now, but I don't know when the others are arriving. NCIS's 1st season was just £^#$ ing insanely good. 'The Inside' is about a specialist FBI team, it's only 7 episodes old but it's like every episode's a mini-thriller as good as the best thriller at the movies.
  11. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 non-sequitors

    NCIS and 'The Insider' sound good, but I don't have Sky, hopefully we'll get them soon. Might dabble with Season 4 of 24 this week, when I can be arsed going to the bank!
  12. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    Re: 3 non-sequitors

    [ QUOTE ]
    SlimAdey said:

    NCIS and 'The Insider' sound good, but I don't have Sky, hopefully we'll get them soon. Might dabble with Season 4 of 24 this week, when I can be arsed going to the bank!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't have Sky either. All you need to watch them ad-free and up-to-date is broadband and Azureus.
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'll check out CSI Miami sometime... After finally checking out original CSI... I have to say I was personally underwhelmed. Guess the comment about "either you like it or don't" might be on the money with the show.

    It IS entertaining, and sometimes can even be a guilty pleasure. But I feel original CSI is either over-written, over-edited, or over-acted--some combination at any moment anyways. For better or worse, I think it's over-stylized too (but that's one of its signatures that the fans likely enjoy).

    I suppose I'm just more of a Law & Order kinda guy. For better or worse, CSI (original at least) really is a Bruckheimer type of project (I'm not at all into Bruckheimer, I probably like 1 film out of every 15 he produces).


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