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The Elder Scrolls V-Skyrim

Discussion in 'General' started by DurViener, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Anyone else as stoked as I am for this game? I was a huge fan of Oblivion, and this game looking to be even more amazing. Many hours will be spent in the land of Tamriel for me. Anyway, I'd figure to keep this open if anyone feels like sharing their adventures.

    Only 2 more days. [​IMG]
  2. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I had played the previous Elder Scrolls games and enjoyed them very much. Recently I realised I have never finished Oblivion. I'm several hours in and still enjoying it very much [​IMG]

    I will not be able to finish it before Skyrim drops, but I cannot fully enjoy Skyrim without finishing Oblivion first. That's my personal goal.

    Nevertheless... I am SOOO HYPED for Skyrim!
  3. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I'll be playing mine tomoz (getting it early although all legal) can't wait to play it. Heard loads or rumors about bonus races and other little things.

    When I do finally leave the house I think I'll look like a hermit :p
  4. Nuclear_Nikki

    Nuclear_Nikki Well-Known Member

    I wanna get this, been hearing good stuff about it. Did you get it from shopto.net? Because a mate got it off there and would be recieving it tomorrow as well.
  5. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    LOL. It's funny, I got Oblivion a few years back because it was so highly praised here. To say the least, it's one of the worst and boring pseudo-rpgs ever and there is no reason to believe that the latest outing will be any better.
  6. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    This is pretty much the reason I'm going nowhere near it.
  7. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Im hyped for it. I started playing The Elder Scrolls when Morrowind dropped, and I've been a fan of the series ever since. My girlfriend and I are going to the midnight launch and everything.

  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I've only played Oblivion. My biggest gripe would be how the playing field versus the AI is always balanced, so you can never be OP'd. I would love for areas to have their own diffculty levels. Backtracking somewhere and just raping face is too good in games of similar nature. Hell, mauling in GTA is fun.
  9. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    White Worm basically summed up how i also feel about Skyrim and you can bet your asses i will be at the midnight release at my local gamestop
  10. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    There's a bit of that in Skyrim I hear. But the really nice thing is you could adjust the difficulty slider at any time and just go to town. So maybe once you've hit a certain level (your choice) you could just go on a killing spree!

    But Morrowind had non-leveled enemies and I must say there are as many advantages as disadvantages. Comes down to taste.
  11. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Only the environment keeps around your level, and it's still possible for low level enemies to show up. Certain areas, as well as the dungeons, have set levels, so you can't just go anywhere and slaughter shit now. I've actually been hearing the game can be challenging at times which is nice to hear.
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    A lengthy explanation.


    And possibly the main reason why I'm getting it after hating Oblivion.
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    This was one of the things that was a popular fix via mods for the PC version.

    I didn't like vanilla Oblivion, but modded Oblivion is one of my favorite games ever. From what I've been told, some of the popular mod fixes are implemented into Skyrim, and for any other new gripes that don't seem that cool in practice, after playing the game, the community will be sure to develop a mod to improve upon it.

    The PC version of this game will keep on giving, for years to come.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It's a Bethesda game, you need to take advantage of all the various bugs/glitches to become OP! [​IMG]

    I'll echo what Sebo and Ash said and say i'm going nowhere near Skyrim, I played the hell out of Oblivion but I haven't one fond memory from it.
  15. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Most definitely not my prefered way of playing it, which might be why you guys didn't like Oblivion.

    It's not about becoming OP, unless that's what you created your character to become as per the role you designed. It's all about creating a character and maintaining that role and the rules you created for that character.

    This is why it is a roleplaying game. It's about playing within the self created confines of the character you've made.

    Already by design, Bethesda gives you many things that can make your character overpowered from the get go, and the games already have the TGM console command toggle godmode where it's impossible to die.

    You create your character, you create your challenges, you create your world. The game gives you the tools, so you make the most of it, or not.

    If you guys are approaching the game in the way in which you described, then yeah skip Skyrim because it's not going to be to your liking and a game like Dark Souls would probably be much better. The RPG approach is different.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I played oblivion pretty long, exploring the RPG aspect of things like thieves guild and assassins guild. The RPG aspect was what was interesting in the game, however, the actual combat was pretty boring.

    A finnish gaming site talked about "running backwards and shooting with bow"; although I personally used sword - ie. running back and forth and hacking with sword. The simplicity of combat was compounded by the static levels of the monsters. I eventually gave up on Oblivion cause half of the game (combat) was just too boring for me.

    Also third thing that annoyed me were the hideous faces of the NPCs. At least that should have been improved in Skyrim. I read a preview from Edge magazine and it was said that in Oblivion, the characters had only a single head as a 'base' and it was then pulled and twisted in various ways to produce the heads of the NPCs. For example the elves had hideous elongated faces because of this. Skyrim is said to have separate head bases for the different races at least.

    I am of two minds whether I should get Skyrim or not. I might get it bit later when the price comes down.

    ps. The finnish gaming site that I follow said that Skyrim is too similar to oblivion and long time Oblivion players can't really get excited about Skyrim cause it doesnt feel 'new' enough.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah, I tend to stay away from that stuff in RPG games too, just poking fun at the fact you can become overpowered easily in games like Oblivion and Fallout 3. Actually most RPG's always seem to feature bugs that allow you to do this (Dark Souls included), they never seem to get patched out either ...makes me think it's intentional.

    I agree with your earlier post about these games being much more fun on PC, I had way more fun with the PC version of Fallout 3 than I ever did on the 360 version. Probably would have been the same with Oblivion if I didn't already play the hell out of it on 360.

    I don't think Dark Souls can be really compared to Oblivion or Skyrim, I guess they're both RPG dungeon crawling games at their most basic level but they feel like totally different games. Dark Souls feels more close to a retro action game with RPG elements, where games like Oblivion are about the experience you have in the games world.

    Has there been any interesting trailers for Skyrim recently? I've not paid attention to or looked at anything since it got announced. So if someone could link some trailers i'd appreciate it.

    EDIT: Just read Manji's post and I totally forgot how horrible the combat was in Oblivion, have they improved on this at all?
  18. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    I just got it for the PC and messed around with it some with a bullshit character. Game seems more like Fallout now with it's leveling up and perks, but I don't mind cause I loved Fallout. The graphics are above average, not the best but not the worst, and the load times are super fast. 2-5 seconds in between areas, and I can go from desktop to game within like 10 seconds. Most games aren't that fast. I'm running it on the highest settings in SLI mode and I'm getting 40-60ps.

    From what I played it seems like I'll really enjoy the game. I actually didn't like Oblivion that much because of the scaling of enemies and those stupid boring Oblivion gates, but I think this game will improve on that. I just got to find the time to sit down and really sink my teeth into it. I'll tell you though, while I was running around the outside I saw 2 giants just roaming the country side, minding their own business. I ran up and attacked them and they beat the shit out of me. It was a pretty cool moment. I guess I'll have to come back to them once I level up and get my revenge.
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I was just sort of comparing Dark Souls to this game as far as appearance by its cover.

    There was a 40 min "trailer" on youtube where one of the devs talked about the features of the game, I think it's on Bethesda's youtube.

    The combat was never Oblivion's highlight, imo. Skyrim improved upon it, but it's not on the caliber of that of action games, and it really doesn't need to be. The PC version of Oblivion had dramatically improved upon the combat of the game with mods such as Deadly Reflex and Unnecessary Violence, Skyrim I assume will eventually have the same except better.

    The greatest thing about Skyrim is that everything is improved upon, while at the same time it seems as though they'll be much more for creative modders to add to the game.

    In one of my earlier posts, I had already said I didn't even like vanilla Oblivion. I couldn't even bare to play it for longer than 2 hours, and almost felt I wasted my money on it on Steam, until I found out about the community content. So if someone were to ask me to play it on xbox or whatever, I wouldn't. It was the content the community added on the PC, as a part of it later, that made it one of my favorite and memorable games ever.

    Oblivion had a 2006 starting point and the community managed to turn it into a 2009 sub 2010 game.

    Skyrim has a 2011 starting point with an improved engine to work with, so it's only going to get better.

    To anyone even thinking about getting the game on xbox or PS3, I'd suggest against it and get the PC version. Any gripe you have, will probably be a common one and the community will adjust it themselves even down to the UI. That's how Bethesda games work, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda themselves pride on that.

    These games aren't really hand holding games as far as bringing the full adventure and experience to you, your imagination does that. It's like these games just massage your imagination. Some players even have blogs for the toons they create, I guess that's an idea of the mindset that these games aren't like other RPGs such as the ones made in the East/Japan.
  20. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Ha. Try playing through with 0 kills and speech.

    What roles can you play?

    I think my old review sums up Oblivion quite nicely.

    Bethesda sucks at making games


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