The frontpage (tabs) needs fixing

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by KiwE, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Since I whined about it in the shoutbox, and I'm negative always and smell like curry, I would like to voice a big concern.

    The tabs on the top of the site now I feel are really confusing for a newcomer. VF5 guide leads to old information from ver C. You could argue that it says "VF5" and not "VFS" but that's not the point. Also, Taka and Jean are listed here anyways so that point is sort of mute.

    These tabs will be among the first things newcomers to the series will go into and should be a major source of information; right now they're confusing and have no real system behind them and lead to information that's not current. Someone new trying to learn about VF's system for instance will get old information and that's pretty serious. Ontop of that characters are so changed that basically all black book information etc is pretty much mute - these things should be moved into another place.

    So looking right now there's a VF guide post (with old information and taka and jean) a 'commands' post (leading to FS commands) then a combos post leading to Ver C and a glossary that still works.

    Remove these tabs or do something about it imo (except commands) and work to make the wiki changeable again Myke. Maybe combos could for instance lead to the main combopost thread in the character forums for the time being or something, as it stands right now these things really represent misinformation and it can't be expected that newcomers to the series / site have a good enough understanding of the situation to navigate without error between these problems. These things really should have been made in preparation for the game as it's been a year in the making. Kappa

  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for the feedback, but work is already in progress to address these issues, and more.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">These things really should have been made in preparation for the game as it's been a year in the making</div></div>It's always nice to hear people feel like they're entitled to something they're not paying for.
  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Yeah Myke. Cause I mean where on earth would we be if people cared about design and useability on webpages that they aren't paying to access? The very thought is mind-boggling. Anarchy and dinosaurs would rule the earth.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think you completely missed the point and you appear to suggest that I'm stubbornly resistant to any change or progress.

    I'm all open to suggestions for improvement, and I'm constantly looking for opportunities myself. But you appear offended that I haven't been working to prepare the site according to your expectations for the entire year leading up to FS.

    I have a full time job and a full time life, and any remaining time I have gets thinly spread across many competing interests. Since December last year I've been under an NDA with SEGA, helping them promote and develop resources for FS. In case you've been living under a rock, I've had to deal with some major server issues to accomodate for the FS release. Had I not done that, you wouldn't even have a site today where you could bitch about how nothing is getting done to your liking.

    As already mentioned, work is already underway to address the issues you raised. Just because you don't see it, don't assume it's not happening. I prioritise my effort where I think it's needed most. You may not necessarily agree with the priorities I've set, but to remind you once again, unless you're paying me for my time, then you have no stake in the matter.

    The best way to get your suggestion across is to submit it in a non-negative-curry-smelling way.

    Thanks for understanding.

    p.s. I love curry, btw.
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    No I get the point. You're doing this for free. Fine. Everybody is happy that this site exists and the work and money that's put into it. I would like to start by saying I don't think you understand what 'Kappa' means. It's a sarcastic smiley if you didn't know (in Australia it would be a kangaroo turned sideways) and it was at the end of the quote you tilted on.

    But what you were putting out there was some sort of vented frustration (probably cause you can't put as much time into it as you want and/or have backup enough in running it) on demands towards this site. And you sort of equated this, imo, with having a character flaw using wordings such as people thinking they're 'entitled' to something.

    There's no way in hell you yourself haven't complained about the design or speed or something similar visiting a site which you haven't payed for. Are you going to tell me that? Do you apply the same trail of thought to yourself then, when it's nothing personal, thinking you're a self entitled bitcher in hindsight?

    /Stay Classy!
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    You say you get the point, but then you say this:
    and this is specifically what I have issue with. The demands. Had they been suggestions, then this thread probably would have ended with the first sentence of my first reply:

    This made me smile.

    Yes. I will tell you that I've not complained about the design or speed of a website that I frequent which I also do not pay for. Perhaps it's because I know all too well the pains of running and administrating a not-for-profit website. Does the fact that I'm not being a hypocrite rock your world?

    /Something funny

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