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The Gackt video game...

Discussion in 'General' started by Zero-chan, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    Anyone who is even somewhat knowledgable of current Japanese pop culture certainly knows who Gackt is. I just have to look at this news and roooooooll my eyes...
  2. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    If you beat the game fast enough, will the main character's uniform disappear during the closing credits ala Metroid? Oh, no, look, it was a man all along!
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, KOD, you just made my day. XD
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, pop stars are one of those things you cant' UNknow. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  5. MK23

    MK23 Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KoD said:

    If you beat the game fast enough, will the main character's uniform disappear during the closing credits ala Metroid? Oh, no, look, it was a man all along!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hate to admit that I actually know this, but I think it's Mana that usually dresses up as a woman. But, man, you comment is hilarious /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    That whole thing started with Yoshiki...
  6. Hyde

    Hyde Member

    This game looks very much like DMC... I'll be getting it since I'm a Gackt fan! XD
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I think Gacked, and all other Japanese pop music is utter garbage, but this game is very well done. Afterall, it's REd. It can't be that bad.
  8. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    oh man shes hot i want this game
  9. Hyde

    Hyde Member

    lol yeah SHE is hot!
  10. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Insert Credit will be reviewing it soon I think. Anyway I hear its pretty cool. If you collect coins you can unlock cool special features. Also you can replay any level you like after you beat it.
    Works for me...

    The Official Site
  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I actually got this game out of boredom and gave it a go. I'll have to say it's surprisingly much much better than I thought it'd be.

    It's certainly not a very deep game and in small cases the game reminds you that it stars Gackt. The game is visually impressive and if you are a Gackt fan you would appreciate the game very much. The game has a pretty interesting battle system, let me just say it recreates flashy swordplay and acrobatics seen in hong kong wuxia movies very very well. If you like games like DMC, I would recommend this game purely for the gameplay.

    The Gackt thing..... he's way too pretentious if you ask me..... I personally like Hyde from laruku.
  12. Hyde

    Hyde Member

    Hyde rocks! His latest album 666 is great! anyway about Bujingai....

    I have heard lot's of good things about this game, gameplay is great and the graphics are great. It's too bad it will never see american shores.
  13. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    it looks great, but is it long enough to warrent a buy?
  14. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I am a big fan of Atsushi Sakurai myself - but that may be because Buck-Tick fucking rocks.

    The game hasn't been selling anywhere near expectations, even with Mr. Egomaniac's presence, though. It didn't even break the Top 20 in the sales rankings. OUCH. Maybe Japan just isn't interested in another DMC.
  15. Saurian

    Saurian Well-Known Member

    I've been on this game solid since I got it >_<

    It's amazing! The level of control you have over Lau along with the smooth simplicity of execution is what makes this game so much fun! It's just like playing the latest Hong Kong action movie, this type of insane swordplay SHOULDNT be so easy to deal, so fluid and so perfectly intuitive.

    Lau is THE heaviest character I have played as in ages! It hurts to say it but.....I'm sorry Dante.....goodbye.

    The combos are REALLY easy to do but the tactics are deep, you can lock onto enemies and start basic square button taps to go into his basic chain - but the wicked thing is you can switch lock-on to different enemies mid-combo without any kind of delay or animation cancel. When you start using this technique from floor to air and then homing into extra targets using his air dash (oh yeah, he can fly too!) it's all carnage!
    Triangle button cancels whatever square button attack he is doing into a double slash - it's a simple flowchart (square is cancelled anytime with triangle - triangle is then cancelled by either square (juggle launcher), triangle (senpu), circle (equipped magic) or X (No-Shadow Kick))

    After a combo into uppercut it turns Marvel VS Capcom! You hit jump after an uppercut to autojump to the correct height - from here you can do either a basic square button combo or you can go stupid with frame cancels. During an air juggle you can restart the square button combo infinitely and it's so damn easy to do! You just do the juggle as taptap *pause* taptap *pause - as long as you get the pause in the right place he'll keep slashing with no loss of height - When the enemy has taken enough of a beating chain into a special to finish - it's sick!

    Then there's the counter system! This game is like playing the action scenes of Storm Riders, Moon Warriors and Savior Of The Soul the swordplay is so sick I cant describe it! Just like in the HK movies characters dont give a damn where they are, floor, up a wall, in the air or whatever it doesnt matter as the swordplay continues to be seamless all the way. Neutral standing is autoguard - Lau will block any attack thrown at him by himself but his defence meter will decrease - while blocking you can counter with your own combo or roll sideways or even jump straight over the opponent to attack from behind. It's a simple system but the level of blocking and pure sick combos from the opponents makes this system alone enough to pwn Devil may Cry. The brer can even stop a torrent of water and counter it back - or block a huge energy beam only to send it back! This is by far the best action game I've played in ages, at the moment I prefer it to Devil May Cry.

    Movement too - is so damn beautiful, there is nothing Lau cant do, it's SO easy to judge the stage's platform sections, you can run along or up walls indefinetly - his gliding/flying is proper graceful and a joy to control. They've worked the controls out so well you never have to think once you know the system, and putting your movement skills into the fighting is so wicked!

    OMG Check this - He's got a special pose that counts as "just" defense! Easiest way to do it is to do the whole square button combo and on the last hit hold square down. If you batter someone so the uppercut takes his last energy hold square on the uppercut - the pose is TOO sick - mix it in with your fighting, how does he live with himself?!??! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    It's a good game. I think it's sad that the sales weren't there, but as everyone knows, high sales rarely signal a fantastic game. The DC had some of the best games ever, and almost all had awful sales numbers (even amongst DC owners). As such, I quit looking at sales charts years ago.

    The fact that it doesn't sell might be proof of a theory I recently had. The theory, as offensive to some as it may be, states that:
    "J-pop music is not original, and therefore despite what he charts say, has nothing more than mediocre sales. The stars and their glamorous lifestyles are supported by their studio as long as they can be sustained, and then their mercilessly thrown away... hence the 'flavor-of-the-year' turn-around on pop stars in Japan."
    Harsh, and probably not true, but worth a thought I think.

    As far as the game goes:
    As you can tell above, I don't think highly of Japanese (or any) Pop music. No joke - I'm a seller of all of them. I grew up playing classical piano, which skewed my musical tastes. I then moved onto other things. I just can't get into J-pop, and it's not from lack of exposure. Nonetheless, I'm having fun with Bujingai. It's not a very long game, but it is mindless fun. I recommend it.
  17. Hyde

    Hyde Member

    How is it compared to Dynasty Warriors? Gackt has stated that he is a huge fan of the series and I'm pretty sure Bujingai borrows a quite bit from Dynasty Warriors.
  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    personally, i dislike the dynaster warriors series...
    but i love final fight n still play it on the sp...haha ^___^

    I like this bujingai game....loads of fun.

    I showed the cover to a guy n said ' babe yah!'
    He said ' yeah man! she looks awesome'
    I showed him the back of the case n said ' LOOK NO BREA$T$'

    He was like ' my lord, is he the first gay hero????'

    Jokes aside, I actually find lau to be an extremely cool character.

    what shocked me most abt this game is...
    1 whole meg for saving...

    hella too hefty n almost unbelievable...never seen a game need a whole 1 meg to create a save file.

    Anyway Red, Bring on O.D! ^____^

    In other news, after an hr with bujingai..i went back to shinobi n tated hiroko again just for the sheer fun of it.

    Games like DMC, shinobi series, bujingai, GT, Silent hill series...VF etc etc etc...makes my ps2 quite an entertaining machine XD.

    Otherwise, I am a gamecube nut XD
  19. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Wow gackt gets cooler and cooler. This really isn't too much like Dynasty Warriors, which I do like. It has its own style.

    If you have modded PS2 get this game now!!

    I agree Lau's design is unique and after a while the red hair and androgynous design disapear and you have one cool character.
  20. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I've not played Dynasty Warriors. (Is that Sangoku Musou?) Either way -- haven't played it, so can't comment. Everyone's comparing it to Kunoichi, but even that's apples and oranges. It's good -- get it. It's even coming out in the states, but the Gack-spect is still in question.

    Personally, I think he's a bit of a tool, but I still stand by it as a good game. My wife likes for one reason only, b/c he states all the time he stays out of the sun. My wife wears long sleeves in the summer for fuck's sake.

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