The Jean Thread (WIP)

Discussion in 'Jean' started by Izuna_Shoryuken, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Izuna_Shoryuken

    Izuna_Shoryuken Well-Known Member

    General Jean thread.
    Collaborative. This is a place where if you find something, you say so and put it in here.
    I'd like someone to find gentlemantheif and get him to provide some information in this forum.

    Also, the IOS guide application. GET THAT INFO.

    General Flow
    Jean is a linear character with an excellent high/low/mid game. He may not have the most impressive mid range combos but makes up for it with the aforementioned poking game, which is more deceptive than it may look, and in turn it manipulates the opponent into certain reactions which can be punished. Because of this, opponents may not do anything vs. Jean's moves but block, and from here he can simply apply h/l/m/throw games and pressure to increase his momentum.

    Notable Players: Koedo, Golgo 13. Gentleman Thief (in the west).

    Pokin' with Jean
    I'm trying to understand poking in this game and I'm messing with Jean In training mode. Here's what I've found.

    Kneepuncher. Stops highs/throws, vulnerable to mids, pretty much what other characters have. Ex high.

    Like 2p but a low chop, so it has to be blocked low. Good for little bits of damage and countering high attacks/slowing momentum. Slower, so needs to be spaced out just a little more than 2p.

    General Vf stand jab. Beats high throws, fast. Generally DOES NOT hit from start position without a mini step forward first.

    String with a lot of followups if you charge it all the way on block or hit. On hit you get a combo starter with the last p. On guard it's better to cancel into k or just not go to the last p.

    Jean's elbow. Not as scary as Akira's, but good for beating low p.-4 on guard so it can be used to bait a reaction.

    Beats out mid elbows if they try to attack after the 6p. if you go for the full string, you get a full circular rh kick and a knockdown.

    66 P
    This move is so good. It's a fast straight punch that hits hard. A great mid range poke, and it also causes a stagger on hit.Certain moves have different properties during the stagger, such as 33 k cancel p, which launches.

    -4 on block and hits from start position.

    Jean's Other Elbow. At 21 f it's slower and best used at a bit more of a distance.

    Jeans kick, chargeable, linear and charge cancel-able. Wall-splats on hit near a wall and causes a large advantage if fully charged on block. Cannot be cancelled with g like a "normal" VF kick, however.

    This looks like Ryu's Donkey kick/ its Kyokushin basis. Good for knocking the opponent into next week/ the wall. Chargeable and charge cancel-able, frame adv when fully charged.

    3 k (have to check the input on this)
    A jean Mid kick. Linear, chargeable, and has a charge cancel into a circular punch to catch evades. On a fully charged hit you get a crumple state which can be combo'd off of with his restand 3KG into a followup.

    33 K, P
    HUP HOOWUGH. A kick into a charge cancel circular p. Good in combos. Not the safest poke but useable and again, good for baiting/catching sidesteps.

    1k (need to check the input)
    A quick low kick. Kind of like a "chip damage low" in Tekken, this is used to just get a wee bit of damage off while the opponent is blocking high.

    2 K+G
    A Jean Sweep. It's a true low and it hits quickly. KD on counter hit. Can be cancelled with G

    PK (need to check the input)
    A heavy double punch combo. Usable in combos and also cool by itself as a blow-off attack.

    4, 6 P+K
    Rollin' Rollin' Rollin. A Mid roll that causes a stagger. Has interesting effects on moves that hit during the stagger. For instance, 33 K P launches.

    4 k
    A move that looks like his knee launcher but is a lot faster/safer.

    4, 6 P+K+G and followup
    Jean is pretty linear, and eventually will begin to block your offense or at least commit to blocking for a few seconds. That's when you nail em with this. It looks cool and does a good chunk of damage.

    Blockable Variant
    4, 3 P+K+G
    This one hits mid but it can be blocked. It is a different string and must actually hit the opponent to connect. I suppose the designers put this in to introduce a nitaku between it and the actual unblockable, which hits high.

    2 PKG

    (Reposted from Chibitox)

    Punishment chart
    -12 PK
    -13 P+K
    -14 6PP
    -15 4KK + mixup canned P/throw
    -17 6K

    General Combo Material

    Launchers: Knee, 3 PKG
    Bounds: 2PK (need to check the input), 1PKG(need to check input.
    Restands: 3PK
    Wallslide: 33 PK near wall
    Wallsplat: 6 PK (need to check input).

    VF Matchups are purportedly more about the people behind the character than sf. Still, there are things you need to watch out for.

    Don't let him get going and try to make him worry about you more than you worry about him. Respect him but don't let him put you in a state of fear that locks you down and allows him to run his motions. Don't get too predictable either, work your strengths. Be. Solid.

    Homestay Vs. Koedo, VF5R v. B

    Ver. C

    Online Blaze
    This guy will abuse flying moves, cheap strings, and slams all day. Punish all of it and abuse him.

    The Online Brad
    He's gonna shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo you all day, so I suggest that you (as well as I/my self) learn what is punishable. Abuse lows to stop his bs and if you can and have a throw escape primed. Sidestepping should be your buddy here if the brad doesn't know how to punish it. Brad has mids that are pretty darn good so I suggest... not getting hit by those. Cancel the Brad show and make it the Jean show. Korewa ichiban da ze!

    Legit brad
    Plays safer but still wants to rush you down. Varies a bit more in style, pay attention to the opponent, as always. Do not let him get momentum.

    A kawaii animu girl in VF, possessing aerial strings, a demon-flip esque move, and cancels like in a 2d fighter. She's incredibly light and doesn't take hits very well as a result. The tradeoff for this though is RIDICULOUS combo ability. Bar none, she has some of the craziest combos in the game. However, her weight is so slight that she is actually the lightest character, so it will seem as if your hits actually do more damage to her than other characters. Keep the pressure on and do not let her get rolling. At the same time, if she does get rolling, don't mentally "guard crush" or defeat yourself because she got something big off on you.

    Koedo vs. Eileen (FS, SBO 2010)

    Gorgeous vs. Koedo (R Ver. C)

    Online Jacky
    The Online Ken of VF5. Ridiculously linear and spammy. Once you find one, you pretty much have found em all. Respect the wakeup flash kicks as apparently Jacky is now online Guile. They LOVE this move. Bait it, punish it. Don't get hit by it. Avoid shenanigans.

    Do not let his throws or his strings exert MARINER POWER over you.

    (Lil help needed)
    You probably won't find a ton of online KAge's, or at least I haven't, and this is probably due to Kage inherently not being easy or stringy enough to them, even with some shenanigans.

    Kagemaru is a tricky character and from my experience he's usually played by some very solid players.

    High/low/m/throw mixup and annoying voiceover ahoy. Watch out for his mid elbow as he can now start combos off of the followup. Keep him to his poking (if that) and don't let him get rolling. Jean is pretty big and this works to his advantage in this matchup as it means that lion won't get as big of combos on him away from a wall as he would on a character like Shun. He is, however, faster than you so don't try to outstring him as if you were the host of the BRAAAAAD SHOW.

    (lil help needed here!)

    Online Taka:
    He thinks Taka is Honda and likes to mash hundred hands-esque jabs and spam his foot drop. Taka is good enough of a character though where he CAN slap you all day. And he's so heavy that he can't really be combo'd much at all, even by the likes of Akira. Be more solid than he is and punish everything you can, take note of the shenanigans and practice punishing them in training.

    Spartan_Rambo likes this.

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