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The thread of a-cho

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by kamen, Feb 5, 2003.

  1. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    a-cho is the game center in Kyoto. Five videos were added. This movie is the situation of the store convention final of the national conference (TOUGEKI) of the 3 ON 3.
    MIKAN, YAOICHI, DAIGINGA team vs you, KUSAARASHI, D teams .
    A MIKAN is VF4 and it is the player with which attained only in the whole country and it attained HAOU in all characters.
    He is the Japanese champion (MII) and the same person of GGX.
    The team to which he belongs is KANSAI SANNOUKAI.
    Three persons, MIKAN, YAOICHI, DAIGINGA, have all three titles of CHISHOU in this video.

  2. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    MIKAN(KAGE) vs you(SARA).
    mikan( KAGE)vs KUSAARASHI (Jeffrey).
    mikan(KAGE) vs D (Jackie).
    YAOICHI (AKIRA) vs D (Jackie).
    DAIGINGA(wolf) vs D (Jackie).
  3. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    Explanation about TOUGEKI. TOUGEKI is the convention which carried out the standard to how depending on which magazine Arcadia heaps up a game center, and is the convention which hold the national conference of seven kinds of old and new fighting games all at once. There are some players who participate in the nationwide competition in two or more games in a player. VF EVO is performed by the 3 ON 3. In this convention, the same character cannot be used in one team. Therefore, OOSU is using SARA in the team (OOSU, homestay AKIRA, YOUROKAGE) which already opted for the participation in the nationwide competition.
    As a team which already opted for participation, they are CHIBITA, SEGARU, Tokyo MEGANE, team. ARASHI, TSUCHIKUMO, guerrilla, team. High gin, muscle, ANIAKI, a team. Otherwise, Napoleon's team and the team of TEPPEI have obtained the right of participation. 30 teams participates in all.

  4. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    A-cho updated their site with 3 new VF EVO clips:

    Grass Storm (Jeffry) vs. Kiya Town Akira (Lau)

    Kyofe (Aoi) vs. ZAP (Jeffry)

    Grass Storm (Jeffry) vs. Kyofe (Aoi)

    On a side note: This site also has some GGXX clips. I'm not at a level where I can recommend these clips, but I still enjoyed the action. So, for anyone who has an interest in GGXX (like me), they feature Potemkin, Eddie, and Bridget, among others.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    a-cho has added 5 more movies from ranbato (random battle?) dated 2003.2.16:

    acho_vf4ev_20030216d.wmv (kage vs jacky)
    acho_vf4ev_20030216e.wmv (shun vs jacky)
    acho_vf4ev_20030216f.wmv (shun vs akira)
    acho_vf4ev_20030216g.wmv (shun vs kyofe)
    acho_vf4ev_20030216h.wmv (kage vs aoi)
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    acho_vf4ev_20030216g.wmv (shun vs kyofe)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    (shun vs jacky) /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    I love the new Jacky punch at the :25 mark. That is demoralizing.
  7. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    HAKASE(KA) vs 73r(JA)
    MOCYO(SH) vs 73r(JA)
    MOCYO(SH) vs kyofe(AO)
    SAI VEGU(KA )vs kyofe(AO)
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Mmmmmm...shun rapage!
  9. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    very nice last round againt aoi by the shun player.
  10. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I agree. Mocyo kicked some major ass in those clips, especially against Aoi. 5th rounds against a good Shun can be a nightmare!! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  11. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    Five videos were added. 12th a-cho 3on3 Final
    HAKASE (kA) vsD (JA).
    MOCHO (SH) vsD (JA).
    SAIBEGU (kA) vsD (JA) .
    SAIBEGU vsYou (kA) (SA)

  12. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Four new clips were added at a-cho:

    Shun vs. Jacky
    Wolf vs. Kage
    Kage vs. Kage
    Kage vs. Lei-Fei
  13. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  14. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

  15. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    It is the movie of KUMITE of DAIHAOU (MINAMIAKIRA).

    MINAMIAKIRAvs73r (Jackie).
    The result of KUMITE is 73 wins and one loss.
  16. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  17. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    The 3rd person's Jackie is minami akira(CHISHOU).
  18. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  19. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  20. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    628F file Member
    TARU (VANESSA), SHINIGAMI Hunter (SARA), armadillo OTOUTO (Rion) vs YOU(SARA), takaranoPAI (pie), D (Jackie)

    628E file Member

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