The VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Llanfair, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Reversal levels and special hitstun notation have been added, courtesy of me ripping off Virtua Project (thanks).


    You're welcome. Where's my cat? :)

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Mr. Burn's says: "EXCELLENT!!!!~~~"
  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    <a target="_blank" href=>VF4 General FAQ and Movelist</a>

    Reversal levels and special hitstun notation have been added, courtesy of me ripping off Virtua Project (thanks). It needs work, but I'm happy with the additions so far. Also some of the reversal levels are going to be wayyyy off. I also need someone *coUghhMyKeEhaaghck* to tell me which stance moves exit respective stances.

    If anyone has any corrections/additions/suggestions, email me.
  4. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    excellent!!! I added link at Lion Vf4 site. Thx.! Now that's what i'm talking about.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    exiting stance

    Kage: stance section looks correct.

    Vanessa: stance section look correct.

    Jeffry: All of Jeffry's stance attacks will exit the stance. BTW, the official name of the stance is Threat Stance. Counter Stance doesn't make any sense to me since it has nothing to do with countering.

    Sarah: Looks correct but you're noting which moves stay in FL stance rather than which moves exit the stance. The only areas I'm unsure of are the FL throws, does she remain or exit the stance after the throw whiffs or connects? Sarah players please confirm. Quick correction, the note on [FL] df+P says to "continue with Px sequence". I think that should be df+Px.

    Can some of you other guys that play characters with stances go through the FAQ and tell Rich which stance-moves exit the stance?

    In general, pressing G will exit all stances except for Vanessa.

    I'll provide some more/other comments on the FAQ soon.
  6. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: exiting stance

    Jeffry: All of Jeffry's stance attacks will exit the stance. BTW, the official name of the stance is Threat Stance. Counter Stance doesn't make any sense to me since it has nothing to do with countering.

    I like the sound of "Threat Stance" better too. kbcat, would you be up for changing the name at virtuaproject? Jeff's whole theme is that he's mad/insane... just translate his attack names.

    Sarah: Looks correct but you're noting which moves stay in FL stance rather than which moves exit the stance. The only areas I'm unsure of are the FL throws, does she remain or exit the stance after the throw whiffs or connects?

    Sarah stays in flamingo stance when she whiffs throws and exits stance when they connect. The flamingo throws both have the same "wind-up" animation where Sarah moves forward a bit and extends the leg that's in the air. They work the same as her uf+P+G catch throw i.e. if the opponent is vulnerable to throws when the animation ends, they get thrown. But Sarah can be interrupted by an attack or an opposing throw during that animation.

    I'm willing to bet that the uf+P+G throw can be reversed in VF4.

    Sarah players please confirm. Quick correction, the note on [FL] df+P says to "continue with Px sequence". I think that should be df+Px.

    Yep, and the only "sequence" that I know of is the chop-kick combo that will leave Sarah in flamingo stance.

    I haven't proofed ver 0.71 yet, so I'll probably be back with more comments... =) Thanks for getting the text version back out in public Rich.
  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: exiting stance

    Sarah Bryant

    Outfit #1 tight Navy blue (not black) catsuit, no sleeves, high boots.

    Special Moves.

    PPP = Flash Piston Punch.

    PPb+P = Flash Piston Upper.

    PPu+P = Flash Piston Straight.

    PPPK = Flash Piston Punch-Rising Knee.

    PPb+PK = Flash Piston Upper-Kickflip.

    PPu+PK = Flash Piston Straight-Jump Kick.

    Roundhouse-Kick = Double Thrust Kick.

    Inside crescent = Hydro Sidekick.

    Tornado Crash = Double Rise Kick.

    Crash Tornado = *n+{K+G} 30{42} h{m}.

    Hopping Spin Kick = Step Round Kick.

    Overhead Kick = Spin Edge Kick.

    Hopping Crescent = Round Kick.

    Axe Kick = Side Hook Kick.

    Heel Seed (#2) = Spin Heel Sword.

    Evading Side Kick (#1,2) = Dodging Crescent.


    Backflip = Backflip Escape.

    Forward Dash = Step-in Menace.

    Flamingo High Kick = Right High Kick.

    Flamingo high kick-roundhouse = Right High Kick-Roundhouse.

    Flamingo high kick-roundhouse-side kick = Right High Kick-Roundhouse-Sidekick.

    Flamingo high kick-roundhouse-dragon cannon = Cannon Combo.

    High Kick-Roundhouse-Low Kick = Low Cut Combo.

    Hop Kick Throw-link, unescapable = Hand Hold Neck Cutting.

    Hop Kick Throw = Leg Hook.

    Spinning High Kick = Guard Crush Sword.

    Kickflip = u+K.

    Evading Crescent (#1,2) = Dodging Roundhouse.

    Heel Seed = Heel Sword.

    Heel Slash = Heel Sword Slash.


    Elbow Smash = Shell Break Elbow.

    Clothesline = Neck Breaker Drop.

    Jumping suplex = Fallen Angel.

    Triple Knee Bash = Lightning Knee Smash.

    Neckbreaker = Rolling Face Crash.

    Quadruple Knee Bash = Quadruple Knee Smash.

    Hop Kick Throw = Leg Hook.


    TT Hook Kick = TT Mule Kick.
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: exiting stance

    For Shun

    HS: flipover mule kick and rolling elbow smash exit stance

    ST: drinking and low kick exit stance I am not sure about flipover kick

    LD: all thrust kick variants and sweep exit stance

    DR: vertical chop and sweep exit stance on a side note tapping G exits the stance but leaves you back turned.
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: exiting stance

    Uh...I'm only gonna change a few (like..two or three) of the names to those suggested. The names in the guide are either common old names or descriptive terms - really, changing FL "forward dash" to "step in menace" is just absurd.
  10. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member


    Fair enough, but those are the correct names. Just make the changes to the Flamingo Kickflip and Crash Tornado at least.
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Amendments

    "correct names", by who? Is there some commitee appointed to naming VF moves that I should know about? Literal Japanese translations of moves, unless they've been around forever and most people know about them (like Akira's yoho), is just the worst way of naming moves - they make no fucking sense. They're arcane and not descriptive.
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Amendments

    I got the names from the Virtuaproject web site and the official VF4 web site. Make of that what you will.
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    New version <a target="_blank" href=>HERE</a>, until Myke can load it up on VFDC.

    Not too much new, just corrections, better notes regarding crumble/flop/slam moves, and some taunt translations. Also added LK reversal to Kage's b,b+K+G (FUCK THAT! AARGGHHHhhhhh).

    If someone has any notes about crumble, flop and slam moves that need to be added or corrected, please let me know. Lei and Van's movelist are in dire need of these notes. I think these notes are pretty important.

    Does anyone know if all flop moves also slam on float, by default? I get the sense that they do...
  14. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    Also added
    LK reversal to Kage's b,b+K+G (FUCK THAT! AARGGHHHhhhhh).

    I knew that was coming... /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Anyone else know of other turn away attacks that can be reversed?
    This is sick. Are they all? <shudder>

    Also, on the virtuaproject movelists I've noted all the attacks that can be g-canceled to give you a fake or pull back animation. Most know about high kicks, but Akira and Lau's low kicks can also be g-canceled along with Aoi's sweeps etc. I'm at a loss when it comes to Vanessa and Lei. Do either have a "standard" high kick or PK combo that can be g-canceled? What about a low kick? Is there any attack that the black book might have missed like the above low kicks?

    Heh, I've tried g-canceling Sarah's D,b+K but no luck... /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    Also added
    LK reversal to Kage's b,b+K+G (FUCK THAT! AARGGHHHhhhhh).

    I knew that was coming...

    Anyone else know of other turn away attacks that can be reversed?
    This is sick. Are they all? <shudder>

    Let's face it, if dude did a low reversal the moment you did a b,b+K+G with kage, he probably knew what he was doing :) ...

    Also, on the virtuaproject movelists I've noted all the attacks that can be g-canceled to give you a fake or pull back animation.

    Someone should try reversal jamming these. I know it's gone, but, well. It'd be neat if it reappeared.

    Heh, I've tried g-canceling Sarah's D,b+K but no luck...
    I think I saw a japanese player do something cute... D, b+K, immedite TT crouch (tap d/f?) into immediate D, b+K... repeat. Looks almost like a backwards shun puri.
  16. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    **Let's face it, if dude did a low reversal the moment you did a b,b+K+G with kage, he probably knew what he was doing :) ... **

    It's so reamable if it's blocked anyway. Akira would definitely be better off just blocking it and smearing Kage with a SrRm combo. Dunno about Aoi but she probably can do better than the low back throw.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    Reversals are rarely as rewarding at the alternatives, but they do 80 points to your psychological bar...
  18. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    Shang's Aoi was reversing all over my ass... I'm still in therapy, three years later. The cold sweaty nightmares... arg! VL's reversals have terrific animations. <font color=red>CreeD</font color=red>..have a <font color=white>Happy and Healthy New Year!</font color=white>
    Dominus Verbatum
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    heheh thanks.. you as well.
    Macho Burrito.
  20. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist..., they don't. Not for me, at least. Especially if it's a really counterable move getting reversed - I'm the one saying "thanks!"

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