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Third FS Offtopic: Fighters History...

Discussion in 'General' started by jinxhand, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Sega's been notorious for giving partial information. VF5 went from:

    -a ver. C is coming to console
    -the console is x360 but it won't have online support
    -it will have online support (but xbl aware only)
    -vf5 will have full online support (and it ended up being delayed)

    Honestly, I feel we're getting the same treatment now. They say they don't 'have' any plans in terms of a console release. Sega has done this for the saturn and dreamcast back when those consoles went by different names. They didn't mention anything about next gen consoles, so that might not be an option. So with that said, it might still be released for 360/ps3, but they're not saying much other than dropping those vids out. As far as marketing goes, they should just hire someone from the states and Europe who actually know how to attract customers from the US and EU. And steal Seth Killian from Capcom...

    Or if they were as open with the rest of the world as Capcom is, maybe people would be more interested in what Sega has to offer. It seems they're selective with what they want to keep secret, and they constantly drop subtle and enigmatic hints about their games.
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    This, or just get L_A to do it.
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Jinxhand, I think maybe Sega's so secretive about their games while in development because other 3D fighters tend to steal their ideas and literally rush their games out way faster than Sega ever could.
    I know a lot of video games steal from each other but I'm guessing Sega's tired of being beaten to the punch? [​IMG]
    Idk, just a thought.

    Capcom already went through the phase of having gameplay elements and moves stolen from them back in the days, during the Fighting game golden era. They even tried to sue because of it (lol). Now SF doesn't really have any real competition in the 2D fighting game genre. They can churn out whatever crap they like and still make bookoh bucks. Who's going to steal away SF fans?
    Nobody, those guys are hardfuckingcore, lol. They could care less how shitty the game is they will be there for another 20 years with characters that have the same moves they did 40 years ago. Capcom takes the KISS method (Keep it simple stupid) and runs it into the ground [​IMG]
    But I ain't hating, hell they making money [​IMG]
    (Just wish the series would move forward instead of backwards [​IMG] )

    Like I said: if it ain't broke, why fix it.
    As long as VF keeps making money in the arcades in Japan, that's where you will have to go if you want to play a new VF game.

    ^This. FTMFW [​IMG]
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I was gonna say that, but I didn't wanna look goofy if he ended up working for them already (even if he works for them in secret)...
  5. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Fighters History Dynamite was the truth!!!! Ok the first one was a straight rip-off, but once they got their act together, it became a pretty good game. Its still being played in tournaments today in Japan, and I think someone held a side-tourney in Evo a few years back... Granted, the game was busted sorta thanks to Matlock and that grappler chick, but the other characters weren't so bad. I'm a Zazzie and Lee player. I still play that game today (but I have a passion for fighting games - no homo).

    What Capcom needs to do is break out that Capcom All Stars game that was supposed to be real dope until they cancelled it.

    Yeah you are right, Sega gets their ideas stolen from... They were the first 3d fighter to have customizable items (VF4Evo had the best options, especially since it wasn't based on a 10 point system). It got stolen from Tekken and Soul Calibur. I'm surprised Capcom hasn't joined in and bust out with a customizable option for SSF4. That would sell rediculously. Imagine a Gundam Wing Zangief vs a HnK Fei Long. Fei would still lose because he's not the same as he was in ST, but it would still be a sight to see.

    On an even more side note: Would it be better for Sega to just start from scratch and make a whole new fighter for the rest of the world??? I mean VF is like their 'precious' and we only get sloppy seconds (except for VF2 and VF4 evo imo).
  6. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    It is coming just be patient.
    It will be announced after the arcade version is released.

    If the game tested in Japan before E3 then I would assume the announcement would have been made at E3

    If the aracde isn't out by TGS then there might not be an announcement at TGS either.

    If the orginal release date of March holds true then the competition between fighting games should get interesting.
    (MVC3 and the new MK release in that time frame)

    Don't jump to conclusions. SEGA replying to our petition is a GREAT sign and not a BAD sign
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I'm so itching to do like some community vids for VF. Too bad yall are so spread out.
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Hehe some of those faces / facial expressions are cringe inducing.
  9. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    That's the thing: yet another clump of great fighters are getting developed/released, and Sega hasn't done anything other than the sf spoof and some other vids. If there was at least one full gameplay match/lok test vid I'm pretty sure people here would be anticipating it even more, if at all...

    KOF XIII, MK9, MVC3, Tournament of Legends, and even Chaos Breaker (old jp fighter from Taito) is coming out... There can't be such a greater time as this to strike. And if they were to release it at the very last minute, will the bang be big enough to steal the thunder from the other releases???
  10. SicwiDiT

    SicwiDiT Active Member

    are u sure you playing the same game? ryoko and matlock was far from broken. matter of fact ryoko is one of the weakest chars in the game. zazie her worst matchup.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    All I know is Matlock had a full life combo that could be done with one move... That is broken enough for me, I think... I know they're not Karnov or Lee, but based on the matches I've seen and the matches I've played, there are ways to fight anybody even though patience one strat used for most characters. I mean Lee is considered higher than Karnov, but yet Karnov still gives Lee a problem, and Lee has to play a patient game sometimes. Marstorius is considered low by some, but yet most of the matches I see him in, he ends up crushing cats. The tier list is jacked up, and I kinda don't agree with it, so that's why I said what I said.
  12. SicwiDiT

    SicwiDiT Active Member

    again matlock is far from broken, you talking about something in a combo video that you will never see in a match cause of difficulty. the max reps you probably would see done is probably 3 reps in a match 'cause the game slows down each rep which messes up the charge time.also,its even tougher to set it up because you need to get it off from a meaty fireball. even harder off a normal. plus, it takes way too long to kill someone from it. you should jump on ggpo sometime.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I do know about how the game slows everything down and how it affects timing... I just know that the tier list doesn't really seem too relevant except for the low tier. I said earlier that Marstorius has been placed everywhere on that list. You're fighting for the 'Matlock ain't broken title', so I'll give that one up. I'm probably more interested in that ggpo joint so I'll be on... Matter o' fact, Ima get on that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure... Who on ggpo plays that???

    Anyway, in an attempt to bring the topic back on track, I do hope Sega puts more info out eventually... I do enjoy the vids, but is there anything that's gonna make it 'over the top'???
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Love it when VF5FS info turns into conversations about......Fighters History? Lol, maybe we should
    just hang it up folks!
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Those 2 are broken and you know it lol!!

    You heard the words Fighter's History and got mad enthusiastic. No wonder VF is a small community.

    Anywho did sega say loketest will be in early july sometime?
    Shit i waited 2 years watching R vids another 2 wont hurt.
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Lol @Fighters History derailing VF5FS talk.

    Ok, here's another way to tell just how much hype/interest/buzz about VF is out there: If you youtube ANY other fighting game and click on Search Options and then click on View Count, you will notice the vast difference in the number of views of any VF vids in comparison to any of the top fighting games out there.

    There are some SSF4 vids that have more views in a couple of months than the top watched VF5R vids have been able to rack up in over a year.

    The view count on T6 vids is through the roof. This is just another negative sign for Sega on the whole "should we or shouldn't we take the risk" situation.

    Well, I'm done spewing my pessimism, this is my last post on the subject. Trust me, I WANT to believe but my sense of logic won't let me... but I do know what it's like to have hope... I voted for Obama [​IMG]
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> “Virtua Fighter 5” results 1 - 20 of about 4,520 </div></div>

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> “Marvel vs Capcom 3” results 1 - 20 of about 5,480 </div></div>

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> “Mortal Kombat 9” results 1 - 20 of about 5,720 </div></div>

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> “Tekken 6” results 1 - 20 of about 103,000 </div></div>

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> “Street Fighter 4” results 1 - 20 of about 493,000 </div></div>

    Nice one, Tony. Now I feel sad.
  18. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Just cause I got hype over another fighter (albeit anot so popular one) doesn't mean I've abandoned the community. I'm apart of vf no matter what but that doesn't mean that's the only thing I play. If that comment wasn't for me then my bad. Guess my comments are like Shaq's freethrow percentage, eh?

    Speaking of percentages, those numbers aren't looking so hot. I do hope that ultimately things like that doesn't affect how well (or not so well) it performs... I mean new people are still picking the game up so there's still life left in that sense.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I really do think the disparity in views is because the rest of the world is totally shut out from the new VFs. People in the rest of the world play SF4 and Tekken 6 cause it's actually available to them. Why would the vast majority of gamers watch videos of a game they'll never even get to play???

    Just shutting everyone else in the entire world, outside of Japan, from playing VF5R, like SEGA has been, is just suicidal for the game. It's almost like SEGA is purposely making one their own flagship series fail, whether it's by ill-advised choice or plain ineptitude.

    No one has done more damage to SEGA and VF than SEGA. It's so blatantly plain to see there's a huge market out there for these other fighting games and potentially a lot money to be made from releasing console versions of the latest VFs, but they just won't wake up and do it.

    SEGA can't base the potential future sales off of the previous VF5 console releases, it was released before SFIV came out and REALLY brought the fighting game players out of the woodwork. So whatever numbers they're working with from the previous console releases have totally changed. People are even more hungry for fighting games now than they've been in 15-20 years. SEGA seems happy to sit on the fence and miss out.

    Capcom has been very successful recently and they literally weren't sure they were going to make an arcade version of SUPER at all. So the most successful fighting game developer has the exact opposite view of the market than SEGA does. Why does that make me think SEGA is just plain wrong, flat out. Instead of watching their competitors successes and following suit, they want to keep doing the same old thing that has them on the ropes now. SEGA needs a new CEO, or someone that has decision making power over which games are made, that can recognize what is so brutally plain to see; console is where the money is at now, not the other way around.

    SEGA continually making arcade-only VF games, when their far, far more successful competition is thinking about console only releases, is a HUGE mistake. It doesn't make sense how they can't see that, it's so clear.

    SEGA must be dumb.

    I would bet anything that releasing a console version of VF5R would have made them two or three (or more) times as much money as Sonic Racing All Stars did. They make mistake after mistake and don't learn anything.
  20. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    I like this post ^

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