This is one Frustrating Fighter!

Discussion in 'General' started by Air Louis 116, May 3, 2013.

  1. Air Louis 116

    Air Louis 116 Member

    Air Louis 116
    It`s like the developers did everything in there power to make sure this game could not be played by anyone other that hardest of die hard fans. This should have been called Frames Fighter since landing some moves won`t connect aspecially when you visibly see your move land and the tries to correct for the situation. I know the better fighters of this game don`t run into this problem alot, but I encounter problem way too much!...............I'm sorry for the venting!
  2. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    Hi Louis, welcome to the community. I don't post much, but my spidy sense tells me that many around here can confund this thread with a "scrub venting" and don't reply at all. So I'll add my 2 cents.
    For now I'll just recommend you to try "re-approach" the game just like any other fighter, just like I did. I discovered VF by accident, never heard about it before, so I couldn't really over look or over romanticize it, I took a free approach. I only learned about all these tech talk of frames and stuff after being a little hooked by it. When a fan look at the VF wiki and learn even more about the deep system, he's amazed, but when a newcomer look at it, he's scared.

    Be free
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You just started playing..... Understand the system first... Its not that hard.
    nou and soke like this.
  4. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Dont worry man, you have to be patient. everyone here started from 0 and still we keep going to!! Just keep playing and try to understand the system,and then you will not have problem.
    soke likes this.
  5. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

  6. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    Gato Negro Jr
    don't worry bro, keep training, look all the characters, choose your main, try to create room matches and feel free to ask, everyone here will be glad to help you be a strong player, welcome to the forum
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    It's not as difficult as it may seem at first. Keep fighting, hit the dojo and look at frames. Ask as many questions as possible as the large majority of folks on this site are more than happy to help out.

    Above all just have fun, if you aren't enjoying it, there's no point in playing...
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  8. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    VF is philosophically different than other fighters. While frames do exist in other fighters (and SF4 is frame-heavy), VF requires it a bit more due to its relative lack of "invincibility". Also, you can't really be safe like you can in 2D fighters.

    You have to accept those things in order to enjoy the game, but once you do, it's a really enjoyable game- there's a reason I think of the folks who tried this game, VF has the highest percentage of folks sticking with it of all the non-mainstream games.
  9. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    I'm just as new to Virtua Fighter as you are. After about a week of fiddling with the game, I came to realize it's not as hard as most people make it out to be. Try to think of it like this; The game is only 3 buttons. Just take your time with the game and learn the system. Replay its extensive tutorial a few times until you're comfortable with it. Experiment with the cast so you can find a character that's right for YOU. You'll get the hang of it in no time with practice. No sweat :cool:
  10. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Choosing a character is important, play around with many at first , but once you find someone that you like, stick to them. In VF learning a secondary character is a big deal. Learning ANY character is a big deal. Most GREAT players have a single main character that they are significantly better with than any other character. And while defense and the fundamentals reamin the same, having the full move set of a character at your immediate disposal takes time, but is well worth it.

    Also try to find a VFmentor, and if someone beats you over and over , try asking them if they know what you should do to stop them (in the future of course ;) )

    Welcome to the only video game that can be considered a martial art.
    Jay David likes this.
  11. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    ^^^This. Only thing I have to add to this is to find a rival(s) close to your skill level. For one so you can have some competitive enjoyable matches and you're not spend ALL of your time just practicing and getting mentored. And two so you have someone to talk with and discover things with at your level. There are many individual levels of perception and understanding of the game. Take your time and enjoy the ride, you'll have a lot of fun and make some great friends along the way.
    Neonomide likes this.
  12. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    He is lucky he started at FS and not any of the previous games. You don't know hard till you play anything before FS. Just give it like a week or so and you will be fine.
  13. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    That last line is so true. This game is a martial art. lf you dont play online at least every other day, veteran players will destroy you. When you get to a high level, keep playing, otherwise you'll get rusty quickly. Thats how deep VF is
  14. Air Louis 116

    Air Louis 116 Member

    Air Louis 116
    Thanks everyone for making me feel welcomed. I've got about 1900 games under my belt and still can't master my favorite character ( Sarah Bryant by the way......... which is another issue i have, but not on this tread) but i will keep trying!!!!!!...........
    BlueLink and Jay David like this.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    What do you mean by "Master"? I've played waaaaaay more than 1900 matches and an i don't feel close to mastering any of the characters i use. There is always more to learn and ways to improve. As long as you play, practice and pay attention you'll get better. It'll just get take some time.
    ToyDingo, Sozos and BlackGeneral like this.
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    OP, it would bring you far greater benefit creating threads detailing the areas you are struggling and seeking advice than creating a superfluous thread complaining about the complexities of the Virtua Fighter system.
    R_Panda likes this.
  17. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    He has been playing just Sarah over Live pretty much since it came out. Some people thought he was a troll, because he mostly just backs off, and does sweeps and the infamous Bryant flipkick, but he does have the outfits and a reasonably stable line...
    I personally think Sarah is hard to use and take matches with on this, and not so much easier mode like some of the mostly male chars who get huge damage of fairly simple hits ;)
    I've read on here she is a punishment character, but don't think I've ever seen Louis do the 6KK ender out of quick Flamingo, like many stronger Sarahs will do after even a small float.
    So reading up on that key stance here, and practising the motions on your controller might be of some use, and then watching any YouTube clips you find of her in action.
    Not really much a Sarah player myself, but down-towards punch punch seems quite fast and useful, and can occasionally be used to set up the half-circle forward throw, that looks cool and does good damage. Throwing out the big air flipkick too much will obviously just get you combo'd on the way down.

    I do not see her that widely used over Live, but the following players are still active and seem quite experienced with her, so try to face them and copy anything you can!
    Blackstar and Jacko, both in America I think, and then Blossy over here in Europe (you will have to look through the Xbox GGs and tags threads for the exact console usenames). Also, a new account last night did a 75% health-in-one-go wall combo on me using her, tag was something like newdarkking with some numbers on the end :eek: Super deadly SB player, just on like Dan right now, but will probably hit like Assassin in a under a week, proving it can be done once you truly know the game and the char inside out.
  18. Air Louis 116

    Air Louis 116 Member

    Air Louis 116
    Thanks! I'm still trying to getting use to the virtua fighter terminalogy (6KK....?) but i'll learn it soon enough.
  19. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    here in VFDC, directions can be represented by numbers

    for example, 6KK:
    forward == 6
    and of course, [K] == Kick

    If you look on the number pad on the right of your keyboard, the directions correspond to the numbers on the number pad, so:

    down-back == 1, down == 2, down-forward == 3, back == 4, forward == 6, etc etc

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