Tons of videos on Ruliweb

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Reno, Jan 29, 2002.

  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Check the links yo!
    (Dural fight... she's transparent?! the hell?!)
    (I assume these are match videos... server is down so I haven't seen them yet)

    Ruliweb also has a ton of shots from the PS2 version on their site if you check out their front page. For those who don't have a Korean font (or just can't read Korean period /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif), just look for news articles that have a PS2 and the number 4 in them /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    the movies are indeed matches and, brother, they are bad. best 2 out of 3 and only sort of skilled players. brr. If you are on a modem I would suggest not downloading unless you are very interested in seeing how the PS2 matches up with the arcade.

  3. Rary

    Rary Member

    Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Those big .mpegs show how horrible the aliasing is. Yeah yeah, I know it's all about the gameplay, but after seeing the arcade version I don't think I can look at this without crying.

    And yes, whoever is playing sucks terribly.
  4. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Are they mirrored anywhere?
    I can't seem to get them to download..
  5. FILTH

    FILTH Member

    Copy the link into the Open URL option in Windows media player and just wait. It's very very slow, but it will load eventually.

    And while there are Jaggies all over the place, just watching the game in motion on a home system, any home system, sends chills up my spine. And yeah, it is all about the gameplay. Fighters Megamix was horrible looking compared to Virtua Fighter 2 on saturn, but because Akira played like VF3 Akira, it didnt really matter. I only wish there were a way to play Japanese PS2 games on the American system without using a Mod Chip.

    Now we have to wait until March 3rd for our turn at yet another VF masterpiece. Maybe sega can sort the jaggy issue out by then. I guess I'll still be regulated to blowing all my money in China Town Fair whenever I'm in a VF4 kinda mood. Sadly, that seems to be all the time.
  6. Rary

    Rary Member

    "Maybe sega can sort the jaggy issue out by then."

    I hope so, but I the impression I got from Mr. Suzuki's interview was that he's had plenty of time to add new modes and all that, and that the game was done (graphically) in 2001. After all, anti-aliasing takes memory, and VF4 probably takes advantage of most if not all of the PS2's power as it is.

    Of course, I'd buy it even if it looked like VF2. The simple fact that I'll be able to play VF4 whenever I want makes me giggle with glee.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah, their only point was definitely to show the quality of the PS2 port, hence the extra large screensize.

    The quality made me a bit sad.
    If anyone wants to be clever, you can download movies 1-6 also even though only 7-whatever are directly linked.
    1-6 have stuff showing like menu uptions, title screen, load time, etc.
  8. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    i dunno, guys....
    There is a lot of compression on those clips. I think its a bit difficult to tell what the quality is from them....
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    lol, 30-35 megs is "a lot of compression" for 95 second movie?

    dude, the quality on these is as good as movies get. The jaggies aren't 'compression artifacts'. Although to be fair, I see some jaggedness where I'm sure on a real monitor it wouldn't be visible - e.g. the rounded upper and lower halves of the timer.

    Anyway, is it a compression artifact when every single one of lei-fei's tiles and the two ends of akira's headband look like the floor of donkey kong junior?
    I used to think "man, people are such whiners".. but now it's clear that several levels of resolution had to be dropped to make this a playable 60 fps game on PS2.

    GAH! myke, can we make VFDC so that it allows ftp image sources?
    anyway people, [shift-]click <a target="_blank" href=></a> to see what I meant. Cap from the movie.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    GAH! myke, can we make VFDC so that it allows ftp image sources?


    Ask, and you shall receive.

    The image tag now works with ftp URIs.

    If images are really slow to load, then blame CreeD :p

  11. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    lol, 30-35 megs is "a lot of compression" for 95 second movie?

    dude, the quality on these is as good as movies get. The jaggies aren't 'compression artifacts'. Although to be fair, I see some jaggedness where I'm sure on a real monitor it wouldn't be visible - e.g. the rounded upper and lower halves of the timer.


    I work with digital video all the time, and you better believe these movies arent "as good as it gets." look at the dissolve in the beginning (first frame). All "jpeg'd" out, if you know what i mean. There is definately a lot of compression going on here. As for the file size, it *is* quite large as far as pixel dimensions, and I dont think they used the best codec for internet download....

    Speaking of which, the aspect ratio is really strange. like 575 x 433 ?? that means the whole video has been RESAMPLED to this odd size (why not just use 640 x 480??). THAt could account for some exxagerated jaggynes, especially in the textures, etc.

    Anyway, we are definitely seeing some Ps2 jaggies here, no doubt about that. All I am saying, is that its hard to judge how much of an overall effect/how bad it really is....
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    These mpegs are a real chore to download. If someone has seen all of them could they please tell me if any of the clips depicts Sarah's stage and mention which one.
  13. chingdude

    chingdude Well-Known Member

    vf412.mpeg features lau vs pai on sarah's stage.
  14. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Cheers, I really want to see what's changed but most of all I'm dying to hear the music!
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I dunno, that weird nonstandard size is there so that we get something downloadable, which 640 x 480 would not.

    I work in digital video too, but probably nothing like you do. I know that uncompressed avi source straight from the source is like seeing a nice, sharp DVD. What I meant was that it was as good as it gets for internet video you can download in a lifetime. Granted that this was the wrong codec... you can get better compression wmv or get rid of those artifacts if you encode a 30 meg avi.
    I dunno why they pigged older mpg.

    Anyway, I may be nitpicking a little hard, since I posted I've seen a few people say it looks fine. I have to remember that being shown on a TV screen provides some natural antialiasing. The crappier the screen the better /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  16. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    agreed! thoose files are way to big, when you see the matches.

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