Top 10 Favorite moves with Sarah.

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by tyquaius, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. tyquaius

    tyquaius Well-Known Member

    No particular order at all just list your Top 10 and reasons why

    1. 33k - Good whiff punisher for a nice launcher.
    2. pp2k (pp2kk) - nice low/mid mixup at the end. mid forces crouch on block but doesnt give advantage.
    3. FL 4p+k+g - do i really need to explain?
    4. STEP p+k - for somereason it works for me a bit.
    5. 6pp (6pk) - nice poke with 6p, follow through on CH with the k.
    6. kp - CH the K still launches and still gives you 6pk and more.
    7. 9k+g (series) - the ppk ender in particular is nice. staggers on CH.
    8. 9p+g - a throw that dashes in. hmmm. yeah nice.
    9. p+g (?) - the starter for the throw looks like a normal kick.
    10. 4pk(k)4k - forces crouch on block, knocks down on hit, and still fast.

    Honorable mentions:
    6p+k (series) - nice mix ups.
    FL p - normal punch, too damn fast
    FL k (series) - yup. special high rocks.
    p+k - nice sabaki
    4k - adv on block is nice
    4p+k - same as above.
  2. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

  3. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    I would replace 6K+GK with 6P. staple move.
    Oh and add 4G+K (G)
  4. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Except this is a list about your favorite moves not what is most important.

    If I were to make a list using your criteria it would start with P and 2P before anything else.

    6P is only stable because it's her only elbow, and kind of crappy compared to other characters elbows, it's saving grace is it's enders K for stagger/MC, P for safe interrupt/half circular, and 4K for flamingo entry. 6P by itself is not that special.

    4K+G is good, I use it but it's not my favorite move.

    I like 6K+GK cause it is stupidly easy to hit confirm on any hit (no joke, just play around with it). The first hit is not only safe but you can really screw with people who try to interrupt afterwards cause the ending kick has the weirdest evasive properties ever, I've had the first kick evaded and used the last to run off axis to avoid the retaliation. Plus it has a sneaky long range hitbox.
  5. tyquaius

    tyquaius Well-Known Member

    my list is kinda the same for both most important moves and favorite moves.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Um why exactly do you consider it crappy? As in, its not really fair to consider it separate from the enders.. I reckon the frame stats are slightly weak on hit just like other characters who have continuation options with their elbows. Its only 1 frame weaker on block than Jacky's elbow as is. I'd just hit check it to go for f+P,b+K always myself.

    Hmm my list, hmm.

    for pure utility. I use it more often than I should. Its just too simple to enter flamingo after elbowstagger.

    best flamingostarter all things considered

    (FL) K
    The foundation of her flamingogame is still on the list, with mixup options to continue pressure

    (FL) K+G, u/d
    Her new 16f fullcircular antidote against anti-flamingo moves and evades with very cool, delayable evade at the end. Option to exit flamingo if you want to as well.

    (FL) P
    Tied with Vanessas (DS) d/f+P for fastest move in the game with string options. Whats there not to like. (And this has more range than vanessas)

    move to jump over low attacks and cancel string into flamingo if so choose. Great tool against low punchers.

    swapping u+K+G for this because: if this hits on any hit(second hit guaranteed on any hit) opponent is essentially fucked, even if most people dont realize it. Sarah is in flamingo with +6 on normal hit (+8 on counter - one frame short of combo P hehe). This means only 10f girls can interrupt (FL) d/f+K OR (FL) d+K~P+G after normal hit and only with high punch. And against those you can do like (FL) P or (FL) K or just (FL) d/f+P,K again to do it this time with counterhit xD. If d/f+P,K hits on counter its time to go to town whoever you are against. They cant even duck your throws in that situation, and on normal hit d/f+P,K they need to use crouchdash which again means automatic hit with (FL) P+followup. Incorporating this move to your game will unlock pressuregame like no other. Need however to be mindful of the fact that both hits hit high. Imo a great move to use after evading.

    Still useful tool despite weakened stats.

    b+K+G (~G) Pure range and useful way to enter flamingo without connecting to your opponent.

    Last spot is hard. Hmm too many 'proper' options so..
    (FL) u,b,d,f+P+G. Nailing this throw is just too cool, hehe.

    PS. When I say 'new' it means I have never played FT. Im not sure which of these moves inherit from there.

    Actually there are too many good moves to fit into 10 spots. I left dragon cannon off the list on purpose though.
  7. tyquaius

    tyquaius Well-Known Member

    i especially like FL k+g2_8 because its fast, sidesteps people who wait to 2p out of FL k abusers.

    sweet list.

    you cant mess with the 61p+g throw.
  8. M_Santaka

    M_Santaka Member

    Hai, been playing VF since 1, went really into it on 4 and had an affair with Sarah. Loving it even more in 5 though still trying to get to know her better.

    My fav moves:

    2K+G evades highs and crumples on CH. Fav move when Crouch Dashing/back dashing people.

    PK +4 on hit. Nice punisher that opens up to loads of stuff. Like...

    KP MCed and oh, love it.

    8K+G Love to spam this against 2P hos. Half circular as well.

    4K+G Didn't use it much on 4. Begins to like it more since you can cancel it to FL.

    6PP Spamming galore.

    4K +4 on guard. +4 that ruled them all.

    FL,P 9 Frame hahaha.

    FL,K The reason why 4K's +4 ruled

    PPK or PPKK It can be overbearing for most people when under pressure.

    That's my Fav 10.
  9. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Manjimaru; the difference frame wise isn't much but Jacky's elbow has a little more range. In fact for most moves that Jacky and Sarah have similar the difference is Jacky's has more range.

    Not saying it's absolutely horrible just it's not very special for me to really love it like say Kage, Jacky, Akira.
  10. tyquaius

    tyquaius Well-Known Member

    Unsafe_dan makes a good point. Her 6p elbow isn't really good compared to kage, jacky, and akira. However, relative to the rest of her movelist, 6p in my opinion is a decent poke and a pretty good hit check.
  11. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I don't see what's wrong with her elbow. Having an elbow with an easily hitchecked knockdown followup is a freakin' luxury.
  12. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I might as well take shot at this both to pass some time and to finally make my first post.
    I'm also putting in some reasons why I like the moves. I'm not including stuff like P, d+P or OM P since they are quite self-explanatory.

    In no particular order:

    - d+P+K, K
    All things considered this is freaking awesome move. Hit-confirming it means you have a launcher which is only -12 on block and always floats the same.
    Although I don't really go for it the follow-up kick is a threat you can use if your opponent punishes after blocking the first hit.
    The second kick lacks some range though and may miss from distance even if first hits.

    - f+P
    Basic elbow and like Jeneric pointed out offers a very guaranteed knockdown on MC and crouchstagger. After f+P,K I use b+K+G~G if I want FLA from elbow and I rarely go for f+P,b+K unless punishing something -14.
    f+P,P is good for poking and normal hits. Although it's bad business there is also the possibility of using f+P,K with delay to get MC combo (too high risk by far, though).

    - f+P+K,P,K
    Now that the last hit KD's, I'm loving it. Use like Jacky df+P,P,P exept one frame faster. On normal hit can go to FLA or just stop at second hit. Nice after evades.
    If you can predict opponent low punching after first hit on block you can try doing the new f+P+K,df+P,K to beat that and get a KD. I never see this in matches and I really wonder why...

    - b+K+G
    A safe, long range combo starter at 20 frames. Decent after backdashes, can be used in oki and at range (or oki of course) can be used to accest FLA straight off and go in rocking.

    - FLA d+K+G
    Flamingo sweep. A bit slowish, but avoids highs all the way and even some mids sometimes, is full-circular so no evading, only -11 on block and as far I remember a jab whiffs over it. Good oki if opponent techs.
    With FLA u / d +P+K evasion moved to situations with Sarah in disadvantage you are practically safe from any retaliation with that, canceling it with G to continue pressure or even get sidecrubles and remember b+P+K+G.
    What out for low throws, catch throws and full-circulars after though and obviously, though good, use it kinda rarely. More of a personal favorite than top 10, I guess.

    - P+G
    Sarah's neatral throw is mean this time around. b+P+K or OM P for backstagger setups on siderollers, confirmed HDA on sleepers and good time and positioning to set up nice oki for straight techers (most probable). Just to kick it higher it sobers Shun for 1 point.

    - FLA df+K
    Staggers crouchers, crumbles staggered opponents, crumbles on MC, causes sidecrumbles and the same rules of safety that go for the sweep go for this one. Really battered up from Evo and it's faster than FLA b+K (though that avoids lows, has better range and I think it can beat throws too..) Anyway, definitely top 10 caliber now. You need to know your frames not to get interrupted though, since it comes out in 17 frames.

    Actually I'll just stop here. I wrote the rest but ended up deleting it since every move always tempted me to write another just for mix-ups sake and that would have ended up as some kind of complete move analysis.
    Good for readers too, if anyone bother reading this. It would have been way too long even at 10 moves /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


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