Top 10 Moves?

Discussion in 'Goh' started by SygBoss, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. SygBoss

    SygBoss New Member

    I'm pretty new to VF, and i've taken a shine to Goh but i'm having a little trouble working out which moves I should be using. When learning other games in the past I found a top 10 moves list from more experienced players very helpful in working out out what I "should be doing" with a character.

    I don't have a full list yet, so i'll update it as I get better, but after going through his movelist and playing a 100 games or so, here are what i've found most useful.

    1. P - obvious, jab, fast(est?) move, + frames
    2. d+P
    3. f+P - fastest mid(?)
    4. d+K - fastest low(?)

    I wanted to put some combo starters on there but.. I'm honestly not finding any of them useful. They're too slow and seem to get interrupted or punished. I definitely need some help here.

    KNUCKLESx1O Member

    The Command List has Tsukami's input as <> P+K,P,P+G,"etc."
    I was wondering what the etc. was and was wondering if there was a way to go right into.

    Also I know this is common knowledge for most of you but what is the numbering for directional/joystick inputs?
  3. nstalkie

    nstalkie Member

    It's just that more moves lead into Tsukami. So basically any move that leaves you with holding the opponent = Tsukami.

    It's called numberpad notation so, look at your number pad on your PC for a quick reference:

    7 8 9
    4 5 6
    1 2 3

    6_ btw means to hold a direction instead of tapping it.

    KNUCKLESx1O Member

    Right, I understand that but I was wondering what exactly were the other command inputs for Tsukamki because I do <> P+K,P,P+G everytime I want to use it and I was wondering if their were other inputs for it or a direct input to go into the grab.

    Thank you for the number pad notation though it seems I forget it every time I look for help on a relevant fighting game forum I didn't know that it was that simple, I have a Mac Book so I'll use that as my excuse.
  5. nstalkie

    nstalkie Member

    Well, I'm new to Virtua Fighter, so I don't know the moves all out of my head. You'll just have to use the command training to find them, but they basically all end in P+G. I'm not at my PS3 right now, so I can't help you further.
  6. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    You can go semi-directly into the Tsukami Grab by entering [4][P]+[K]+[G][P]+[G].

    KNUCKLESx1O Member

    Ok cool. I like using [4][6][P]+[G],[P],[P]+[G] but I feel I over use it so now I can switch it up to go into Tsukami, thanks.
  8. eiyujpn

    eiyujpn Active Member

    in any order my top ten moves

    1.3PP goh's best new addition imo, double mid and 2nd hit is half circular, used in a lot of juggles. Can stop at 1 hit and go for throw afterwards if they expect 2nd hit
    2.3KP double mid, good range and good properties on hit/counter hit but second hit -10 on guard is its drawback.
    3.2_3P+K shoulder ram, still a decent move giving stagger on hit leading to good follow ups but range feels nerfed from vanilla.
    4.6K decent start up mid used to fish for those counter hits > crumple > damaging combos
    5.3P+K about same start up as other mids but gives crumple on any hit, easy combo afterwards
    6.46P+KP~P+G tsukami surprisingly catches many people, mix it up with 6P mid
    7.6P+K decent start up and pushes the opponent far! Good to push the opponent to ring out or to wall > stagger combo
    8.PK fast punisher if you need one can go into back turn for mix ups afterwards
    9.6P fast mid , but no good follow ups, mostly just gives a throw opportunity afterwards
    10.4P+K launcher, slow start up but good for sidestep whiff punish to combo.

    honorable mentions:

    K is still a great poke but doesn't seem like the great mid it used to be, though I only liberally go for it against a side turned opponent because of the awesome CH combos from it.
  9. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    VF and top ten move lists are, in my eyes, a silly concept... so unless someone is going to, I think I just might have to make a 101 thread for all characters.

    While this move still has some life left, if the opponent block [3][P], they can [2][P] or just duck and punish the second hit. Combos on normal hit though. Also, if a wall is facing towards your stomach, potential of a wall splat > [9][P]+[K] combo. Also, [3][P] has an excellent hit box, and can hit really low animating techniques.
    I`m going to go out and say this move is bleh outside of [6][K] combos. Sure you can just poke with [3][K], but meh.
    Nah, it`s still good. Still can go through some mids, based on stance, distance, input speed/frames. Good for getting off the ground damage (after a wall lick, failure to tech, etc.)
    This is an amazing mid. Crazy combos, off of a safe from guaranteed punishment mid.
    It`s okay. Beware of the -13 on block (offline).

    [4][6][P]+[K][P][P] isn`t too bad either. It`s a good string, very useful in combos, I think one version or other combos on minor counter versus taka.

    Yeah, but aside from wall pressure, this move is just okay.
    No disagreement here. Just wondering why no mention of [4][6][P] as punishment...
    Elbows are always good. Goh`s apparently is even on hit, compared to the common -1. That`s good.
    Yeah, but this works mainly because if the opponent steps too early and tries to counter attack, the attack will `track` them.

    Yes, [K] is still an extremely good attack.

    What requires mention:
    [2][P]+[K]+[G], if your opponent is low happy, this move defeats them. Gives CRAZY frames upon success. For example, at +2, and the opponent tries [2][P], you`ll get almost 30 frames. The less advantage you have the few you have to work with, but more than enough for Basara, [1][P]+[K], etc.

    [6][6][P], is a half-circular mid that puts the opponent in sideturned. Excellent stuff.

    [4][6][P], is a really good 14-15 frame punishment.

    [3][3][P], good range, if you input with `looser` timing (a more pronounced crouch dash) it can be a little trickier. Also if the opponent wises up to this, you can just crouch dash in can go for a throw (whatever other mix ups).

    [4][6][K] is fucking amazing now that is sabakis knees now.

    [9][P]+[K] beats lows, allowing for additional damage, starts bounds.

  10. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Sebo I curious why you would say 3kp is meh. It seems really good to me. leads to a good combo on crouchers, the k is safe, p is delayable. good on oki and also for whiffpunishing.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Well, it's okay. Goh has a lot of good moves, [3][K][P] does not belong in an arbitrary top 10 list in my opinion, based on my experience, what I've seen in top level play, etc.

    If you can get it to work well, that's cool, keep using it. I just think the other moves are more important (at least to the way I play, and well, that is not the end all). I just think vs. standing whiff punish, [4][K][P]+[G] is better (trades [3][K][P]'s +5 and 42 damage, for 65 damage), or [4][6][P]. Both alternatives have similar range, but come out faster and lead to higher damage, especially with [4][6][P] near a wall. For a general poke and to fish for counter hits, [6][K], in addition to leading to crazy damage, it has long range, and at max range you get +20 as well.

    Perhaps I should use hyperbole more often, like the old days... it can spark up interesting discussions and strategies.

    Let's start with, [1][K] is really good as well. Half circular low (and for it's speed it give +3?!?), can cause a wall stagger. Underused
  12. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot, Sebo. Didn't know that.
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    well I definitely suck at this game right now. too much 2d. I'll just keep playing and see how my usage of moves evolves. I do enjoy reading peoples thoughts on moves and strats as well. I just can't contribute much of worth right now [​IMG]
  14. I had no idea [4][6][K] sabakis knees now. That is nuts.
  15. TSF

    TSF Active Member

    Nah, it gives -3 on normal hit, +3 on CH and -15 on guard. The -15 and the fact that you are standing while the whole move executes might be the reason why it's underused. you can still get a good mileage out of it if you both are parallel to the wall and goh's back is facing the wall.
  16. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Uh, lows that give advantage on counter? Half-circular, wall stagger. You basically said it yourself. lol

    That's really good. -15 be damned, just use it to beat evades near a wall.
  17. SygBoss

    SygBoss New Member

    Ok firstly I'd just like to thank you for all the awesome info you've posted, i've learnt a lot.

    Secondly, while its called a "top 10 moves thread", no one is going to put you to death for listing more (or less) than 10 moves. List as many as you like, hell, go through the whole movelist if you like, the point is to give beginners like me an understanding of what his moves do and why I should (or should not) be using them.

    While it may be silly to you, for me, as someone who has just picked up VF, after going through Goh's movelist a few times I felt totally lost as to which moves did what, which were good, which were bad, etc, and there is no 101 guide up here as you say. I felt like I was fighting blind and I wasn't really learning anything trying to use them all in matches.
  18. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    If anyone's making a top-10 move list, surely the new Tsukamigaechi option-select that Goh has ought to be number 1.
  19. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Just discovered some new technology yesterday, did it by accident in a ranked match against a Jean player, then spent a good while in the dojo attempting to recreate the accident.

    [6][P]+[K] beats rising kicks, timing is tricky but fortunately it has to be done late so it can be done on reaction, best thing is it gets 36 damage on counter hit and is +9 instead of the usual +8

    On the downside it doesn't work on rising lowkicks so for that I just stick to [9][P]+[K]
  20. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You most likely hit at the last active frame with the attack to get the extra frame in advantage.

    According to the command list, [6][P]+[K] only has 2 active frames, making it very tight to beat rising attacks. It hits mid so it should beat low rising attacks if timed properly.

    Checking for moves to beat all standard rising attacks with the longest active frames {4} would be [K], [4][P]+[K] and [6][K]+[G]

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