Top 10 moves

Discussion in 'Shun' started by Twiggywales, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Twiggywales

    Twiggywales Member

    I have only just start to learn this game so I can't fully judge but here are some moves I find to be good. What s your top 10.

    In no order

    6p+k while slow seems to do reasonable damage, has nice tc and nets bunch of drinks on hit.
    8k+g leads to good combos, doesn't seem safe but with good properties in the form of tc and tj (I think) as stated elsewhere 8k+g 6p+k good damage and 5 drinks from a semi fast tc
    1kk nice semi circular low good adage and kd on hit,
    3k+g full circular low. Nice.
    1p range is huge, I probably use this too much
    6pp not safe if blocked but nice to stop in to throw good damage if you land both
    66p+g nice throw 4drinks but will often be expected if the person knows shun
    236p (6+dp) nice launcher good combo options.
    pp string and mix ups basic string seems good to me
    kk string ad mix ups. Nice damage. But watch out as its high.

    Noticeable mention 4k+g, p+k, p+g, 2k+gkk, 214kk

    I'm sure there are better moves as I said I have only just started learning this game so I could be wrong with these.

    Post up your top 10.
  2. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    I'm new to Shun, but not terribly new to VF. My top 10, besides the obvious stuff like P and 2P:

    6K/CHO K. Hits mid. Advantage on block, big combo damage possible on counter-hit.

    236P (6DP). Sp. Mid launcher, safe.

    236PP (8DP). Canned followup to 236P. Heavily delayable.

    1KK. Bread-and-butter. First hit handles back evaders, which the rest of Shun's half-circle moveset pretty much doesn't.

    K+G. Fast, safe mid-hitting semi-circular with tech jump. Catches front evades.

    43P+K, P (8 DP). Mostly combo filler, but delayable and safe and hits mid.

    1P+K+G, P+K. Safe (as long as it isn't ducked) head crumple from special movement. I probably overuse this, which isn't smart, but it's so handy.

    BT SOU P+K. Make people hesitant to attack you when back-turning with 3P4 and the like to get those drinks in and mix up with other pretty good back-turn SOU options (K, 2K, K+G). I hated being on the receiving end of this thing.

    4P+K, P+G hit throw. This seems good to me, though I'm not using it as often as I should because it's new. Comes out pretty fast. Safe. Semi-circular. Decent damage plus drinks on hit-throw.

    Throws. Shun's throw game is great.
  3. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    I am still not sure about these moves, but they do look interesting to me and i am fooling around with them a lot:

    [3][3][P] or crouching [3][P] : long range mid punch, fast for its range, opponent falls on stomach on counterhit. Haven´t explored combo opportunities yet.
    Trying to use it as whiff punisher at the moment.

    [3][P]+[K] : can be charged so it guard breaks(?), i am using it as a shorter range version of the above attack momentarily.
  4. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    [8][K]+[G] Goes over lows, and below highs, great if timed well against low rise attacks and leads to either 5 free drinks (Although dangerous) Or a decent combo.

    [6][P][P] A decent speed mid, kind of makes up for now elbow, and auto combos for decent damage

    [3][3][P] Long range, stomach crumple on counter hit leading to decent damage with +8 drinks

    [1][K][K] Fast low, knockdown on any hit with an option of "falling over" to reduce the damage from punishment

    [K]+[G] Stable move for every shun player

    [6][6][P]+[K] This is more of a personal choice, Great range, no drink choice if you go into a stance, if you don't, VERY hard to punish. If you go into a stance, regardless of if you hit, some players tend to panic, leaving you with great options.

    [3][K]+[G] Sweep. Basic move. He has a few low sweeps so choose your favourite basically.

    Throws. [6][6] for 4 drinks, Normal [P]+[G] for 2. Mix them up for easy drinks

    Hit throw. 3 Drinks, semi-circular, about 60 damage, great move.

    [3][P][P][K] Lose 1 drink for decent safety or yet again, go into a great stance that can't really be punished too hard and the stance is really strong if used right.

    [1][P]+[K]+[G] [P]+[K] Great avoidance and causes a head crumple into a nice damage combo as well

    It's really hard to chose the 10 best moves, just because his entire move set seems to have an overall AMAZING moveset, strong offence, great defence, a decent throw game and a lot of stances.

    His downside is that without some drinks in him, he's not as threatening, but once you've got 10+ under your belt you become (At least in my opinion) one of the most dangerous and evasive characters.
  5. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I guess after fiddling around with Shun for a few months I should contribute too.

    Lots of nice moves! There is definitely no lack of useful attacks as mentioned above. So I put here 20 moves I think should be looked into as they seem to me especially nice. In no particular order:

    - 1 P
    Ducks lots of attacks as a special low, fast at 14f, launches slightly after 13 or so drinks after CH. Generally a dream poke for interruption purposes. On block -10 but it's hardly a problem, low throw characters could be though. Full circ K link for those CH moments too. A n00b favourite and for good reasons!

    - 6 P+K
    Slow as hell at 32f and evades murder it but let's face the facts, the move ducks under highs like nothing, has good range, gives 1-5DP on hit and/or a flop combo and is great after 3K triggered KO for 7 DPs to carry for next round. It has it's uses and getting 5DP once against susceptible opponents alone makes it often worthwhile. After 5DP hit another flop(what!) launcher or K mid to Oushin are cool too! Sega really wanted people to use this move more I guess and it's easily better than ever.

    46 PPP P+K
    So many great thing about this that I could write a novel. First P is 11f when buffered, at CH all 3 Ps natural and P+K can award 2P lovers with a launch! Last P gives -2 on block when 9+ DP. Evades may be a problem for careless spamming and Shun needs 2/4/6 DPs for P+K add-on. Also, P+K can be canceled with 4 for BT SOU for another level of mind games (2K for low KD, P+K for mid sabaki and P K for mid/side pressure options). I guess BT SOU options are for (delayed) PPP string hits that CH so that the frames are useful. After any P knockout, cancel with P+K4 for BT SOU drinking and spam P+K+G for 5 DPs. (surely P and 2P allow for 5-7 DP but hey, 46 P is 11f and it's so cool!)

    1 K+G
    For those low combo needs we all sometimes have! It's -15 on block (could be worse) but since it's a real low CH launcher, easily forgotten and ducks highs I think it needs a bit more love. Only -2 on NH which is a bonus too.

    1 KK
    This 17f natural hit KD is so insanely useful my I cannot stress it enough. At 6 DP or more, people just don't like crouch blocking for some reason. ^^ This has been around forever so nothing new here I suppose. It covers Shun's front too. Nice near walls since it combos and solves high block/front evades nicely. Even on block Shun can fall down face down which lessens the usual retaliation (still punishable though). After 6 DP can be fused into PP string with just PPKK.

    This 17f mid tends to avoid lows, has nice pushback and covers Shun's back. A perfect companion to 1KK in that sense.

    46 P+K
    This is a high and single handed even if the animation involves both hands in succession and linear too. Why to use it then? Well it's +6 on block and enters CHOU for K (+6) derived frame trap pressure! On hit grants +15 and free P P too. Lots of people panic after either 46PP+K or 6K on block for easy damage and 46 P+K can be seen as just an alternate (maybe better) way to enter CHOU. Again, a nice move from time to time.

    2_3 P
    Shun's SDE! No kidding, this is 16f long range lunge punch that has nice pushback on NH (+4), safe on guard (-8) and relatively nasty combos on CH. Obviously evading breaks it so telegraphing is a no-no.

    66 P+K
    Psycho Crusher! Trolling hour! Ok this move is a mid, has extreme range and has two options after any hit (or miss) and even links into 4 P+K+G P on NH for grand wft moments. After a run or 8DP without one. At closer range even a wall combo is possible! Amazingly few people seem to anticipate this at mid/long range and get killed/ring outed and Shun gets 4 DP in Oushin (the basic supper). If peeps seem to eat it, no reason not to use it. Basic Oushin nonsense for tech risers too.

    Throw game
    Let's face it Shun needs those drinks to get going and clocking 66 (weak) throw is often a useful way to do it. Probably that gets broken a lot since other 6 throws do more dmg too but neutral P+G throw is still useful at 2 DP. Only way NOT to give Shun drinks at throw break sitations is 4 P+G and that gets strong until 10 DP (Shun's best throw imho) or near high walls (70 dmg + 6 DPs is gdlike!). At 6 DP Shun gets a dmg 41236 throw for more dmg (and less 66 chances) so getting the 63214 throw for actually nasty throw game can be a challenge if your drinking is only about landing neutral and 66 throws.
    But 66 P+G still gives that 4 DP for 46 PP P+K, PP4PP for combos and is only 2 DPs away from 6 DP which brings us to...

    236 P (P) at 6 DP and (8 DP)
    VF series' oldest safe launcher? Quess what, it's safe now too (-8)! A special mid and not great range but boy it can clock some of the craziest combos and at 16f with 8 DP add-on mid circular P they get crazier! Shun's prize move hands down and along with 236 KPP, 46 PPP P+K and 41236 throw THE reason to get those 6 DP in!

    214 KK at 10, preferably 13 DP
    Shun has three standing moves that make him lose DPs and all have their uses. This low hit 19f launcher is the best one. It takes -5 (2+3) which also affects it's combo potential so 13 DP is preferable. The real beauty is that both parts are safe if blocked and as a low launcher, it tends to get eaten pretty often! While here are reasons to get Shun more DP's, after 10 DP he gains only one new move (at 16 DP) and slightly more dmg per DPs consumed. At 10-15 Dp range 214 KK should be a real option, especially for that last round when losing some drinks hardly has consequences. Amazingly effective when well utilized.

    9 K
    Ok so this might seem like joke but on block you get + frames and can recover in Oushin near your opponent and slam P to interrupt everything! The best jumping attack if you like Oushin shenanigan pressure which every Shun should love anyway. ^^

    Bread and butter really. For zoning and keeping foes honest. Shun got no 14f mid which hurts a bit but 6P at 15f can be canceled for a drink as 6 P+K+G alone can be canceled by a similar mid. Delayability of second P or 6 P+K+G is a great asset too. Note that 6 P+K+G cancel ducks under highs nicely. Remember not to spam, as second P is -10. Even Oushin is possbile, but hardly it's best option unless near wall.

    1P+K+G, P+K
    Avoids a bit for space and BAM, combo time! Nothing else to note really. P+K is safe as it should.

    9 K+G
    High crush, combo time. This actually gives an opportunity to 6 P+K for booze too. Now it's staple combos are easy too, just 6KPP in most cases for cookies.

    6 K+G
    Low crush, a short combo ensues, -7 on block. Most useful against predictable 2P heroes, low spammer Lions or other stupid low spamming characters.

    2 K+G K K at 1, 6, 7 DPs
    Sure they are just sweeps but look funny and hit somewhat often, only half circs though! ^^

    At 15f it first seems like a boring slightly too slow mid with no bells or whistles but it actually crushes standing 12f Ps (including Eileen's 11f P!) at +2 fo cH and is a nice safe way to chip your foes life bar. Still +6 for CH. Also, 3P cancels by 4 into BT SOU options. You see this move a LOT in high level matches. It's just too basic to NOT to use. ^^

    43P+K, P at 8 DP
    These can duck highs and have a tendency to surprise in many situations, partly because their hitbox. Second does KD on any hit. Beautifully delayable like 6PP but not as safe. Amazingly useful near walls and combos overall and picks up other Shun's or Lions of the ground since this has that great hitbox. Safe on block too. A shame it needs 8 DP...

    High high mid 236 KPP is 14f and surprisingly useful as a poke every now and then, delayable and hit checkable. Also, I like 3K P since it's a nice mid at 16f and can actually combo if opponent forgets the P which does KD on CH. Unsafe launcher and primarily whiff punisher 66K might avoid some lows, not sure but I'll keep on testing. Another high crouching move 3 P+K is pretty slow and loses to evades but it's pushback is nice and delayability means it has it's uses near wall and ring out games.

    Stance stuff I find is mostly pretty basic yomi stuff (I see 6K +frame shenanigans as non basic), for more adventurous people K+G4 2K is at startup a low avoiding low launcher that looks like boss and allows for 6 P+K for 5 DP too. P+K to SOU (17f high mid) can be fun too to fiddle with with advantage, just remember that backdash is a rad way out of it's guessing games on block situations - only reason to use SOU 6 P+G is probably at that time. Of it's move options, I find P+K strongest, since it works after blocked P+K too, is a high/mid sabaki, +4 on block and a violent KD on any hit for similar drink/move options as 6 P+K for 5 DP max ( I guess no need to setup it for combo training for that reason). Only con I think is it's evadable (and blockable ;) ).

    At 10 DP Shun gains 214 P+K launcher (17f, -3 DP) which is +4 on block so Chouwan at 16f kills all 12f punches for CH (at 10 Dp Shun is at 7 DP though so at 11 DP he gets better combos). Lastly, 214 P (-2 DP) is a 18f mid full circular and safe on block (-7), so 8 DP with all the goodies can be done afterwards.
    Am_I_Batman and SQUIIDUX like this.

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