Top 5-10 moves

Discussion in 'Jean' started by CamChattic, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. CamChattic

    CamChattic Member

    Ok here I will be posting what my favorite useful moves are with Jean Feel free to share your own and comment on other peoples top moves as we get consensus going I will post a general list.

    My list
    Reminiscent of Jin's F,F+2 in tekken except Jeans has some real juice to it only 15 frames, mid, exceptional range, safe on block with some pretty exceptional pushback, Crumple on hit. This is a core component of jeans game this with some of his other pokes almost make him somewhat of a zoner because of all the pushback on his moves and their damage when landed your opponenet is going to feel the need to close the gap on you at all times.

    the knee launcher pretty fast and not as bad on block as you would think a launcher should be, Mid.

    mid, mid has slight tracking is only 15 frame startup, nice pushback and is safe. this will make your very limited low game hella scary because it wont take long for them to realize ducking is something they just cannot do when your inside.

    Mid, High, hit-confirmable CH Combo, pretty stupid range, knockdown, only 16f startup, and has really good damage and looks like 2+K,K

    Mix this up with 3+K,K and you have a half screen approach mixup that really cant be reacted too since the animations are nigh identical

    pretty good range low a little on the slower side but since it ducks liek 3+P,P its harder to see. It also crushes highs.

    the roll, Mid, good on block crushes some highs has good range and staggers on hit pretty much a free get in a scary one at that.

    Jeans K is exceptionally good it has rally good range, good speed for the range at 17 frames, mid,is chargeable and instantly cancelable into a safe high circular if fully charged has plus frames, follow ups into staggering mid or low.

    4+K series
    4+K starts in only 15 frames, is mid, off of that you can either hitconfirm into P on hit or go for K,K which is a low mixup or K,P which hits mid the second hit is high and does not jail so be careful when using against smarter opponents.

    Parry (2+P+K+G, or 4+P+K+G)
    Jean isnt the only character with a parry but his is very strong and also important to his game since he is a psuedo zoner get off me's are very important, Parry gives varying degrees of advantage for what reason im not sure but I do know that the parry can give you the advantage frames needed to get the P followup garaunteed. P Followup grants full combo if landed
  2. Juneau

    Juneau Member

    repost from other thread

    PK - quick punish

    P+K - nice keep away move. but all hits are high and leaves you out for a punish

    66P - the lunge punch is a staple. has nice pushback on hit and block. nice range. use when at a reasonable range. if hit can be put up on mixups.

    66P+K - works like the lunge punch but much more suiting close range and two frames disadvantage on block

    QCF P+K - high sabaki. works like 66P if sabaki'd but in normal hit put the opponent crumple with pushback. Unsafe on block even with pushback

    46P+K~KPPKP~K - a very important move for mixups after 66P and QCF P+K. guard breaks on high leads to string combo afterward.

    4KP - staple mid string for mixups. P can be charged for added pressure

    1P+K - an awesome move. it's not only for a hard bound for big combos. it crushes 2Ps and goes slightly back so it cannot be thrown. if hit lead to combos like 2P 33PK

    1P - quick low attack with a nice range. nice move for mixups

    33PK - highly useful in combos and wall combos. it tracks sometime if opponent sidesteps to one side.
    can be charged for a high unblockable. Release the charge halfway through if the opponent starts predicting that move by crouching for a surprise mid attack.
    can be cancelled to full tracking high attack by 33P~charge K~P to hit sidestepping opponents
  3. CamChattic

    CamChattic Member

    Yeah 3,3+P,K Is a move I wanted to put on my list badly but I didnt want to exceed 10 moves its one of the actually useful charge series I feel.
  4. Kiu

    Kiu Member

    Very nice write-up of his moves and useful pokes. Every Jean player should take a look at this. [​IMG]

    *thumbs up*
  5. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    [3][K][+][G][G] All day. Always. Even between rounds and at character select.

    Definitely agree with many of the moves listed already. Gonna get a huge session in tomorrow so I'll post up after that what I'm feeling. My play has been limited so far to really chime in.
  6. Izuna_Shoryuken

    Izuna_Shoryuken Well-Known Member

    The 4 6 k combo. It's essentially jean's spod type move- hard to execute but high damage and high reward. It's also a high stagger. So you can use your preferred method to get them to stand guard and slam em for some free damage.

    It's THE move I wanted to do watching Japanese Jeans, just like electric is THE move with Mishimas or Kara Demon with Akuma (in games where kara demon isn't easy like in ssf4). In terms of moves, it's most similar to Rock's/Geese's Deadly Rave. I propose we call it the Jean Rave.

    Here's a "protip" (rip gamepro, q.q) on executing it.

    After the bf k, plink/slide your fingers (or thumb) across k and p with strict timing- like a hard link in a 2d fighter. You only have 3 frames to do it so preciseness is key. This should hitconfirm the rest of it on hit and on guard the pk is pretty safe. It's also a good flair move.

    Btw-like op said- that 66 p is BOSS and any followup on hit is counterhit. Plus 18 means it can even follow up itself. That is one serious "get off me" combo there.

    Finding moves with beastly counterhit props should be the order of the day.

    The ppp strings and what should also not be undermined. Even though Jean is open during the charge, there's also the threat of the charge cancel move as a mixup. Whether or not you'll even charge is a mixup of it's own.

    ppp. charge= y/n.

    If you do charge it's plus 6.
    If you don't you're ok.

    However if you do charge you are charging for a good number of frames (around 30.)

    So you're going to need to cancel into the low kick, still around 20 frames but much faster. All in all this tactic may be selective use do to how slow it is, but it's still good.

    Especially when the opponent has their back to the wall, because it causes a stagger.

    Still use only a wee bit, pretty unsafe.

    A good punisher mover would be 6k. Launches, gets a minor pop onto the wall, 15 frames. 4 k looks like it too so you can get them to react in a similar way to a lesser move. I don't know what would come of a nitaku btw the two though. Fw k is unsafe on block. However, as a poke, 4k is plus zero. It leaves you at neutral.. So maybe you could bait with it and slam reactions with the launcher?

    Also, The standard charge kick seems to be a good move for oki, due to it cancelling into a half spinning attack. The lateral charge kick can normally be sidestepped but the half spinner can hit the ss. Even then the op has to guess exactly when your charge will be ended so they have to alter the timing of the ss or the guard. And Jean has further options if they do guard.
  7. ModiVG

    ModiVG New Member

    hey guys, great ideas on the top 5-10 moves. If I may make a suggestion, when making the move lists if you can put the direction inputs in brackets instead of just the numbers it makes everything look cleaner.

    so if you wanna talk about 66P if you put each individual part in [] brackets you get

    Just makes the lists look cleaner, good job though.
  8. CamChattic

    CamChattic Member

    That you I was wonder ing how to do that "testing a SPD" [4] [1] [2] [3] [6] [9] [8] [7]+[P]
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Does 4KP hitconfirm require CH?
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    [6][6][P] is a sort of special case though, since on hit it causes a huge amount of 'false advantage'. This is false as in opponent can actually block after being hit with it, but cant do anything else or Jean will interrupt you. This is not the same as normal crumple stun. I think this move is meant to set up Jeans charge attacks (since they cant do much else than block). Its really important to Jeans game in any case.

    This is a unique move in VF so I wanted to make it clear how it works.
  11. StickyStaines

    StickyStaines Member

    I think akira has a similar stun actually. It's when he goes into his stance using P+K+G out of certain moves and you do the K followup.
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I'll post this from my VF5R impressions of Jean a few years back

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The second thing that is unique with Jean is the hit effect from his [6][6][P] . This move is 15f (again, add 1f for exe in practice) and on hit it is +18, on counter hit +28. So you figure, this means he gets stuff for free? No. This advantage is so called "fake" advantage, something that to my knowledge hasn't existed in VF before this but does exist in Tekken. When the opponent gets hit, he's -18 but he CAN BLOCK (standing or crouching) during all these frames, but he can NOT do anything else. As an added bonus, any attack Jean connects with during this +18 will automatically be a counter hit, even if the opponent just blocks, however, the opponent can NOT be thrown during this stun.

    So this effectively creates a guessing game between mid and low and since anything that connects is a counter hit it means that lows get a bit better. The mix up of choice here is another [6][6][P] or Jean's [2][K][K] . The latter is low to high and knocks down, while the former if it hits during a [6][6][P] stun while produce a crumble where you can connect a heavy down attack afterwards. [2][K] is for some very weird reason safe, despite being a low kick (-8) and you can hitcheck the follow up [K] on counter hit, making this a very safe strategy. Around wall doing [6][6][P] to [3][3][P][K] can be downright murder.

    Some other fun facts about [6][6][P] is that if it hits in the back or side it's still +18 but since the opponent is unable to block, you will actually get free attacks here. If Jean breaks Akira's [4][6][P]+[G] he can score a guaranteed [6][6][P] in the back and then launch with [6][K] ...</div></div>

    Most of it is still true except that hitting [6][6][P] in the side doesn't guarantee anything anymore, probably adjusted to prevent the infinite he had in R.
  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    This is my current list. It may change over time as I get more familiar with the character and various opponents. These are not listed in any order of usefulness.

    I feel PK should be in every character's top five so long as they have one. Jean's seems particularly nice because of the range and his post PK options. He can charge an additional P for another high or cancel to a K for a long reaching mid.

    An absolute staple of Jean's. It closes ground, has phantom range on it, leads to mixups. It almost feels scrubby to toss out so often but I also feel it's wise to. Opponents have to respect him at an abnormally long distance.

    I have come to love this move. Natural combo on normal hit. Two quick mids. Somewhat delay-able second punch. Not terrible on block. It's one of my favorite moves for the end of a round when my opponent is low on life.

    A great standalone move outside of combos. Much like 66P, it closes ground quickly. A low hitting mid to start, decent damage. Natural combo on normal hit. Against seasoned players I feel it becomes even stronger as you can begin to mixup the spinning punch option. For oki or against unfamiliar players you can even toss out the high unblockable.

    I may be bias in listing this move as I love how fun it is to land. But really I think the sheer threat of Jean even having this move works to his advantage. Some players fear it way more than getting thrown, causing them to either attack or duck more often than they normally would out of discomfort. 65 damage on block is huge. On hit it's not bad, though does end momentum most of the time.

    Honorable mentions:

    Huuuuuge reach. Easy to hit-confirm on counter hit. And quite delayable. Damage on it is great, too.

    Really I should list Jean's amazing full-spinnings due to the same reason I listed his PK. Amazing for oki, rather fast execution for a full spinning. Leads to mixup opportunities on hit. Toss this a few times early in a match to let players know you're not gonna play with mindless sidesteps.

    I use this poke series a ton to feel out my opponent. Delayable, can cancel to the kick option. Can cancel entirely with G (though the recovery isn't all that fast for a G cancel).
  14. Kiu

    Kiu Member

    I completely agree with this. I was playing at a local session tonight and was commanding respect with it from a couple of players. At a few points I had them completely stop blocking for fear of either a grab or hitting them with this. In which case they would start backing away (where I would start applying [6][6][P] pressure to close the distance and remain a threat) or start panicking trying to get me off of them. (Which resulted in me punishing with some solid combos)

    The moves usefulness shouldn't be underestimated, and I would say to get the execution of the followup down. Like you said, the 65 damage on BLOCK is a beautiful thing to have.

    Just adding in my 0.02 to that.
  15. Skkcrc

    Skkcrc Member

    I tried using [3][P][P] to force opponents to stand as you guys suggested in this thread, but I found that it completely kills my momentum when I use it. Since it pushes them out and leaves me at -1 on hit, I find it hard to come back in.

    What situations is [3][P][P] stronger than [6][P] against an opponent that likes to crouch? Perhaps when their back is to a wall since it will stagger? Or is there a better approach from the range that [3][P][P] leaves you at that I am not using?

    TYRANNICAL New Member

    Any chance of getting a movelist breakdown and evaluation? I can't do it myself since I'm relearning VF5.
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I like using moves like 3PP for the off-beat they create in your momentum which can set them up pretty good.

    Typically after a 3PP, I like to bait and whiff punish opponents with the small space that is created. That said, the danger is when you're the one eating the bait :p

    For some ideas, see what your opponent does if you backdash after 3PP. Also see if they tend to just low punch after getting hit by it. There are a variety of things you can do with the small space.

    Typically I try to create whiff opportunities by backdashing and then cancel the backdash (if I see a short-range attack coming out) with something like 4K.

    That said, 46K+G can be a bit easier for beginners to use in situations like this as well, and it'll create a stagger game that will let you pressure your opponent.

    Just my two cents though ^_^
  18. grap3fruitman

    grap3fruitman Active Member

    Am I the only person using spacing and [1][P][+][K] to bait wake-up kicks?

    [1][P][+][K] has an interesting hit-box because of how Jean just barely steps out of range during the move's initial frames which is useful for baiting and avoiding wake-up kicks.

    Then when it hits you can get [2][P] [9][K][+][G] [3][3][P][K] which is 76pts against lightweights and [9][K][+][G] [3][3][P][K] against everyone heavier for 72pts. You can get the [2][P] version against some heavier characters but the timing is super strict or something because I've only managed to get it a few times.

    I haven't seen anyone else use it, not even at Evo. I'm a scrub, fairly new to fighting games and shouldn't be figuring tech out. So this has to be well known, right?

    Edit: Here's a video of how it looks. The opponent didn't but could've teched the 33PK but it's still a nice demonstration...

  19. iamthedave

    iamthedave Member

    I adore 1P+K myself, and his 4P+K+G sabaki. Both lead to damage and get people scared. And it's surprising how much stuff you can hit with 1P+K, even without rising attacks it avoids all sorts of short-range moves.
  20. mkl

    mkl New Member

    1. 66P

    Even with artificial advantage, you get a free mixup with CH damage/values if your mixup connects. Everyone likes free mixups with that much damage potential.

    2. 46P+K String

    Your opponent will start to fear eating 64 damage from blocking high eventually which will set you up for other options. Especially post 66P.

    3. 4KP

    The options are nice and it's hit confirmable. It even tracks to a degree.

    4. 43P+K String

    Backstepping a 2P and using this is flashy as hell and will teach them to respect you a bit more.

    5. 1P+K

    Although this will blow 2P up for a lot less skill. Leads to good damage on NH and is safe.

    6. PK

    Options are nice, OK punish, and can start pressure.

    7. 9K+G

    Necessary for most combos.

    8. 6K

    Generic launcher that leads to huge damage on counter hit. Teach your opponent to fear being guard broken from blocking high after 66P and then nail him with something even more damaging.

    9. 1K+G

    This might have to be a little higher to be honest. The reach is deceptive and it hits pretty hard. Safe-ish to boot.

    10. 46PK

    The best punish he has for -14 moves, KNDs are nice as well.

    Hmm, I forgot to list 33PK. That move is boss.

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