Tougeki '07 Results

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <span style='font-size: 20pt'>闘劇'07</span>
    Tougeki '07 - Super Battle Opera

    <span style='font-size: 14pt'>1st Place</span>
    Clarken: Chibita (LI), Yanaga (PA), Akape (GO)
    クラーケン: ちび太(リオン)、矢永(パイ)、あかぺ(ゴウ)

    <span style='font-size: 14pt'>2nd Place</span>
    POPY Niigata: Suguru (LI), Makoto (KA), Nesu (LE)

    <span style='font-size: 14pt'>Equal 3rd</span>
    Shibugawaha: Nagarekawa (AO), Pochi (VA), Yoroshiko (JE)

    Build Up: Kumicho (WO), K Jiji (SH), Chino Brad (BR)
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    i saw this vid. chibita carried the team. last match was close though. dope matches...
  3. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Shibugawaha gets cred points just for that line up -- Aoi, Vane, Jeff.

    Chibita vs. Suguru match was epic. (And wildly androgenous.)
  4. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

  5. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Havent visited VFDC in ages. Good to see Chibita owning again. ANyone know where I can download the video of this tournament?
  6. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    didn't Shibugawaha used a Kawaiseiya(Jacky),Dai@arashi(Akira),Manpuku(Lau) lineup?
  7. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

  8. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Yeah, chbita finally winning. BTW, its good to be back on here. Dear lord I missed VFDC!!!
  9. JimmyBiscuits

    JimmyBiscuits Active Member

    amazing battles. that beating that lion gave lei fei against the wall in round 2 made me cringe. and i can't believe how both lions were avoiding rising kicks... too smooth.
  10. Paperstone

    Paperstone Well-Known Member

    lol, I miss VFDC too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    That evade from Suguru's UP+P+K was epic.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    That Lion vs Lion last match was awesome
  12. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Some very good matches, and close fights at that.
  13. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Lion vs Lei fei was way too much to watch. I mean he controlled the entire match. Against the cage was really hard to stomach. Psychologically it's got to be impossible to handle playing against chibita.

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