Tougeki 2007 Super Battle Opera game lineup

Discussion in 'General' started by Dan, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I can't believe these were never posted but I guess everyone reads SRK so maybe people already know.

    Tougeki 2k7 game line up (AKA SBO)
    1v1 format
    Arcana Heart
    King of Fighters '98 (I think cause of the remake coming out)
    Soul Calibur 3 Arcade Version

    2v2 format
    Hyper Street Fighter II
    Melty Blood Act Candenza Ver. B

    3v3 format
    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
    Street Fighter 3 Third Strike (they'll never give it up lol)
    Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
    and we all know what's next.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Virtua Fighter 5

    I think the qualifiers announcement and dates will be released in Feb, and will be held from April to June.

    According to Tougeki, qualifiers will be held in the US for Third Strike and Dark Resurrection WITH a possiblity of other games. There is already talk on SRK for a team of OG players to represent HSF2 and even some small talk of SC3:AE and crazy talk about MBAC.

    I don't think the US has ever sent a team for VF to SBO, since this is still a long way in the future, it might be possible. But then again we'll need an arcade that has VF5 in order for them to host a qual here XD.
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I'm beyond hyped to see this year's SBO.
  3. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    Hyper Street Fighter II?
    Why not just stick to regular Super Turbo?
  4. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    From what I read, it's cause of Capcom, and Hyper is new and Super Turbo is old. I don't think ST has been in SBO for a while anyway.

    I guess it's kind of the same reason as KOF 98 (old as hell) since there is a remake of 98 coming out soon. Advertising for the games by request from the companies.

    So I guess by the low postage nobody on VFDC thinks a USA qualifier is possible.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ?
  5. ppoint432

    ppoint432 Active Member

    Doesn't Gameworks in Chicago have a VF5 machine?

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