Tournament / match DVDs

Discussion in 'Store' started by Ztaar, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Ztaar

    Ztaar Member

    I am still pretty new to VF, started playing VF5 in July last year and have basically never played any fighting game seriously before VF5. My knowledge about the VF tournaments held in Japan and the names of the Japanese top players is thus very limited.

    Does anyone have any recommendations of good VF5 tournament DVDs with Japanese top players?

    Since I am a Goh player I am mostly looking for good Goh players to get some new setup/flowcharts ideas but most good matches are fun to watch.

    It would also be nice with some recommendation on where to order them. I am stationed in Sweden but most online stores deliver here so this should not be a problem.
  2. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    do a search for Akape on youtube.
  3. Ztaar

    Ztaar Member

    Thanks, would be nice to have a DVD though. It is hard to pause and watch things In slow motion on YouTube (to try and analyze what the players are doing exactly) not to mention the poor picture quality you get on YouTube movies.

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