Ultimate Showdown - Goh Resources

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Blessy, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    Well if you're here it's because you decided to play Goh, arguably the best character in the game (sorry Seidon).

    This thread will (hopefully lol) include all the resources needed to get started learning Goh and beating up scrubs online.

    Reading Material:

    1. VF5 Wiki

    This part of the wiki will have everything you need to start learning the system mechanics of VF5US, while much of it may reference Final SHowdown, it is all applicable.

    2. Goh Wiki

    This page will give you a general grasp of Goh as a character, as well as some basic combos to get you started.

    Goh's top 10 moves

    @Combolammas created this overview of all of Goh's moves, but it also includes his top 10 moves, making it easier to get started if you don't feel like reading all of his moves (or if you're a Goh player, most of us can't read).

    4. Goh Start Guide 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

    Probably one of the best character specific resources I have ever seen. Written by MIDI (a japanese player) and translated by Modelah, this series of guides covers everything you could possibly want to know about Goh (well almost). The first 2 articles are great start guides to give you aa rounded overview of the character, the 3rd article is entirely focussed on Goh's sabaki's, the 4th is about Goh's options against Side Turned opponents, the 5th focusses on ring outs with Goh, the 6th on Goh mirror matches and how to effectively play against Goh, and the 7th (and final) focussing on Goh's options at the wall.

    This series of articles is honestly the best I've seen and can get you from button mashing scrub to unthrowable nightmare in no time.

    Goh Strategy

    Another great piece by Combolammas, this article covers Goh's basic strategy in game, it covers many of Goh's options quite succinctly.
    I'm currently updating this to add Goh's ukemi options and wall pressure.

    6. Goh Punishment

    Finally, this article is written by yours truly. It focusses on punishment options that are specific to Goh, intended for those who have grasped the basics with Goh, this piece will hopefully help you step up your game.


    1. Goh Command List / Frame Data

    This list is a god send for those learning the game, not only does it cover the frame data for all of Goh's moves, it also includes tracking information and how many drinks moves will sober against Shun. This is worth using in conjunction with other articles like Goh's strategy guide.

    To quote @Seidon 'This is worth keeping open while you practice and play. I would personally recommend hitting view in the corner and setting it to a flat list view so you can have everything on one page


    When you're on the command list you can sort by the columns at the top. So for example if you click GRD you can sort based on moves which have the best or worst frame advantage on block.

    Goh Move.png

    This is also useful when looking at other characters moves as you can quickly find out what is block punishable.

    Additionally you can click a move for a more detailed breakdown on it and an image of what the move looks like.

    Goh Detailed Move.png


    2. Goh Combo List

    Goh's combo list is fairly well populated, with combos listed for almost all situations. Hovering over a symbol will explain what it does too!

    If you're looking for combos against one specific character, you can select that character from the list below to see combos specific to them.


    If you want to find the most damaging combos you can sort the list by clicking the DMG column on the top.

    Goh Combo List.png

    Watch List:

    Twitch Twitter

    YouTube Twitter


    Reo Rao/Gorgeous

    I'll update this with more info as needed, if you make content for Goh hmu and I'll get you added to the list.

    Edit: Decided to add some quick videos I made for new players since the REVO update:

    Goh REVO Changes Overview

    Goh REVO BnB Combos

    Goh REVO Top 10 Moves
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
    SUGATA, SPINMASTER X, wrekka and 2 others like this.
  2. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    Thanks man! I have a buddy that is new to this series and is thinking of picking up GOH and this will be very helpful for him!
    Blessy likes this.
  3. wrekka

    wrekka Member

    Thanks for this!
    Blessy likes this.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    wrekka and Blessy like this.
  5. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    Thanks yo, I'll add them to the post!
    SPINMASTER X likes this.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    I somehow forgot about Reo Rao's channel. It's been so many years though so my brain couldn't recall everything because of the gap where I didn't watch any videos. Reo Rao plays Eileen too so his channel isn't purely Goh but his latest content is all Goh videos and they're LOOONG to so lots of content.
    wrekka likes this.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Thank you, bro!
    Blessy likes this.
  8. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    Oh Gorgeous! Yeah he dropped Eileen in favour of Goh, didn't realise he had a YouTube.

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