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Unlimited Cheap Move/Strategies Online?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Last couple of nights I've been messin around with Tekken 6 online, under rank matches.

    I know for the majority of fight game fans, the object of the game is to win. But the Tekken players seem to take that object to a whole new level. I've never seen so many cheap moves, dirty tactics and strategies in my life. Talking about honor among theives.[/size] [​IMG] In Tekken online rank mode, its win at all costs. The level of spamming had me laughing so hard I could barely hold the block button down (which didn't matter in most cases)

    So i decided to see if I played long enough would the cheap moves, and spamming start to repeat itself. I thought maybe there are a limited number of cheap moves/ dirty tactics in Tekken 6 and if I played long enough, I would seem them all and perhaps begin to put together a defense.

    ROFLMBBAO, I played all night and into the morning for two days, the only time the cheapness repeated is when I happened to bump into the same player. I was amazed at just how many ways Tekken players take advantage of lag, or how prepared they were to use the same move 50 times if it meant a win

    For the first hour or so I was just stunned in disbelief, but getting into hour 3 and 4 it just got funny. It became a spam/dirty-tactic adventure![/size] I couldn't wait to see what kind of bullshit the next opponent was going to use. The variety of cheapness to be found in Tekken6 online is spell binding [​IMG] It also seemed like the later it got, the more perfected the cheap moves/dirty-tactics were. Originally I thought, that the higher Tekken ranks wouldn't use cheap moves/tactics, [​IMG] But I ran into Destroyers, Tekken Lords, etc using Alisa and Eddy, with some of the dirtiest lag play I've ever seen. It was all about winning, no matter how dirty, how cheap, no matter how shameless

    After a couple of marathon nights online in rank mode Tekken 6, I could see no end in sight to the amount, variety, scope of the spamming, dirty play, and cheap moves.

    Then it dawned on me, it wasn't just how many dirty tactics I came up against, it was the fact that virtually everybody that I played for the last couple of nights used incredibly cheap stuff. So I thought maybe in Tekken 6 online that's just how the game is played, cheap,dirty,nasty spammin [​IMG] Whatever it takes to win. If that's the case I could deal with it, but it seems like there are an unlimited amount of dirty lag tactics in Tekken 6, if that's the case my "mastering loss" philosophy won't work in Tekken [​IMG]

    Since, I only have VF5 on the PS3 (no online) I can't compare VF online to Tekken 6 online, Somebody please tell me that
    the VF community is not as cheap and dirty online as the Tekken community appears to be [​IMG] If there are dirty lag tactics in VF are they at least limited [​IMG]
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    I think VF online is better than T6, from my very limited experience of Tekken play. I played a bit more of SC4 but even there it was whole lot of cheapness.

    Having said that, I am going to throw the ball back to you: what would stop people from playing cheaply? there is no moral code attached to the game, and most people have been educated by the "survival of the fittest" rule nowadays, so why would they not use any method to beat you?
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You should play on xbl Po. Less lag there so harder to spam. And now you've played Tekken online and not VF? LOL[/size]

    VF online is sweet. That input buffer makes all the difference so you feel lag less with similar connections. Tekken is pretty reaction based and has pretty much no input buffering, so it doesnt take much lag at all to completely break the game. Throw escapes? not online you don't.

    Maybe you just can't do it against human opposition. Try the CPU mode and let us know how it goes. I'm sure you'll be doing "amazing" stuff in no time at all. Oh, and block button? LoL (cheers Seidon [​IMG] )
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Agreed, I know there's no rule to stop folks from dirty-cheap online play. I was just amused and amazed at the sheer scope and variety of dirty-online in Tekken 6. Far far more than anything I've seen in SCIV. The whole thing was hilarious to me. It felt and looked like Fighting Comedy after a while

    Maybe they should add referees like in FNR4 or UFC2010 [​IMG]
  5. Signia

    Signia Member

    do "player matches"? In my experience on SCIV online (XBL), lag tactics are more common in ranked than in player. Most players don't even know they're abusing lag when they are, but if they see something working over and over again, they will keep doing it so they won't see that loss on their record. Players should be playing to learn rather than playing to win when playing online, and that's more commonplace in player matches where wins don't "count."
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    So would the quality of online play for fighting games go up if there were no ranked matches? or cumulative win/loss records?
    If you couldn't tell what rank someone was online, and wins and losses only reflected the current streak, and there were no ranked matches at all, would the quality of match go up or down?

    Could Tekken/VF/SCIV replace ranked matches with a single elimination tournament mode, where there is a gold, silver, bronze acknowledgement for the tournament, but no count is kept
    for how many gold, silver, or bronze you've won, just the fact that you've won at least one.

    If players are in an online tournament where team mates and competitors are watching, are they more or less likely to spam and use cheap-dirty move/tatics?

    Since there are no spectators for ranked mode in Tekken/SC IV
    maybe that adds to the temptation to use cheap moves [​IMG]
    tournament mode with spectators might change that.
  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Unless someone's abusing a glitch / bug I don't feel like there's anything cheap or dirty in a fighting game.
  8. Signia

    Signia Member

    Truth. Because there is no such thing as cheap or dirty. However, if you are competitive player, that is to say, you are playing to become the best and win tournaments, you should play to improve when playing online rather than play to win, because the optimal way to play online is different than the optimal way to offline, and real tournaments will be offline. Playing against an online style is useless for the competitive player. Both players are better off emulating offline play, which the game was designed for. Lag introduces imbalances, favoring slow reactable sweeps, stopping strings early, and throws.

    All I ask my opponents is that they play the way they play offline, even if their strategy is stronger online, unless it's blatent they don't play offline. Then I just tell them to learn to play.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    More for less, is pretty cheap.

    Disrespect or oblivious play, can be seen as dirty.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    The only thing worth blaming is the game, imo, if your into Final Destination.
    No matter how you look at it though, you can't make a fighting game without having one character excel in some way over another. Some characters have soo much more potential over others.
    Some characters ESPECIALLY in certain games can be rendered as uncompetitive and near-worthless. Some people just love their character though, and can win. People were saying T Hawk was trash until my gridman basically became the US T Hawk.

    On topic though, 0f throw is pretty fucked up online lol.
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Tekken 6 is a pretty sorry excuse for a game IMO. The dirtiness of it does get old extremely fast. I feel like Tekken 6 just brought the game into an area where I realized they just broke the formula to making the game fun. It's not a fun game, it's actually really frustrating and boring.

    They took the Tekken formula to a place that it just couldn't handle and it all fell apart. Sadly, I'm not sure the new Blaz Blue isn't even worse... I can't really enjoy it even though I want to.

    I have to just go back and play more Transformers WFC online.
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    That was the longest rant I have read without any sort of example. Fail.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Well yes, something that you can pull off online, that would never work offline, that puts your opponent in an unrecoverable disadvantage. I would say that's cheap.

    I also noticed that many of the cheap/dirty tactics have a definite ryhthm (not the same ryhthm)

    something like:

    spam-cheap, spam-cheap, floater-combo, spam-cheap,spam-cheap
    spam-cheap, floater-combo, spam-cheap, floater-combo etc [​IMG]

    but offline the same sequence or combo would not work.[/size]

    and in every case, once the cheap move lands, you can forget it, you will either be on the ground, against the wall, or in the air for the remainder of your life bar [​IMG] which to me, is funny. In Tekken 6 I record those matches, and go back and look at them just for the laugh. I did notice that some of the most aggregious dirty-spams happen in the smaller Tekken 6 stages. Where you can get floated from one side of the stage to the opposite side and then get wall spammed for the remainder of your life bar. I guess what's so funny is the variety of ways that you can use dirty tactics seems unlimited.

    If the nasty dirty tactics are unlimited, then you can't practice a defense, which means that on a good night, you could potentially log on to Tekken 6 online rank mode and get spammed, bounced, floated, and wall fucked until you finally
    break your block button [​IMG] But I guess, that's just the way Tekken 6 online is played. [/size]
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    When I played Tekken online I didn't really have a problem with people trying to spam moves.

    Maybe you're just not very good?
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Well maybe you're so good your opponent doesn't get a chance to spam moves. Or maybe you're a better spammer than your opponent [​IMG]

    I'm not very good, I'm not even good. But I have been able to find the block button [​IMG] And I'm here to tell you that Tekken 6 online has some stuff going on where side stepping, blocking mid, blocking low, ducking,jumping, short strikes, and throw offense doesn't matter. Its not totally lag alone, it has something to do with the stage sizes, lag, the rage system, wall stun, ground stun, and floater height combined [​IMG]

    I only have 6 or 7 hundred ranked matches in Tekken 6. I think I'm still a kyu or 1rst dan. so I would put myself as a very casual player as far as Tekken 6 is concerned. I haven't mastered losing in Tekken(I still win by mistake most of the time). I'm thinking I won't be able to master losing, because it seems like there are unlimited cheap moves and dirty tactics available. Which means that I will never be able to learn them all.

    Seidon R U really suggesting that nothing cheap is going on in Tekken 6 online?

    If you R one of those spammers, who use nasty-dirty tactics to win, how does it feel? Is there a sense of accomplishment after using lag tricks just to add one more to the win column [​IMG] <span style="font-size: 20pt">If</span> U R one of those spammers How does it feel to use same cheap move 20 times in one round? I would imagine that it should be boring and you should feel dirty after your win [​IMG]

    For all those spammers out there (you know who you are) How does it feel to spam the same cheap move 5,10, 15 times in a round? Is the main objective to get another plus in the win column no matter how raggedy your game looks [​IMG] Honest to god, I'd like some of the spammers on this board to come clean
    and just share what's going through your mind when you're setting up for the spam, the opportunity presents itself, and then you commence to use the same move 10 times in a row [​IMG]
    knowing that because of lag and rage your opponent is at a disavantage and can't recover before you repeat the move again?

    Is there a sense of achievement? Mastery? Or do you spam moves out of fear of adding a 1 to the loss column? I'm just curious. Spammers and Dirty Tacticians please share your thoughts [/size] [​IMG]
  16. Signia

    Signia Member

    I've been called a spammer many times, and it's always because I'm using the right moves at the right times against players who don't adapt. Also, repeating the same moves is necessary to train your opponent to block or evade a certain way. The dumber your opponent, more you have to spam in order to get them to start paying attention to you and adapt.

    Stop saying "cheap" and "dirty," those words have scrubby connotations. If they are tactics that work way better in lag, just call them "lag tactics." You're dangerously close to sounding like you don't like it when your opponents only use their good moves, rather than useless ones.
  17. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    I spam a lot in Tekken 6 mainly because it works against other spammers, ironically most players who spam in Tekken are actually pretty bad at defending against spam, to be honest I suck at Tekken and I use weak characters too thats why I do it, if high ranked players want to send me hate mail because they dont know how to low parry their way out of hwoarang's kick trap or how to duck marduk's unblockable attack thats their problem, what do they expect, me to lay down and get shit on by their spam ?
  18. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    This is how I know people can't play Tekken.

    They complain about the most simple, simple stuff in the game.

    - "Omg! All you do is the same f***ing move over and over!"
    - "Stop throwing me!"
    - "God d*** it, stupid 10 hit strings!"
    - "Great, I get launched into wall and then I can't get up"
    - "Stupid low attacks >_<!"

    Obviously, some of this stuff is pretty hard to deal with online. But if you're a good enough player at the game you can start to pick up on people's online patterns.

    It's not easy for every character for sure. But if you're good enough with YOUR character, you will know or go find out how to deal with so called "CHEAP MOVES".
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Spamming in Tekken will get you killed faster than it will get you Killed in VF. A whole lot faster.

    You wont beat people who actually know how to play Tekken by spamming. Even in lag. You'll find yourself launched and against the wall in no time at all.

    Usually people who complain about spamming are either not very good or ignorant of what is happening. If you say you're not very good, how can you even know your opponent is spamming? If you're ignorant you should shut up, pay attention and learn the game.

    Signia's post is a good one.
  20. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    I'd also like to add that it's the same with VF5.

    If you know how to play the game, then you know how to punish people for doing stupid stuff. So it's pretty much the same with Tekken.

    Against someone who know what's going on, pppk and DMp+k doesn't work.

    It's just easier to throw out random moves in Tekken than in VF.
    But the concept is still the same, if you suck you can't defend against so called "SPAM". If you can play and adapt or work out people's habits, then SPAM works in your favor.

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