Using shareware programs while playing VF online

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Air Jacky, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    Ok I was playing xyzx987xyz (something like that) and it was choppy as hell, our bars were all green and I knew that he had a shareware on, as I have noticed that when I run bit torrent and try to play vf online. xyzx987xyz sends me a messages wonder why I stop playing my game and just let him win, I replied back its bad lag and he says I have an hour left on bit torrent and lag wasn’t that bad (which is BS because it was that bad) I was WTF turn it off if you want to play. He said he can’t because he has to have what ever he is downloading. Then don’t play me since I was hosting last nite.
    I don’t know why anyone would want to play with lag. When you are using these programs the lag is bad it freezes about every 15 secs for 5-10frames I would say.
    So anytime I play I turn it off and if I forgot that I have bit torrent on, I have a great reminder, because when I play it’s so bad that I have to run over to my PC and turn it off. And there is no more lag.
    So anytime that you should have a great connection and it’s laggy as hell either you have something running or your opponent does.
    Please, if you are using these programs while playing DONT PLAY with ME!!! It is annoy as hell.
    Just wonder if anyone else has run into this.
    And I am not pissed at xyzxy987xy, I was just surprised that you knew about it and still you want to play with lag.
  2. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I yell at my roommate frequently for leaving utorrent up. I will start a match and immediately know he left it on. Very frustrating. I simply leave the match or run to fix it and then run back to see if it made a difference quick enough.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    hahahaha this is funny because I play with him quite a bit and our connection is usually just fine. However, yesterday I played him just one game and IMMEDIATELY I could see the random lag spikes and I just kind of chuckled in my head " torrents ". I wasn't sure if that is what it was, but it seems my assumption was correct. I normally love playing with him, but after that match I didn't host anymore because I knew he would most likely rejoin and I didn't see the point in fighting under those conditions. I am sure many people do it and I have even done it a few times unintentionally, but the moment I notice the lag or sluggish play I usually run over to my PC after the match or during if it's really, really bad and make sure it's paused or the program is all together exited.

    I know it's frustrating as hell, but nothing will be done to fix it. People just need to be a little considerate that's all. It's fine if they want to ruin their own experience, but forcing that on others is kind of disrespectful... nah not kind of, it IS disrespectful.
  4. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    hahaha that is funny that you said that because when i got on last night i saw that you were playing agaist him and i went to host a game like 30 secs later and he joined lol. and i did the same thing after the first round ran to my PC to check if i had any programs going too. which i didnt. i also like playing agaist him since he has a good Eileen and he is in Minnesota so our connection is almost perfect everytime, but not last nite, when there is lag /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    well just think of it in 10 days we will be playing lag free matches for the weekend. cant wait:)
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    yeah next weekend should be awesome. If you are looking for another good Eileen player. Try Tricky Viper or DarknessRedefined(I think that's his GT).
  6. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Downloading and uploading is bad for for both people,i get great connection from people way far out in japan! with gray bars and no hiccups so it's cool with me. or you can always shut down your computer or do a clean connection free up so that nothing is runing in the background on your pc.
  7. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Ok, ok, just that one time... Sheesh, you guys need to quit taking the game so seriously. I was only playing for fun, and to me the lag spikes were annoying, but I was still having fun. And most people didn't seem to care. Honestly, I tried fiddling with my router settings to get it to give very high priority to Xbox Live packets, and low priority to P2P packets, but it never worked that well. At any rate, that was the only time I've ever played with torrents running, and it's not something that I plan on making a habit of.
  8. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    OH! So using torrents while playing online causes lag? Oh wow that's a relief... I thought my internet connection was bad. Thanks for the information, I won't be using those anymore while trying to play online.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    If it only had an hour left you just should have waited for it to finish if it was that important. Downloading porn while playing VF online is bad, mmmkay.
  10. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


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