Vanessa-related queries

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Zero-chan, Feb 21, 2002.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I think I'm finally starting to get used to handling our silver-haired amazon semi-effectively. Just a few questions that popped into my head as I was doing my daily play session:

    1. DS P+K and d/f+P+K. These moves look really similar and both hit mid. d/f+P+K seems to execute/recover quicker, but P+K can be followed up with another P... are there any other differences? Can anyone give examples of instances where one would be better to use than another?

    2. Back attacks. Her back-turned arsenal seems rather weak, and the only TA move she has (unless I'm mistaken) is b+K+G. I'm sure there's some combo potential in using things like the back-turned elbow attack though. Does anyone have any suggestions for using her bakcturned attacks effectively?

    Again, input is very much appreciated. LOVE & PEACE~
  2. a_l_e_x

    a_l_e_x Active Member

    1. d/f+P+K force crouch on hit. Low throw after that is possible.
  3. Jakekun

    Jakekun Well-Known Member

    Back attacks. Her back-turned arsenal seems rather weak, and the only TA move she has (unless I'm mistaken) is b+K+G. I'm sure there's some combo potential in using things like the back-turned elbow attack though. Does anyone have any suggestions for using her bakcturned attacks effectively?

    the only things I've seen the back turned attacks effective in are using it to throw someone off b g+k to d g+k, then there is using it next to the wall, b g+k to stun then and p+k.....I think it just look really cool LOL

    one thing I noticed about Vanessa is she doesnt have any floaters. any suggestions on air combos?
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, my current mindset in VF4 (regarding combos) is that if your character doesn't seem to have all that many floaters and you want to combo, start looking for the leg-flops and KD setups--since those are usually as good as any if not better at times.

    In MT stance, Vanessa has a nasty approaching reverse elbow that is fast enough to be used when you see your opponent whiff an attack, make a mistake, or apparently dinking around at mid range without caution. From this reverse elbow, Vanessa can do some decent followups for some good damage and also setup okizeme opportunities.

    My experience could be skewing my view of this technique, but I'll openly admit that I either fall for it or just flat out get victimized by it whenever Rayblade (Portland player--Vanessa/Lei Fei) uses it. He sees me make a mistake in the slightest, WHAM! Reverse elbow in the face, my feet are off the ground, knee combos and what not follow, I take damage, and he has me setup for if I tech roll, sometimes for when I decide not to.

    Vanessa's dodging punch (hold G, u+P or d+P) can also be quite mean if it MCs since that causes KD. And in my experience, it's quite a reliable move.

    This doesn't cover everything, but these two techniques are among a few that I remember most from my encounter with Rayblade's Vanessa, and I think they makeup for any lack of floats and what not.


    PS... Sigh, whenever I go up to Portland (or anywhere) to play... I still don't know all of Vanessa's strings and options too well... Gets a bit frustrating, but I guess that's what the visual movelists in the Red and Black book are for... I do enjoy fighting against her though.
  5. Jakekun

    Jakekun Well-Known Member

    something I discovered in the MT stance is that her d\f+p upercut would juggle lion and lei on the first 2 stages, but when I got to pai it wouldnt. I just thought that was odd. They weren't counters, just straight standing there and attacking.

    regarding her g, d+p attack, I've found that you can do her p+k+g throws at the also does alot more damage than the combos
  6. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    MT stance is that her d\f+p upercut would juggle lion and lei on the first 2 stages, but when I got to pai it wouldnt. I just thought that was odd. They weren't counters, just straight standing there and attacking. good observation...notice the hit spark/flash? This was discussed here before... I think by <font color=red>Alan Tan</font color=red> or CreeD. Check out <font color=blue>Myke</font color=blue>'s Character section. You will find several worthy discussions about Vanessa. df+P+K and low throw follow-up are discussed. I particularily enjoy df+p for it's speed and recovery quircks. The long recovery moves and their punishment with 270 throws are interesting too. when opponent low punch interupts and then begins to spazz low punch ( 2p) Vanessa has two good weapons to stun them good. The advanced stepping tips <font color=orange>NYCrew's Andy</font color=orange>, I believe gave us for Jacky are excellent in execution with Vanessa too imho. Working Wall Combos? do you have a favorite cornering flow chart?

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