Vanessa's Fuzzy Guardable moves

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by Chinsilver, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Hey Everyone,

    For those just learning Vanessa or are seasoned pros, this is just something I thought would be helpful to refer to as fuzzy guarding is very essential in VF and feel it would be helpful to have a list of her fuzzy guardable attacks.

    P.S. I'm only going to include the frame advantage on block/normal hit as there is no point fuzzy guarding on counterhit as this is the incentive to continue attacking. [​IMG]

    CD=Crouch Dash
    NH=Normal Hit
    CH=Counter Hit

    Defensive Stance

    [6][P] (-4 on NH) CD Fuzzy

    [P][+][K] (-4 on block) CD Fuzzy only

    [4][P][+][K] (-2 on block) CD fuzzy possible

    [2][P][+][K] (-4 on block) CD Fuzzy only

    [1][P][+][K] (-1 on block) CD fuzzy possible

    [4][6][P][+][K] (-5 on block at point blank range, -4 at mid-range) CD Fuzzy only

    [P][+][K][P] (-3 on block) CD Fuzzy possible

    [K][+][G] (-5 on block) CD Fuzzy possible, although it is not recommended as it puts some distance between yourselves so evading or backdash are better options

    [6][P][+][K][+][G] (-2 on block) CD Fuzzy possible

    [4][4][K] BT (-3 on block) CD Fuzzy possible

    BT [P][+][K] (-2 on block) CD Fuzzy possible

    BT [P] (-1 on block) CD Fuzzy possible

    BT [2][K] (-4 on block) CD Fuzzy only

    There are plenty on moves to fuzzy guard against and hopefully this will help anyone soon. Maybe in the near future I wiill add her FG moves in her Offesive Stance.
  2. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member


    For the sake of convenience and readability, remove "CD Fuzzy possible" from Regular ones.

    Obviously, regular fuzzyable moves can be CD fuzzyable.
    And then order them from Fuzzyable to CD Fuzzyable.
    Also add "Silly" to things that Vanes shouldn't worry about Fuzzying.

    For example...


    [1][P]+[K] -1 (silly, you're crouched)
    [6][P]+[K]+[G] -2 (silly, it's -2, and people don't typically throw at +2, but hey... you can always play it safe)
    [4][P]+[K] -2 (silly, same as above)
    [4][4][K] -3 (you can't block from behind, so CD fuzzy in the opponent's opposite direction or abare)
    [P]+[K][P] -3
    [P]+[K] -4
    [P][K] -4
    [2][P]+[K] -4 (silly)(you won't even use this as a standalone move)

    CD Fuzzy (all -5)
    [6][K] (buffer P+G for the hitthrow, followed by 335G for the CD fuzzy guard)
    [K][K] (pushback, but still in range for throws, depending on where you were when you used it)


    [4][1][2][3][6][P][2] -1 (silly, it's a low and -1)
    [6][P]+[K]+[G] -2 (silly, same as DS)
    [4][P][K] -3 (both highs, some pushback, you be the judge)
    [2][P]+[K] -3 (silly, same as DS in terms of usage)
    [1][K]+[G] -3
    [2][K][P] -3 (you'll only stop at the first P if they're frozen, for throw mixups or something; for the most part you can K after to hit them out of the crouch, but you can still go ahead and fuzzy this if you want)
    [P][P][P] -3 (typically only used in sideturn, where it's at -1 on block)
    [P][P][P][P] -3 (same as above)
    [3][K][P] -4 (followup is a high as well, so get used to fuzzying this)
    [6][K][K][P] -4 (same as 2KP)
    [P][P][6][P] -4
    [K][P] -4 (same as 2KP)
    [P][K] -4
    [6][P] -4

    CD Fuzzy (all -5)
    [P][P] (same as PPP... you won't really want to go for 2 highs in a row and then be at -5; if you're going to use this, it's for the mixups; stopping at PP and losing momentum with a CD fuzzy seems like a pointless waste of a good opportunity to do something else)
    [3][K] (16f mid that should be used from far away, so it's not that good as a mid from upclose, and hence shouldn't need to be fuzzied; 6_K is better when you're at +4, compared to this)
    [2][P] (lol, low jab)
    [6][6][K][K] (depends on the distance, but good pushback... since 66K and 66KP are both worse in terms of frames on block, the opponent can just block the 66K and wait for the followup and throw immediately, so mix it up; sometimes it's worth doing nothing after a 66K (you still get a followup combo for it on CH))
  3. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Like I said, I made this if it will help anybody who wanted quick reference to her FG moves but since you took the time to reply with your own. I guess I don't need to
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thanks guys for the quick reference lists (y)

    @Chinsilver DS f+p,k combos on NH so it's kinda pointless to fuzzy after f+p NH. Everything else, nice, albeit laconic.

    @Ribx, wow, nice expanded writeup! Two nitpicks: 1) contrary to chinsilver you skipped moves that are negative on normal hit (e.g. OS p+k NH p). 2) your list is missing moves being blocked by sideturned opponents. For example DS df+k vs sideturn. This move sees a LOT of use fishing for sidecrumple; so you might as well mention it's fuzzyable.

    Also, please, don't mix your personal assessment of moves in this list. For example, OS df+k is a legitimate mid move to use vs eileen, shun, lion and other characters who rely on hitbox evasion.

    Or, another example, OS b+p,k and df+k,p,k are special highs. This allows for somewhat more liberal use. Mixing up a delayed followup to beat any retaliation is also an option.

    Or, yet another example, a blocked DS f+pkg does NOT mean the same thing as a blocked OS f+pkg. The OS version transitions to DS which has df+p to beat fast mids, and db+p to beat jabs and low punches and even more moves to keep pressuring. In fact all DS moves that are -3 or less could be treated the same way.

    We could go on all day. So let's keep it simple: if a fuzziable move has followups just write so and let the reader judge on their own whether they believe fuzzying is worth their trouble. If the move recovers low, also make a note of it. Also mention DS options.

    So the list could look like this:

    DS Fuzzy-able moves (bear in mind that a DS [3][P] will beat most 14f mids from -3 or less; also sabakis)

    [1][P][+][K] (-1) recovers low
    [4][P][+][K] (-2)

    OS Fuzzy-able moves

    OS [3][K][P] (-4) H* followup
    OS [3][K] (-5) H or M followup

    Also, finally, WHY U NO DS "lol, low punch"? :mad:

    Looking forward to reading more.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Closely related question: what am i supposed to do after OS [1][P] NH? I'm not familiar with my options while -4 and crouched in this version :(
  6. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Fom my experience since vane recovers crouching it ducks under some high attacks but I use it as a poke just to mix it up from using high and mid attacks simlar to Jacky's [1] [P]

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