VF 5:FS traffic via PSN

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by seyu, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys!

    Im moving to a dorm soon which limits the traffic I can use in one month to 20GB. So apart from setting up a router to even get my PS3 running on the dorms network, Ill need to watch my traffic, so I wont be our of internet after a few days.
    I already read some statistics for online games on PS3, but those vary a lot (like 300 mb for 6 hours MW3 and 120 mb for 14 hours Star wars:tor), so Id like to ask if someone knows how the avarage traffic for Virtua Fighter 5:FS is.
    If nobody knows Ill measure it myself over a few days and post the avarage here, in case people are interested in it. That could take a while though...
    So if somebody knows about this Id be really gratefull, if youd tell me.
  2. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    I don't know, no, but, if Sega handled the network programming correctly, it shouldn't be very much at all; there's no streaming video or audio (well, if you're listening to headsets, that'll eat up quite a bit of data), and sending commands back and forth and refreshing lobbies should be an extremely minimal amount of data.

    That being said, there are some features of VF5FS which put some network-programming noobishness on display, and so I wouldn't be surprised if they borked it, somehow, so you'd have to test. I'm interested to hear your results!


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