VF 5 PS3 1080p rumor

Discussion in 'Console' started by ShinobiFist, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    It's comical so many people fall into this True-HD marketing bullshit like the term True-HD 1080p (i'm not saying you, ShinobiFist). It's like it implicates that everything else is NotTrue-HD or something. VF5 arcade is 720p, upscaling it on ps3 will only increase the chances the port won't be 100% authentic. And you know the visual quality won't increase by going to 1080p, sega will never make their console games better than their arcade games. The fact is 99% of you people are going to be playing on a 480i/480p/720p/1080i TV, so this "True-HD" won't matter. The other 1% might have a 1080p TV that less than 55inches, which in this case you cannot see the difference between 1080p and 720p. Even if you have a decent (not some $2500 projection crap you got at walmart) 50"+ 1080p set, guess what? Most people can't tell the difference anyways. You are better off using the money for a 720p set with DCDi for vf than wasting it on market hype. The 1080P label is only there to sell over-priced Sony TVs. Only a fanboi would care if vf5 is 1080p.
  3. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with this. This whole resolution thing has been blown completely out of proportion. I'm not going to argue the point of whether or not people can tell the difference, or who has what television at what size. We all played Super Mario Bros. at 480i and we fucking loved it. Please stop buying into the technology war hype and enjoy your games.

    I also agree that I would prefer the game to appear in its original resolution, to preserve the authenticity of the gameplay.

    Disclaimer: I own all of the "next gen" systems.
  4. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    It would suck if 1080p has a detrimental effect on the gameplay, but I'm doubting it will.

    While I agree with you two to some level, watching high def movies in 1080p is a very different experience for me, even compared to 720. It's just a bit crisper. But I agree that without a nice TV, it's hard to tell.
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Talking about VF5, not movies.
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I would say that like 9/10 people I know who own a WII/360/PS3 play it using composite video cables...I could care less if the visuals aren't arcade perfect as long as the gameplay is.
  7. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    And with that there, the tread is over, good write up, Shang.
  8. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member


    im 1% /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    The above picture is exactly what marketing bullshit is all about: let's take a screen shot, blow it up 50 times and "analyze" it.
    When I first looked at this picture I thought, "Hey the HDMI 1.3 does look better". Then I thought about the market hype of HDMI 1.3......
    Deepcolor, HDMI 1.3 pushes 48bit color instead of 24bit color. I say to myself, but Shang... human eyes can't distinguish more than 16million colors (24bit)! Who cares HDMI 1.3 looks better. But but... the computer monitor i'm looking at is only 24bit! Who cares HDMI 1.3 still looks better. HDMI 1.3 requires all equipment to be HDMI 1.3 compliant, and There are NO HDMI 1.3 HDTVs exist on the market yet! WAT!!! Who cares it still looks better.
    Don't fall into the hype, put your money to better use, like by buying tickets to Plague's house.
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    The above picture is taken on a 1080p screen, when you take a 720p picture and blow it up to 1080p of course it will look fuzzy.
  12. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    im just so confused at the point of this comment
  13. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    Let me start by saying - "What a load of crap"
    I'm sorry If you are blind and cannot note the difference between 1080P and 720P but I can assure you that there are plenty of people who can. 1080P contains nearly twice the pixel detail of 720P and this is far more evident with a data signal, like PS3 Vf5. I havent seen any confirmation of upscaling the 720P framebuffer internally, and there is high possibility that the PS3 GPU can handle a game as simple as VF5 at 1080P without any issues.
    I have a 1080P TV and there are plenty of them on the market in Australia - which is the arse end of the technological side of the planet. Its a 37inch panel and the difference between 720P and 1080P is extremely evident.

    Considering the arcade and PS3 aren't identical I can't see how it could be 100% authentic. Higher resolution will have no affect on gameplay.

    VF2 ran at 704X480 pixels whereas the arcade was 496X384 and IMO the increase in resolution made the game look much better.

    Sony is only one manufacturer of 1080P TVs.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Anyone who bought a 1080p 37in TV is a tool.
  15. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    This question has been playing for ages with music. Most people get a run of the mill cd/lp-player and plug it into some boxes. No prob, same music right? Until you hear that shit through a proper machine and you go "Oh, so that bass-line there rings through a little more and that piano is played more sharply or... whatever." Everybody, unless they're used to factory work or went to too many concerts is going to notice the difference.

    I've been out shopping for a cd-player not too long ago and the more I heard those couple of discs I took along with me on different systems the more I was convinced the expensive machine was the right choice. It's a bloody good thing I set myself a limit to what I wanted to spend...

    Anybody who bought a 1080p TV could have been persuaded into it by the media, same way as a store-clerk will show you that bit more expensive model than the one you were checking out initially. Are they then tools? I'd like to say they're either a bit more gullible, planning ahead or are videophiles. (I mean, we all know that certain guy who's got a top of the line computer with the 1000$ video card and the way too big monitor and the way too fast processor for anything he'd ever want to do with it... Don't you? Same thing. The subject matter just switched to tv's, same frellin' (if you get that reference you rock) difference.)

    A PS3 game looks better than a PS2 game if played on the same tv. Are you willing to pay more to make it look even better? Yes? Well, more power to you. I can't really care, unless my tv breaks down. (I also know a guy who bought a 5000€ tv, the thing is absolutely huge. They just watch the same old shows on it, but the guy absolutely loves it, who am I to say he made the wrong choice? And no, I never played a videogame on that thing.)

    What does bug me are all the misunderstandings this hype of the same old question is causing.
  16. GreatDeceiver

    GreatDeceiver Well-Known Member

    Am I to understand that, in your opinion, Saturn VF2 looks better than on Model 2? This is pretty laughable.
  17. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Go look at arcade vf2 and saturn vf2 again,
    no matter what res you display both in there is no way in hell you can say the saturn version looks better, even though the res was nice far from arcade perfect seriously! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif

    1080p would only be a issue for bigger tv's , why can't my ds screen display 1080p, oh noes! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    The difference between native 1080p and the various jacked-up resolutions that manufacturers pass off as 720p is pretty evident if you're running a computer on it. Yes, even a 37".

    A lot of the panels that claim to be 720p are actually native 1024x768 or 1368x768 anyway, so they are scaling 720p content as well.

    Whine all you want about fools and their money, but the bottom line is 1080p is here to stay, and 1080p support for VF5 is nothing but good.
  19. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    KoD you are confused about HD technology. Panels are not "claiming" to be 720p at 1024x768 or 1366x768. When people talking about HDTV resolutions, such as 720p/1080i/1080p, they are not talking about panel resolution, they are talking about the 'signal' resolution. Therefore you can have 1080i on even a 1366x768 display. I'm going to give up posting on this thread, it's like talking to a bunch of monkeys about physics. But good argument on 37in LCD though, I'm sure no one can tell the difference between 1920x1080 vs. 1280x720 as a COMPUTER monitor.
  20. Geeseman

    Geeseman Member

    Again another post of pure wisdom /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
    So from your comments I can assume that with the Dell 24 inch monitor, no one can tell the difference between running it at 1280X768 and 1920X1080 resolution (native panel res is 1920X1200)?
    Well if you think so it shows how much you know about anything in this topic.
    If, in MANY people's opinion (actually those with proper eyesight) a 24inch panel makes definition between 720P and 1080P extremely evident then the same should certainly apply to any larger monitor of similar pixel resolution, such as a 37 inch panel.
    And before you comment, Vf5 is effectively a digital data signal - exactly the same as what is displayed on a PC monitor.

    As I said before I can't understand why it bothers you that this game may support 1080P. I can only assume you don't have a 1080P TV and as such you have to try to berate a function that will be supported by those who do.

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