VF 5 V. B (AC)

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by editor, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. editor

    editor Member

  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post.

    This is the same setup that has been released in the Japanese arcades since VF5 came out though. Version B also has been out in the arcades for quite some time, even the PS3 release is based on Version B gameplay.

    Thanks for the news from AOU though.
  3. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    strange they even bring it to AOU
  4. editor

    editor Member

    It's a big (well loved) system - the ALL.NET tournament's are very popular. The game is one of the big success stories of the Asian amusement scene, next to the success of Inital D for SEGA. The US and UK amusement sales teams play this down as the resources to bring VF5 to the UK/US do not exisit.

    Saying all this, with Tekken 6 video at AOU this year we could see a reason for SEGA to change their mind!

    All the best,
  5. editor

    editor Member

    Any time, my pleasure. The Stinger AOU report will hit next month, much more detail.

    Just one thing my source says that PS3 VF5 is based on Version A not B - Version B is totally new launch with All.Net updates, while the PS3 game will be original structure? Can you confirm?

    All the best,
  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    your source report is incorrect sir.

    Ver. B has ZERO gameplay changes made since Ver. A. All Ver B. did was add new items, quest mode stuff in arcade and other insignificant extras. To say VF5 on ps3 is Ver. A and Ver B. is correct since no gameplay changes has been made since ver A.
  7. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Are VerB items in the PS3 version?
  8. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    yes and no - it depends if sega sends updates directly to the cabinets via internet, or the items are already there being unlocked on a time based schedule. The initial Ver B. launch items are there though.
  9. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Ok good news.
    Even if it's updated by internet in the arcades we can still pray for SEGA to release items in demo discs in magazines, somes PS3 games had content made available this way in Japan iirc. As it seems SEGA decided to support VF5 PS3 with net features I guess it's our last hope lol.
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    VF5 arcade IS updated via online updates.

    Like Phoenix said, there were ZERO gameplay changes going from Ver. A to Ver. B

    My guess is that most likely, Version C will simply be feature updates like Version B. I think it's very very unlikely they would introduce a version with gameplay changes with KS4, Sega's biggest national tournament, taking place right now all the way till the end of March, which is the launch window for Version C.

    I think Version C will be an attempt to spark some life to VF5 in order to keep up the momentum for the announcement of VF5 evo later this year.
  11. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    "Sega will release Virtua Fighter 5 version C in Japan this spring, the game will have refined play balance and new combat maneuvers."

    It's from the magic box, so a grain of salt is needed. But, since the update seems to be hitting after KS4, I wouldn't be surprised to see new attacks etc. Esp. w/ Tekken6 now on the horizon, and VF5's popularity trailing.

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