VF CG Portraits?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Jotaro, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. Jotaro

    Jotaro Active Member

    Anybody knows if there's any archive which fully store's the VF CG Portraits (from those Saturn Era VF character CG Discs) Does Creed's Server have them?
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Yup, I've got CG stuff for all the games. There are some REALLY big and REALLY nice ones for the VF4 characters. I managed to snag a few fullsize CG's of stages in VF4 also, I'm still waiting to complete that part of the collection.

    Anyway get on irc and I'll send whatever you need.
  3. Jotaro

    Jotaro Active Member

    Yeah Thanks man,
    Just need the VF1 & 2 CGs (Got the VF3 & 4 already)
    Could U Zip them up & if possible ICQ me or have it avail for dload somewhere?
    I don't have IRC (Call me stupid, I don't know how to IRC) Thanks.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Give me an address or icq number and I can zip and send what I've got. Since it's a large set of files, and since icq has been very flaky for transferring files for me (it won't work if we don't have exactly the same version of trillian or ICQ it seems like)...

    Why not try to get on IRC? There are straightforward directions at the top of this page under dural's nose. IRC dcc sends are very reliable - you can resume them if they stop and even if your connection to the irc server drops, the DCC transfers keep going. Otherwise .. I can try email but the size of the zip might be large enough to irritate your ISP, or mine.
  5. Jotaro

    Jotaro Active Member

    I don't know how to IRC (sure call me stupid)

    Or could maybe use

    Login: Leader_UN01
    Password: qwerty

    U can just upload any stuff there & anybody can log in also to take stuff.

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