VF EVO to a console

Discussion in 'Console' started by Hung_Shun, Aug 6, 2002.

  1. Hung_Shun

    Hung_Shun Member

    my question is, will VF4 EVO ever come to playstation 2? if it does, will it be an add on or will it be like an entirely new game, cuz the new game thing would suck cuz i'd have to get rid of my old game if i got EVO
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    evo is most likely gonna be xbox, search for evo console and you'll find the press releases and rumors and whatnot. I doubt it'd be on PS2 just because of what you said... who wants to scrap their 40 or 50 dollar game for a 40 ot 50 dollar upgrade a few months later?

    Incidentally, I'm putting this in console, since it's a console question. Have a nice day.
  3. Hung_Shun

    Hung_Shun Member

    well with the harddrive add-on coming out for PS2, it's very likely that the evo game can be sold as an upgrade to the orginal virtua fighter and only be sold for like 30 bucks...thats what i'd like to see happen, because i want to play evo, i just don't want to scrap my other game too, i've got too many fond memories /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Bah, not everyone wants a HDD to their PS2... I'd rather spend 50 bucks on a new edition of a game. Besides, judging from people's impressions and movies, EVO is much different from the original VF4c.
  5. Hung_Shun

    Hung_Shun Member

    my main problem with evo coming to playstation 2, is the character files...i don't want to lose the characters i have been working on just because i can't use them on evo
  6. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    Well, they've already got all the engine programming finished in ps2 VF4. Why wouldn't they take the trouble to just add in the new chars and make the music/animation/arena changes? It's not like it's a total rewrite, doesn't seem like a huge amount of work. Also, Xbox is so small in japan, why would they do a totally new conversion to xbox, a relatively unpopular system in japan, when they can just add in the new stuff on ps2?
  7. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    in a recent interview with ops2 yu suzuki all but confirmed that evo would be coming to the ps2
  8. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It only makes sense for it to come out for PS2 since AM2 is now familiar with the hardware. I read that when developing VF4 for the PS2, Yu Suzuki wished they had more time to work on it, but were unable to implement all the features due to a strict deadline. Xbox isn't very popular in Japan and is far behind the PS2 in popularity all over the world (even here in America). Will it be coming out as an add-on to the current VF4 disk (using the PS2 Hard drive), or will it be a completely new disk? Also, where did you read this?
  9. SpaceRain

    SpaceRain New Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    CreeD wrote: who wants to scrap their 40 or 50 dollar game for a 40 ot 50 dollar upgrade a few months later?

    [/ QUOTE ] I would. Anytime. PS2 VF4 has already given me hundreds of hours of raw entertainment playing my friends, so it's been worth every cent and the more I read about Evo, the more I want to get my hands on it. I do recognize, however, that only hardcore fans will think this way. Console games aren't cheap and so most people will probably think: "Well, I already got PS2 VF4 which rocks, but that's close enough, I'm not paying a fortune for two extra characters." I of course recognize Evolution is so much more than that, but many casual gamers probably won't. Sega knows people think like this, and they know how to get around it: Call it VF5 instead of VF4 Evolution. Sure, that might be a bit cheesy, but so what? Lots of game sequels have been released that were nothing but some new levels, monsters, weapons, whatever.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    GLC wrote: Bah, not everyone wants a HDD to their PS2...

    [/ QUOTE ] True.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    GLC wrote: I'd rather spend 50 bucks on a new edition of a game. Besides, judging from people's impressions and movies, EVO is much different from the original VF4c.

    [/ QUOTE ] Agreed, but I doubt many people will feel the way we do.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Hung_Shun wrote: my main problem with evo coming to playstation 2, is the character files...i don't want to lose the characters i have been working on just because i can't use them on evo

    [/ QUOTE ] What difference does it make? Think of all you would be getting. Everybody has to start over with their characters in the arcades too, it's not like it's that big of a deal. I mean, sure, if you're up to 7th Dan in the arcades, you would probably hate to see that go, but if you got that far, you can get there again. And that's IMO the most serious kind of VF4 competition, what we do can hardly even compare. Besides, don't you just love to get a new start? :)

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Hung_Shun wrote: Well, they've already got all the engine programming finished in ps2 VF4. Why wouldn't they take the trouble to just add in the new chars and make the music/animation/arena changes?

    [/ QUOTE ] Excellent question, and the only thing I can see stopping them is if they don't feel they'll sell many games. It doesn't really matter whether it's a breeze to convert or not, if it costs a fortune to send out a new game and they feel that the fans already has the game and only the hard-core fans (and people who don't have VF4 yet) will buy Evo.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Hung_Shun wrote: Also, Xbox is so small in japan, why would they do a totally new conversion to xbox, a relatively unpopular system in japan, when they can just add in the new stuff on ps2?

    [/ QUOTE ] Another excellent question, you're on a roll, dude. :) If they want to make money from this game in Japan, besides the bizillions they're already making from the arcade version, PS2 is obviously the way to go, even if Xbox/NGC users won't have the dilemma of upgrading when they already have PS2 VF4.

    I bought my PS2 for one reason and one reason alone: PS2 VF4. If Evolution comes out on Xbox, I'm buying an Xbox. If it should come out on Nintendo GameCube, I'm buying one of those. The price is really not an issue. I'm not rich. I wish I was. But this game is my life, like I'm sure it is for lots of people reading this board. When you do something for eight hours a day and and it's the best thing you know that doesn't involve girls, it doesn't matter WHAT it costs you. Oh, and for those who think I and other people who feel this way about a game need to get a life, remind me why we care how you feel again? Oh, that's right, we don't. :)

    Just my two cents,
  10. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    It's been way more than a few months since VF4 released for PS2. Evo is just now arriving on the scene, so it would be at LEAST another half year before even Japan sees any console conversion.

    And I think we'd see multi-platform before we see Xbox exclusive. Too many factors that point to ps2; it's the most popular system (based on sales) worldwide, the programmers of VF4 have gotten experience with ps2 hardware, they've already got a considerable amount of code for ps2, and they're biggest fan base (Japan) is pro-ps2. Only factors for the Xbox is the chance for a more faithful conversion. Even if they did decide to make it Xbox only, that's a waste of experience of the programmers who are familiar with the ps2, and it would piss off an enormous amount of people.

    Me...I'd probably get an Xbox for the game. I don't think that it's worth it, but I have enough money where I can get it. It's not worth it because Xbox only has like 4 worthwhile games. It so easily can be the best system in the market, but 3rd party support sucks so badly. Though, sega does seem to support them a lot.
  11. ukmc2

    ukmc2 Active Member

    i just hope that if the Evo really comes to ps2.
    then can improve the graphic.

    'cus i mean.. the ps2 quality is just way lower than the arcade version.

    same as vf3 to the DC.
    how come they just can't make the graphic better on console?

    or is it that's the ps2's limit???????
  12. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    An arcade unit of Evo even when leased costs a few thousand dollars. The PS2 is only a few hundred. The Naomi 2 board that runs Evo is more expensive and therefore alot more powerful than the PS2. I think the PS2 conversion wasn't all that it could of been (no anti-aliasing for instance) but even if you spent huge amounts of time optimizing and squeezed every inch of power out of the PS2 it wouldn't match the Naomi 2 board. Hopefully if Evo does ever come out on the PS2 there will be an update on the graphics.
  13. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    Well, the Naomi 2 isnt all that expensive to produce, but it does have a few key features the PS2 lacks. Mostly video memory (cleaner textures) and hardware lighting (for the missing spotlights on buildings and stuff in the PS2 port).

    The model detail is nearly, if not spot on, in the PS2 port. This I think matters the most, for it gives the characters proper size orientation. Previously, due to the reductions, the characters appeared smaller to some degree (especially in VF1 and 2). This, more than anything, takes away from that arcade feel. But VF4 on PS2 has it.

    Arcade hardware today is based on console hardware. Naomi 2 is pretty much a Dreamcast on steroids. Like the System 246 PS2 arcade board, it is fairly cheap to build (unlike Sega's Model 3 variations). The extreme price comes from that they expect the arcade owner to make that cost (and then some) back off the unit. The hardcore gamer OTOH just gets a very expensive game.

    Anyway, they did mention that if they had more time with VF4 on the PS2, it would have been even closer to arcade perfect (as it is, its the closest the VF series at home has ever come to being that). Having Evolution ported to the PS2 could yield a port that may be less rough, as in run at a true 640x480 with progressive scan capability, maybe even get those extra lights in there. Textures probably cant be saved, but thats not that big a deal. An Xbox port could be arcade perfect, and then some. But arcade perfect is probably the most we can hope for.

    Personally, I got the PS2 version, Ill probably get Evo no matter what, but Id prefer an Xbox port.

  14. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    If Evo comes to XBox, I will probably sell my PS2 (for a high price, which will still sell like hotcakes), and use that money to help buy an XBox and Evo.

    Take this with a GRAIN OF SALT... but it is something maybe worth taking a look at. Who knows?...

    Yes, I already hear people complaining about how VF wouldn't work well over the Internet... blah blah blah. It would be a heck of a lot of fun in my opinion, even if matches would have to be played differently to cope with latency. 100ms would be like playing with 6 frames of additional execution time for every move, but oh well, better than nothing. To me it would be the greatest thing to ever happen to VF on consoles. Especially for people who live in places where finding other local VF gamers is difficult.

    Of course this is all rumor to me, but interesting to think about.
  15. ukmc2

    ukmc2 Active Member

    but it is not officially announce yet right?

    does it say that if it's gonna be on xbox... then it will not be on ps2?

    won't it be multi platform?

  16. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    It is DEFINITELY NOT official news. It is just an unproven "rumor" that Xbox Live testers might get a VF4 Evo demo. It does not imply anything whatsoever about the PS2. All of this is just speculation, until we get actual proof.
  17. FrankoTBLS

    FrankoTBLS Member

    Very good news:
    "In the press conference, Sega COO Tetsu Kayama mentioned that their major game titles will be going multi-platform in the future, such as Virtua Fighter and Sonic, in order to maximize sales. Sega is also considering porting certain platform exclusive titles to other console systems, such as some of the Xbox titles."
    from: http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm

    Hopefully we'll be seeing Evo on ps2 and xbox. (crosses fingers...)
  18. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Remember, before you take anything on the Magic Box as gospel:

    Information there has been translated from Japanese, to Chinese, to something sort of resembling English.

    And since it's mostly hearsay reporting, there's no fact checker like most REAL news sites have.
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Actually this news originates from German site Gamefront, Gamefront is as reliable as they come.
  20. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    Swell... Another multi platform release. I tell you, this is probably not good news. At least its some news though.

    Anyway, as to why this isnt good news. Well, if Sega is doing the ports due to profit potential only, we can expect the Xbox version to be roughly identical to the PS2 version. They wont spend time trying to optimize the game for that platform, so if the PS2 one doesn't have it, the Xbox one probably one either. This is also to keep Sony happy they have a comparable version.

    The recent release of Mortal Kombat shows us how screwy an Xbox port can go. The PS2 version has smooth, quality, MPEG 2 video cut scenes. The Xbox uses the grainy Bink video codec and looks bad by comparison. The PS2 version has vivid color and deep blacks. The Xbox version has a washed out look, it lacks the vivid colors and the reflective materials are no where near as nice as they are on PS2 (think 1p Sarah, but with a boring matte look, possible on the Xbox version). But, the picture is overall a tiny bit smoother. Its hardly worth the trade off. Anyway, the point is this didn't have to be this way, the Xbox version could have been more than a port of another PS2 product, but no one wants that sort of work. Namco flat out said they dont intend to optimize SC2 for anything other than the PS2. I can easily see Sega taking this same route.

    So what does this end up doing? It reduces the time for polishing of the home port to PS2 in order to make room for simple, unoptimized, ports to other consoles. IMO, its better to do it right in one place than do a half assed job all over the place.


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