VF Wiki (was Re: Ready for a new flame?)

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Zero-chan, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GodEater said:

    I think one of the biggest things the scene at large can do to help itself out is get better organized. If a website rehaul (maybe a sister site or just a sub-site) is what it takes then anyone who is serious about VF5 being bigger than VF4 et al should jump on board and donate their time and energy into making it work. I do think what Andy is suggesting and what this site provides are markedly different...it really is all about the marketing at this point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've had ideas going through my head of suggesting something like a VF Wiki... something like that would be easy to add information to and organize. I've held off on acting on the idea due to lack of time and fear that dramamongers and/or tards would screw it up with flames and useless info. If we could get it off the ground and functioning without interference, though, I'm sure it would be very useful to everyone wanting to get more info about the game. What do you think?

    edit -- sub-thread extracted
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    First to GE. I definitely believe that the core of a successful game is still based upon its contents. The thing that made me believe VF.net will improve the amount of players in the scene is the initial draw of a system like this. Taking the T5 example, in my local arcade, the card system encouraged alot of new players to go to the arcade regularly. This example is mirrored in other games that have a card system like Initial D. Granted, that doesn't mean that a card system would guarantee the success of VF5, but like you said, this move should be an answer to the competitor's move with T5. I definitely think that after the initial draw of constumes changes, it's still up to the local vets to promote the scene somewhat. Because even with the cards, it takes alot of play to build up your card, and that's not something that can be done by most casual players. The one thing that a card system encourages best imo is the sense of competition. That is what I believe the one thing that will bring the game a thriving scene. Of course, unless they do it similar to T5, I hardly see any chance of it coming here in its present form. It's difficult for me to see how another website would help the scene grow if there are not any new players drawn to the game.

    To Andy. The next step is just to make those ideas into concrete details. Figure out what that "formula" is and people will know what they have to do. I feel that more work can be done to come up with ideas of how to hold more regular/smaller/local events as to maintain the momentum for the larger events.

    To zero-chan. Wiki would be a way to organize the stuff that everyone have posted on VFDC thus far. I don't think there's a lack of information on VFDC for the new people, just that they are hard to find as with any fighting game forum. Wiki would be a good solution to the organizational problem with the info on VFDC.
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    One of the major draws of tekken is its attitude. Even with the silly characters, there is so much going on - the animations are all overdone...the movement and flow is back and forth...even if your blocking a ton of attacks, its still a lot of movement. VF needs to do something to visually captivate someone. Its the average looking chick who is absolutely awesome...but you never get to meet that side of her because at first glance you just kind of dismiss her. Tekken is the bubbly cheerleader. She is fun to meet at first and even though she might be a bit dim, still nice to fuck in the back of the bleechers every now and then.
    Also, unless VF can get some MAJOR sponsers and get press coverage, NO local organization is ever, ever going to draw enough new blood to make a difference in the talent/player pool. If we all wanted to pool our resources on something, it would be getting press for the game, getting it in the arcades and sponsering events there...then maybe gatherings could have more impact. We should make sure that VF is at least on the table at every major video game competition (console....VF at quakecon would be kind of dumb). The approach to this can not be elitiest either - none of this "well, your gameplay system is just so simple and dumb, ours is vastly superior." That just is going to piss people off. THe entire amopshere of the players has to be one of acceptance and nurturing, not one of "lets weed out the idiots as fast as we can."
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    [ QUOTE ]
    The approach to this can not be elitiest either - none of this "well, your gameplay system is just so simple and dumb, ours is vastly superior." That just is going to piss people off. THe entire amopshere of the players has to be one of acceptance and nurturing, not one of "lets weed out the idiots as fast as we can."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Ma0 we've been trying to weed you out for years now but you're still here & why is that? Nothing wrong with weeding out the idiots I'm all for it besides you have to beat me to death with a bat before I'd stop playing this game. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    Look this was never meant to be for the mass so face the facts & let it go. Even when VF was @ it's peak of popularity during #2 it was nothing compare to SF II. It just drew a different crowd.

    This requires commitment it's really that simple compare to SF which you can skip a few weeks & still get back on the wagon & still keep up. Not so with VF if you miss even a week of play when everyone was playing at it's peak forget it buddy boy you're yesterday's news.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    Smurf, then why can I still rape you in a match? :p. Maybe if there was a more consistent community (Sega - please read this as online play being absolutely nessisairy for ALL console ports of VF)...there would not be that problem...and Please, if you were a competitive SF player, you were out a few days it was almost as bad....you just had more scrubs to beat down to get warmed up.
  6. cka

    cka Active Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    To zero-chan. Wiki would be a way to organize the stuff that everyone have posted on VFDC thus far. I don't think there's a lack of information on VFDC for the new people, just that they are hard to find as with any fighting game forum. Wiki would be a good solution to the organizational problem with the info on VFDC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I haven't posted here in a good long while, but if you're interested I can host this wiki for you. I've even got an awesome domain for it.
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    [ QUOTE ]
    cka said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    To zero-chan. Wiki would be a way to organize the stuff that everyone have posted on VFDC thus far. I don't think there's a lack of information on VFDC for the new people, just that they are hard to find as with any fighting game forum. Wiki would be a good solution to the organizational problem with the info on VFDC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I haven't posted here in a good long while, but if you're interested I can host this wiki for you. I've even got an awesome domain for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've got my own server I could probably host it on, but yours might be better for wiki software. What exactly is your setup?

    I also have absolutely no idea how to go about installing and running wiki software, which is another problem.

    But! If this does get off the ground, I'm thinking that we should implement a system that requires a user to be approved before they can edit/add info. This would greatly reduce the potential for worthless info to make its way into the wiki. What do you think?
  8. cka

    cka Active Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    cka said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    To zero-chan. Wiki would be a way to organize the stuff that everyone have posted on VFDC thus far. I don't think there's a lack of information on VFDC for the new people, just that they are hard to find as with any fighting game forum. Wiki would be a good solution to the organizational problem with the info on VFDC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I haven't posted here in a good long while, but if you're interested I can host this wiki for you. I've even got an awesome domain for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've got my own server I could probably host it on, but yours might be better for wiki software. What exactly is your setup?

    I also have absolutely no idea how to go about installing and running wiki software, which is another problem.

    But! If this does get off the ground, I'm thinking that we should implement a system that requires a user to be approved before they can edit/add info. This would greatly reduce the potential for worthless info to make its way into the wiki. What do you think?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Right now I'm running http://wiki.versuscity.net using the same software Wikipedia uses, but right now it's more of a testbed than anything. It's pretty clean and fast. I'm certain it can be setup to only allow registered users to post pages, though. It's extremely extendable with either home-made or pre-written extension scripts.

    Hosting shouldn't be too much of a problem for it; I run/own the server versuscity.net is hosted on so bandwidth shouldn't be too much of an issue and if needed I can setup some memory caching software. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF Wiki

    What GodEater was merely suggesting, if I'm not mistaken, has nothing to do with an online VF encyclopedia (which is where the wiki comes in.)

    The sub/sister site suggestion was in response to Andy's dream of a VFR-esque setup for the North American scene. I don't want to go over that (again), but I still believe vfdc has the necessary resources to support whatever he has in mind. VFR works because, on a national scale, they have the players and resources (arcades) to support that culture. Jumping up and down wanting a website like theirs is ridiculuous when NA have neither the players nor the resources to sustain such a culture.

    Back to the wiki. At my place of work, I regularly use a wiki with a bunch of developers. It works for us because we have a number of knowledgable people regularly (or not so regularly) contributing to it.

    If we, vfdc, had a number of knowledgable people regularly contributing VF information then this site would be overflowing with guides, faqs, info, etc. But it's not, so that doesn't fare well for the success of a wiki. Or does it?

    Wikis, being what they are, are useful as reference material. But getting back to the original intent (I think?), do we really need reference material, dictionaries and encyclopedias for VF? In a software development environment, such as the one I work in, it's great, but where's the value for fighting games, and more importantly, getting more people to play VF?

    Newbies aren't reading the material that's already available, so what are the chances they'll want to go browse or search a wiki? Admittedly, looking up definitions, histories, etc, does have some value, but if the ultimate goal is to grow the scene, then we have to work at the grass roots:

    1. introduce new people to the game
    2. help these new people become strong players

    Only then should we be worrying about documenting the history of the term SPoD and the Canadian VFers obsession with o'Doom acronyms. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF Wiki

    Thanks Myke.
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: VF Wiki

    well in response to myke

    it wouldnt hurt to give it a try . . . .?
    maybe people will feel more compelled to write out stuff

    i might be able to plug in an entry every now and then for slow days at work
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    Just wondering...why fuss with fiddling around with wiki software and hosting when there's wikipedia already avaiable? That would be make more sense to me...if you can actually find people to contribute to writing materials for it.
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    because there would be more control over the editing process and its localized

    could you imagine the wiki admins trying to handle spam from gamefaqsand trying to guess what is right?
  14. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    I've started writting the ULTIMATE VIRTUA FIGHTER DICTIONARY four months ago. This project is completed in ~40% and the beta version will be avable in next few weeks on Pai Chan DOJO. More details soon.
  15. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    Wikipedia is a general encyclopedia. There isn't really a lot of opportunity to go too in-depth there, and I don't know if the admins there would want a whole boatload of VF pages on every single little term or gameplay element...
  16. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: Ready for a new flame?

    Hundreds of pages with: SPoD, LBF, GS, HCF, DFS, DE, SDE....
    That would piss them off /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  17. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: VF Wiki

    [ QUOTE ]
    ...but if the ultimate goal is to grow the scene, then we have to work at the grass roots:

    1. introduce new people to the game
    2. help these new people become strong players

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I've said this before and I'll say it again. To those who love this game, go now and introduce yourself to your local arcade operator. Get to know them a bit better. This will help develop a relationship between them and whatever small group of VFers exist in their area. It will not only help in the potential acquistion of VF5, but it will also help them manage their clients (you) better.

    If you get VF5 - first and foremost - play it. I mean, play it a lot. Show your dedication to the arcade. Say hi everytime you go in. Point out the group to the management. Be nice to each other. Share resources. Point people to this site for discussion. Grow your scene in a constructive way.

    Discussing strategies for NAVF growth around VF4FT is moot now. Let's all be patient for VF5 and get off to a good start. Once a player base is established again, then we can reorganize our resources (VFDc, etc) to meet the needs of the NAVF community.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Only then should we be worrying about documenting the history of the term SPoD and the Canadian VFers obsession with o'Doom acronyms. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    VFDC = VFWoD.
    (VF Wiki o'Doom)

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