On December 5th in Tokyo, Ikebukuro Sarah, one of the legendary Tetsujins (Ironman) of VF1 and VF2, was honored for his 50th birthday celebration by holding special event featuring a 100-man kumite. It was held at one of the most famous arcades in Japan, Mikado Arcade.
What is a Tetsujin/"Ironman"? They are one of the few players who have survived the challenge of beating nearly 100 of Japan's top players in a single session. Only the best could survive such a challenge, and its only fitting that, 20 years later, a 100-man kumite be held as the main event for this special occasion for Ikebukuro Sarah.
Many players came for the challenge, including long-time VF veterans like Ferudinadio and fellow Tetsujin Kyasao. Checkout the archived footage below, courtesy of @cruzlink2. Come watch!
VF1 100-man Kumite - Honoring Tetsujin Ikebukuro Sarah
Discussion in 'News' started by BLACKSTAR, Dec 5, 2015.
Discussion in 'News' started by BLACKSTAR, Dec 5, 2015.
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