VF3 demo clip

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by YoungKnight, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. YoungKnight

    YoungKnight Member

    Hey I was wondering if anybody still had an old movie lying around on their hard drive. It was a promotional demo video for the original Vf3 featuring all 13 characters doing stuff in their respective locations. Jacky and Sarah fight the Syndicate, Pai and Lau train on a cliff, Shun gets hammered, etc. It ends with Akira practicing in the desert.

    I rather liked that clip and hoped to find it again, just for personal viewing. Can anyone direct me to this ancient clip if they have it? Thanks.
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    If you or any of your friends have a Dreamcast you can cap it from that source. Maybe Godeater or rsw can point you in the right direction.
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    ask and you shall receive!


    the promo vid, the TB character intro and...because no one demanded it at all the VF3TB Uramawari video I made a loooong time ago.

    The intro and promo vid are low res but they are all I have. Sorry.

  4. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    i remember sega took out ads in the papers telling people it was going to be on british tv at 2 or 3am, they basicly showed it and about 3min of saturn stuff like mass destruction

    shame they didnt make one like that for vf4 (story wise)
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Thanks GE, btw that was a well put together clip. I remember being 16 and watching that video multiple times. Good stuff.
  6. YoungKnight

    YoungKnight Member

    These are excellent Godeater, thank you very much!

    I thought this file was long dead but I'm glad I found it. And the other vids are amazing too. Poor Jacky gets OWNED. You rock!
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    How about uploading your old TB combo video? The one with vs. Aoi combos... Pretty please? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I still have 3.7GB of collected VF1, VF2, and VF3 footage (most of it VF stuff with lots of vids but also pics, audio, etc. - just everything that has ever been created) material. If there is anything you need ...

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