Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Guest, Aug 14, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    For those of you that need clarification....

    What movies are on this site?
    VFWorld is posting (over time) The First Beat Tribe Cup Tournament tape. In real media format. On the page is a link to VFLess, which is holding the contents of the VF3tb Competitive Edge tape. If you have a way of getting items from Japan, you can get yourself an original Beat Tribe Cup tape at <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.beat-tribe.com>Original Beat Tribe Page</A>.
    With regards to the BTC captures, you can find them in the movies link on <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.geocities.com/vfworld/>VF World</A>

    How do I download these clips?!
    Some clips have been stored on 'net space servers. Apply the given username and password supplied on the site for those clips. Download all of the relevnt files. I will explain the RAR archive system in a bit.
    There are clips which you can find linked on the site as well. These clips are in RAR format and a lot of people have been having trouble understanding this format. I will now explain:

    1) You need to know that the links on the site, for each RAR archive, is the FIRST file you need in that archive and the LAST file in that archive.
    For example, for the 7th movie file you are given the links, to 1stbt_01_07.rar and 1stbt_01_07.r04. I will call these files by their extensions now...In this case:
    .rar is the FIRST file in the archive.
    .r04 is the LAST file in the archive.
    These two files ARE NOT the only files you need to download 1stbt_01_07. You MUST have all the files between. Thus you will need the following files:
    1stbt_01_07.r00 (create your own link based on the given link)
    1stbt_01_07.r01 (create your own link based on the given link)
    1stbt_01_07.r02 (create your own link based on the given link)
    1stbt_01_07.r03 (create your own link based on the given link)

    Save these files to disk (hard drive)!!!

    2)Now, once you have these files, go get the program, WinRAR. Sorry, I don't know what agent Macs use for RAR files. WinRAR can be found through search engine, but a link is provided if you go to www.winrar.com

    3)With winRAR, figure out how it is used. Go look for the files you downloaded and saved to your hard drive. And extract the original file (in this case 1stbt_01_07.rm) out of the combined archive files. If you get a message saying "broken" or "file missing," you do not have all the files you need (like 1stbt_01_07.r02 for instance). If you successfully get a fully working movie file out of all of this, you can delete the archive files you downloaded and extracted the movie file from.

    For your convenience, and to give you an idea, I'll only post a link for one of the movies. Try to get a RAR extracting agent, and extract the movie file out of the files you download.


    I hope this has helped you. Keep in mind that I have done this to illustrate the RAR compression format and more specifically, inform you that you need to handmake the links that are not shown on the page. Use your ability to count (don't forget .r00) to figure out what files fill in the gaps.

    Now... A note on the RAR compression format.
    RAR is a compression format that is very old now, but still used very much to this day. These days, mostly in usenet if you like downloading big files (roms, pirated software, pr0n, pirated movies, and legitimate alternatives to what I previously mentioned). Traditionally, it was popular with software pirates who wanted to archive their "collections" on to floppy discs (before the days of inexpensive CD Burners, back when we used floppies of various sorts). These are among the many uses of the RAR file format.

    Why this hectic trial of multiple files to extract even one (or more) files?!
    Well, RAR is convenient for those who still use floppy or small media, and especially those who have unstable internet connections. In bad case scenarios, it's better to use a bunch of smaller files which will certainly be downloaded with a small chance of failure, than to download a HUGE file with any chance of failure. What if you downloaded a 360MB file and it crashed at 270MB downloaded? Yes, RAR is a pain... but not as bad as downloading for hours and having an interruption and starting at square one again. With a lot of usenet browsers, people just click the whole index and let the program download anyways. If you use getright, you shouldn't have problems either, downloading a bunch of files. This makes downloading RAR files less of a problem. There are other reasons as well as these, but I hope I get some point across here.

    RAR files are also supposedly better than the zip format. Zip does have an option to archive over multiple floppies and what not, but issues were more common than with rar files. Compression is supposedly better and the risk of file corruption is supposedly less.


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