VF4 Evo Goh Combo Search

Discussion in 'Goh' started by LM_Akira, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    These are all taken from the combo search in the PAL version of evo. They detail the best combos to use in a given situation with regards character, weight, hit type, stance etc...

    c stands for closed stance
    o stands for open stance

    NH stands for Normal Hit
    CH stands for Counter Hit

    MC stands for Major Counter
    mC stands for minor Counter
    (if a move has this written after it in brackets it means the move must MC or mC to combo)

    BD Stands for BeatDown. I've added this to combos that finish with a beatdown move as it is possible to follow up with a light down attack or ground throw should your opponent not TR (Tech Roll away on the floor).

    R Stands for Refloat. In this case low punch, [2][P] must be used with specific timing in order to refloat a collapsing opponent.

    Damage for combos is given first for NH and then for CH where appropriate.


    LW: Aoi, Pai, Sarah, Vanessa
    MW: Goh, Brad, Lei Fei, Kage, Shun, Lion, Lau, Jacky, Akira
    HW: Wolf, Jeff

    If anyone notes a mistake, please PM me and I will correct it on this thread. I've tested all combos myself so I'm quite sure damages are all correct but if there is a mistake somewhere please point it out.


    [4][6][P](mC/MC) > [P] > [2_][6][P]+[K] c/o 48 vs all except Akira in open and Wolf and Jeff.

    Against Akira in open and Wolf and Jeff in open or closed use:
    [4][6][P](mC/MC) > [P] > [K]

    [4][6][P](mC/MC) > [P] > [6][P]+[K] c BD 43
    [4][6][P](mC/MC) > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] o BD 39

    [3][K](MC) > [P] > [K] c 60 vs Pai, Aoi, Sarah, Vanessa

    Against all other characters in closed use:
    [3][K](MC) > [2][K] 43

    [3][K](MC) > [K] o 52 vs all


    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][P][P] c BD 58

    Against Kage, Brad, Shun, Lau, Jacky in closed use:
    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [K] 56

    Against Akira, Wolf, Jeff in closed use:
    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [K] 52

    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [2_][6][P]+[K] o 57
    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][P]+[K] o 49
    The last combo won't work against Jacky, Akira, Wolf or Jeff.

    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [K] 56 can be used against Akira in open.

    Against Wolf and Jeff in open use:
    [6][K](MC) > [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [2_][6][P]+[K] 54

    [4][6][K](MC) > [2][P] > [K] c/o R 59 vs almost all though there are some better alternatives:

    [4][6][K](MC) > [2][P] > [2_][6][P]+[K] 61 R
    This combo works against Pai in open and Goh, Brad, Lei, Kage in closed.

    Against Shun in open use:
    [4][6][K](MC) > [2_][6][P]+[K] 54

    [4][6][P]+[K] > [2][P] > [K] NH/CH c/o R 49/60 vs almost all again with a few exceptions:

    [4][6][P]+[K] > [2][P] > [2_][6][P]+[K] NH/CH R 51/62
    This combo works against Pai in closed and Goh, Brad, Lei, Kage in open.

    Against Shun in closed use:
    [4][6][P]+[K] > [2_][6][P]+[K] NH/CH 44/55


    [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [K] NH/CH c 57/69
    [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [6][P]+[K] NH/CH c BD 53/65
    These 2 combos will only work against Wolf and Jeff on CH. On NH use:
    [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][P]+[K] c BD 49

    [4][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][P][P] NH/CH o 58/70 vs all


    [6][6][P]+[G] > [2_][6][P]+[K] c/o 54 vs all
    [6][6][P]+[G] > [8][P] (heavy down attack) c/o 52 vs all

    This last combo can be used if you have trouble with the shrm in the other combo. When using the shrm here, you must modify with a forward crouch dash motion and delay the shrm slightly for it to connect.
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    cool resource, i've got some contributions i'll post up later, coz i dont have my facts straight on the conditions right now.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Nice one, thanks. I'm sure there are a few bizarre "special circumstances" combos for Goh but I've never seen nor heard of any thus far.
  4. UnholyMessiah

    UnholyMessiah Member

    I'd like to mention (as I've never seen it discussed anywhere) that you can use [4][P]+[K] after Goh's [6][6][P]+[G], but you have to wait for your opponent's feet to move forward a little bit for it to hit. It works on all characters and does 52 dmg. It can also be followed up with [2_][6][P]+[K] if the opponent does not TR/QR. A light down attack and/or a down throw might be guaranteed in this situation also, but I haven't tested it.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    I think you can also use [4][6][P]+[K] after [6][6][P]+[G] for around 52 damge too. It needs to be delayed slightly for it to connect every time.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    ok, here goes...

    [4][6]+[P] --(delay)[P] -- CD -- [6][P][P] -- ground P

    59 dmg, open stance on LW/MW, ground throw whiffs so dont try it. not enough time to CD and do it.


    [4]+[P]+[K] ---[P] ---[4][6][P] -----[K]

    72 dmg MC, closed stance only on MW.
    any stance on LW.


    [4]+[P]+[K] -----[P] ---- [4][6][P] ---- [4]+[P] --- ground throw

    93 dmg MC closed stance only, LW/MW. 70 dmg if you chose to do a ground P instead.


    [4]+[P]+[K] -----[P]-----[6][P][P] ---- ground P

    open stance only. LW/MW. ground throw whiffs


    any crumble attack ------ [P] ------ shlrm

    HW only. you must time the high P acordingly , just a slight delay can do it. it helps to hold forward.


    [6][6][P][G] -----[4]+[P]+[K] --- K

    not a true combo, but the launch attack is the only thing which makes the opponent bounce for another hit if the opp dont TR, or plays a dead game.

    if the opp dont TR for the second time, just ground throw or ground P and keep them TRing for some other setups. it's a good tool.

    64 dmg with launch + K
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post BK__

    I became aware of a few more Goh combos not previously listed today, from a Def Akira combo vid. I'm currently sorting through ones that are guaranteed and ones which aren't and I'll post them back when I have the chance.
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    yeah, i just watched that combo vid, it's pretty damn sick..... something you'd see in a TTT combo act. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hehe yeah. As is somtimes the case with a combo vid, only about half of the things going one are "true" combos and the rest can be escaped somehow or require really strange constrictions of character/distance to a wall for stagger etc...

    On that note though, I messed around with that last combo on the vid:

    [4][P]+[K](MC, full charge) > wall hit > [4][6][P]+[K] > [2][P]+[K]+[G] > [4][4] > [P]+[G] 160

    Now I think, that when timed correctly and when the opponent is positioned correctly from the wall, the [4][6][P]+[K] collapse part is a guaranteed follow up to the wall stagger. However there are plenty of flaws in the whole thing being used in a real match:

    1. Full charge up must be used.
    2. Full charge must counter (least it did in the vid if I recall)
    3. Opponent must be positioned a specific distance away from wall.
    4. Tsukami throw can be escaped.
    5. Tsukami drag can be escaped.

    Still, I'd take my hat off to someone if they could ever land it in a real match!
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    speaking of wall combos, i think this one is guaranteed.

    [K]MC ----(wall stagger) [4][6][P] --- [P] ----- [K](wall hit) ----- high pounce or groundthrow.

    lots of damage, not sure on exact numbers right now coz i'm not at home to test it. but i know i was fooling around in training mode and found it..... actually quite basic.
  11. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Goh's best wall combo by far is :
    [K] (wall stagger), [K] (knock down), [K] (oki hit)
    it does around 60 or so and is distance dependant but fun nonetheless.
    LM Akira: in any of the combos involving his stomach crumples ([4][6][P]+[K],[4][6][K](MC)) you get a free mix up between low throw and ground throw, it is still a viable enough mix up to mention I believe. Will mention more fun gay stuff as I come across it.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I did chose not to mention thorws at first, partly because they're not in the combo search feature and partly because they aren't guaranteed damage as such but I use them all the time (same with Aois crumple moves).

    Thanks for bringing them up though and the wall combo too. I may have a couple more to add soon.
  13. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    KTD - why do a normal kick when you can do a free slam, P then K into the wall and the same follow up of your choice?

    somehow that's more damaging me thinks.
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

  15. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    BK_: I know, just a stupid combo that's fun to do similar to the [2][P]+[K] wall combo with Lau.

    LM Akira: yeah, it's escapable but it is as viable guessing game (and boy do I love guessing games).

    Random Goh tidbit: [K]+[G],[P] can be inturrupted by a standing [P] or low [P] even if it hits on regular hit (dunno bout Van's def. punch cause I haven't tried yet).
  16. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    Vane should reverse, stand neutral or use [3][P], as it's quicker.
  17. Daggerthrust

    Daggerthrust Member

    Hello. I`m new on this site, and would like to apologize in advance for any noob/stupid things I can almost guarantee I`ll do or say.


    Now onto the combo section.

    note: I never played VF4 Evo on console, nor in the arcade, and just started upon the release of FT. My prior experience was all in the first VF4 release on PS2.

    What effectively combos from the [6][6][K] move in FT? I`ve been playing it over in Japan, and my Goh is currently 22-33 (ish) but the vast majority of my success over here has been using [6][6][K], [3][P]+[G], [3][P], as well as minor variations involving an aditional [K], or another [6][6][K], and thus far, although the TR is possible, it hasn`t occured very often, nor has the down throw escape. I believe that this isn`t technically a combo since the throw can be broken and the second (or third) [K] can be TRed, but they have both seemed to be incredibly effective against the majority of players over here, at least for the first or second rounds.

    WIth a bit of luck and a guessing game, I`ve managed an MC crumple [6][6][K], [6][6][K], [6][6][K], [3][P]+[G], [3][P], for more than half of the lifebar. I understand that this is probably unrealistic and that my opponent must have been more of a noob than I am, but I was wondering if any of you feel the potential exists for doing various numbers of kicks before the down thrown to throw off the opponents timing, as well as increase damage.

    If anyone cares to advise on why this is stupid or ineffective, please tell me as I`m open to criticism, and will easily admit to not understanding how these forums work, nor the game itself.

    Thanks in advance, and I hope I haven`t just made too much of a fool of myself.
  18. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Judging from what I've seen in clips, your best bet is MC [6][6]+[K], [K], then if they don't tech, go for a ground throw. But hey, if they refuse to tech no matter what, it won't hurt to keep doing [6][6]+[K] over and over. Just be careful, because that won't work on a good player.

    You can also do [2_][6]+[P]+[K] after MC [6][6]+[K]. Do you know how do crouch dash buffer? You have to perform [2_][6]+[P]+[K] as [3][3][6]+[P]+[K] (the shoulder ram). I wouldn't worry about it though, it only does like 2 points of damage more than [K].
  19. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    here's my favorite Goh combo that you didn't have:


    If your opponent is a dumbass and doesn't tech roll, exact recover, or get up, you can use [6][6][2][P]+[G] do a down throw.
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    The reason that's not included is because there are ones already listed which can get you better more consistent damage.

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