VF4 Evo Sabaki, Reversal, Inashi Chart

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 21, 2003.

By Myke on Apr 21, 2003 at 11:26 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The VF4 Evo Sabaki, Reversal, Inashi Chart has been released to the VF4 section. It's a complete reference to every sabaki, reversal and inashi in the game, the attack classes they work against, along with their timing requirement. Don't get too strung up on the definitions and take the information for what it is.



Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 21, 2003.

    1. Nashi
      Wow! Nice job! I've got to see Aoi's reversal against Akira's dblplm!!

      BTW, about the timing stuff. You say : "Tmg This describes the effective timing required for the move: " but then you write advantage and disavantage.
      What do you exactly mean? Do you mean that after (for example) Sarah's [P]+[K] sabaki, which you say in the table: Even, connects against Akira's side kick there won't be any advantage nor disavantage for both of them? Or does that mean that the sabaki has to be done at the same time as the side kick?
      I would appreciate if you explain that to me.

      Again, Nice Job!
    2. Myke
      The timing column is more of a guide to when this move should be used. For Sarah's [P]+[K], the sabaki will be successful if used in an even situation. The different situations after guard, hit or MC are explained in the command list legend, and when I get around to updating Sarah's evo.a command list, you'll be able to find moves that result in an even situation - perfect for setting up a sabaki. You can also look at other characters moves that result in an even situation, where again, your sabaki will be effective should they perform a 'compatible' attack.
    3. Nashi
      AHHHHH!!!! So you mean the timing is refering mostly to the opponent. Whether he has the advantage or he's in disavantage. Or if me and the opponent are even. Thanks man! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
      Altough I think you should had that information about the timing refering to the opponent, people will probably read this. So there won't be much trouble. Thx!!
    4. CreeD
      I know you won't wanna hear it /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif but... could this information have been provided some other way than the X's and O's table format you seem fond of? I know you're shooting for something that's comprehensive and unified (in the sense that it's presented in much the same way other info is), but it seems to be at the expense of readability.
      Maybe it's just me, but I have an easier and more immediate understanding of things if I see something like:

      "Brad [1][P][K] (R) : mid kicks, sidekicks, and mid circular kicks."

      ...and that takes up less space; it's not showing me all the attacks db+P+K doesn't reverse.
    5. J_Chuang
      nice job on the list Myke.

      Creed: i think it will generate some post of ppl asking "I don't see this on the list, is it reversable?" and potential Rich/Shang picture replies /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

      Myke: I know all we do is complain but can you add the description bar in between the row of each character? it is a pain to scroll up, memorize which column is which, then scroll down and forgot what the 6th column from left means /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

      then again that would waste paper space for ppl that want to print it out...*shrug*
    6. Myke
      Vale_Mesmo_Tudo: the timing is with respect to your character, not the opponent.

      CreeD: you're pushin' it! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I really don't want to do any more significant work on this -- I already spent too much time putting it together. I'd rather get back to command list updates for now.

      J_Chuang: I was actually thinking of that myself, and you've convinced me to put it in. I think it's much more readable now, thanks!
    7. Chill
      Cool stuff. Just one thing: Shun's first Sabaki should be [4]+[P]+[K] not [P]+[K]. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    8. Myke
      Thanks DrunkenCat. Corrected.
    9. baobab
      Hi Myke,

      I'm pretty sure Aoi's [6][4][P] will deflect high and mid punches and elbows too.
    10. Myke
      hey baobab, how sure are you about Aoi's sabaki? I double checked the perfect guide to see if I had made a typo but it checks out ok. I tried testing in PS2 and found I couldn't sabaki any HP, MP or EL attacks at all. But I could sabaki the attacks listed in the chart.
    11. baobab

      Sorry Myke, I went back and tried it again too. It most certainly does not work. I musta been thinking of some other [6][4][P] from an alternate dimension, with a spikey tail and a leotard n' stuff /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    12. Chibitox
      Re: Ack!

      Good job /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
      However I still don't quite understand the timing part you mention, er... in fact I understand but I find it strange /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

      For example, I find that Lion meteor punch is idealy used when your at big disadvantage but not throw counterable like after the sidekick for example, what do you exactly mean by instant ? Do you mean that the sabaki windows begins at the very start of the move ?

      Anyway I know this is something quite hard to explain and it has to be "felt" during fights , but I would have found it more useful to give the rough frame window and the part of the move when it occures like it has been done before. Cause it shows if the sabaki will be hard to use like akira [4]+[P]+[K]+[G] or easy like meteor punch.

      Anyway great job, I didn't know aoi's[6]+[K]+[G],[P] was a sabaki is it new to evo or was it already in Ver.C ? Which part is a sabaki the kick or the punch?

      Edit: Sorry I just check it's new to evo and it's the punch part. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    13. Myke
      Re: Ack!

      [ QUOTE ]
      FrenchAkira said:

      For example, I find that Lion meteor punch is idealy used when your at big disadvantage but not throw counterable like after the sidekick for example, what do you exactly mean by instant ? Do you mean that the sabaki windows begins at the very start of the move ?

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Yes, instant means the window for sabaki/reversal/inashi begins straight away. You'll notice all the traditional reversals have this timing.

      More detailed timing information would be nice, but I don't have it. I think the chart is a good start anyway, and enough to get you thinking about individual moves. The difference between a big disadvantage and throw counterable is very small, but I'll try testing Lion's meteor punch, along with some others, to see if the timing in the chart actually makes sense. Common sense tells you that if it works when at a big disadvantage, then it should work when throw counterable, but not the other way around. I'll do some testing later and get back to you. Thanks for bringing it up!
    14. Chibitox
      Re: Ack!

      Ok thanks
      Anyway, meteor punch was not the best example, as it as a sabaki window that is really above average imo.

      Happy to see that "Oth" coloumn, specialy for aoi's reversals, she rulez akira now /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    15. Devil7om

      hurrah for myke and hurrah for lions meteor punch!!

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