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VF4 Evolution Wolf Thread

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GaijinPunch, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    The main changes to Wolf are his down attacks. When the opponent is face-up, with head closest to Jacky, he can grab the opponent by the shoulders and flip them over him. YOu can see this in the promo vid. When the opponent is face up with legs closer to Wolf, he grabs both heels, and does a nice testicle-stomp. Not sure if you can escape these or not.

    He does have some other small changes here and there. No amazingly different combos revealed yet.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    One thing I noticed last night. Wolf seems to have some combo throws. Bad thing is -- nobody knows how to escape them yet. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Also, I think now that since he's got the ball-breaker down attack, when the opponent is feet-first face-up, he can no longer pick them up and go for the throw -- thank god.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Saw a pretty kewl wolf item today -- SHORT HAIR. Main, what a goof. Now he *REALLY* looks like a pro wrestler! Basically, it's a 50's astronaut haircut.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Not much new news here unfortunately, It does appear that Wolf, along w/ damn near everyone else now, has an extremely quick Lion-esque knee. It does way more damage, and crumbles on counter -- guaranteeing a down attack. It was definitely not pretty.
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Nice New EVO information on wolf

    found on http://tk.dai-mine3.net/wolf/ .
    Translated flakily - translation URL

    -New down attack: [3][P][K] - an elbow drop (I guess different from the usual one). A note on this, which I have no hope of translating, is: Thing kana in which automatic 2 択 with GURIZURI are possible.

    Changed animations: FC uppercut ([3_][P]), dropkick ([6][2][K], sidekick ([3][K]), low kick (apparently [2][K] gives a new jeffry-like low kick while [1][K] gives the old one).
    The [8][K] down attack is animated differently but may be different from [9] or [7][K]. Maybe the latter two give the old animation.

    The new ground throw:
    Face up head away: wolf kicks their crotch. The site owner jokes (Is it effective against female characters?)
    Face up head towards: As seen on TV! A german suplex.
    From the side: Reverse cross hardening? Dunno, maybe an armbar.
    Face down head away: Face lock?
    Face down head towards: A leg be involved face lock?! /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    -[6][P][K] - a new guard breaking maneuver. Something about both arms.
    -[6][P][K][G] - A kickass sounding reversal technique, it's compared to jacky's inashi. Apparently it works like this -
    Enter f+PKG, and wolf will lunge forward with his hands extended for a short time. If the opponent does an attack that normally would knock you down, you will take some damage but you WON'T be knocked down. Instead you will be able to enter a command and get a canned reversal followup (sort of like jacky's inashi --> P reversal).
    It is unknown if it ever works vs. non-knockdown moves. I also wonder what it would do vs kickflips and the like.
    The followups:
    [P] - Reverse Level Chop - I can only assume the backhand, like his P+G throw.
    [K] - Load-Rope kick - a comical alteration of "low drop kick" - i.e. the animation will probably be like wolf's [6][2][K] .
    [P][G] - Catch the opponent. Appearance and followups are identical to the usual catch throw.

    Speaking of the usual catch throw - I don't remember all the specifics of the catch throw, I only tooled with it a little in VF3, but apparently there are some changes. After the catch, [P][G] is "Sander fire PAWABOMU
    " (the thunder fire power bomb) and the animation is different. [4] or [1] or [2][P][G] result in "spy" powerbomb. [6][P][G] is still change and [3][P][G] is still push.

    After the change - (it's important to take ossical! I shrunk an inch!) -
    Ahem ... after the change followup, the [P][G] animation is different. Powerbomb is gone and is replaced with "sweeper reverse side DDT "
    [4][P][G] - two back drops? I guess like zangief /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif - old suplex animation is gone.
    push and knee drop animations are unchanged.

    New throw animations -
    [3][3][P][K][G] - It's now "a work which jumps and strikes" the opponent.
    [3][P][K][G] - results in a new and damaging double arm lock animation when done from behind?! Not sure what this says other than it's different.
    [3][3][P][G] - if I'm reading this right, the old SSD/piledriver animation is gone, and this defaults to the current multithrow animation - a 'side fall brain buster'. Then afterwards [P][G] results in: "It is a の派生 throw and is jack HAMA." - So a jackhammer?
    I also see [4][P][G] - a motion change from brain buster to DDT. AFAIK wolf has no b+PG throw right? Or no, wait, b+PG is how you get his old VF2/3 P+G throw right? So now that old thing is pretty much gone completely. Or else I need to look this stuff up. But I'm not gonna.

    -Body slam ([3][P][G]) is different. "it fails to strike flatly between its crotches depending on how to have a body slum" ... guess I'll just wait to see. What's that mean for wolf's wall throw?

    -New throw: [4][3][P][G] - Wolf holds the opponent's belly and places the opponent's arm on his shoulder, then cuts their legs like a 'major outer reap' - I guess they are taken down in a way that's similar to the throws described as reaping throws, like pai's f,f+P+G and akira's P+G.

    -New throw - [1][P][G] - a surprise exchange for wolf, yaay! compared to jeffry's equivalent. Something about b+P and then ring out? Anyway if b+P is likely afterwards, that's pretty good.

    That's it for now.
  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    Nice Fucking Job, Creed.

    great to see real content around here. You've inspired me to translate some Akira Evo info I found. I'll put it in the existing Evo Akira thread.

  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    What? No credit for getting the ball rolling?
  8. wu_wei

    wu_wei Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    I read all this and all I saw was that Wolf has a new throw that has the exact same escape input as two of his other throws. What garbage.
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    You obviously need help with your reading skills... there's where more there than that.

    BTW, this isn't a new game -- it's tweaks to an existing one.

    He's also got new items.
  10. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    [6][P]+[K] : new guard break ? What happened to his single chop hand ?

    BTW, Wolf sounds nasty in Evo...
  11. wu_wei

    wu_wei Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    no no, I read just fine. When I wrote "all I saw was" I really didn't think anyone would believe the only characters I could make out on the screen was a sentence that didn't even exist in CreeD's original post. That would be a interesting approach to literary criticism indeed but no, I had meant to imply something else.

    My biggest complaint about VF4 is throws sharing escape inputs. Wolf's armbar into clothesline throw shares the same escape input as his old neutral P+G throw, his T&H has the same escape input as his KS and he now has three throws that share df+P+G as an escape and two low throws that share the same escape input. what's wrong with d and db as inputs?

    The redundancy hurts Wolf as a character and it certainly tears away at the variety of choices.
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    The redundancy is thought out before hand. It's part of the game's balance. The ideal for most characters is two very strong throws going in different directions and a third 'pretty good' throw to ensure that an opponent with fast hands doesn't continually avoid big damage simply by doing DTE or TTE. Characters like wolf are lucky to get three very strong inputs and a fourth decent one, and that's also fair. Five good inputs is a bad concept.

    anyway wolf is nowhere near underpowered, his striking game is surprisingly good. He has the b, f, and d/f inputs to rely on and his 'decent' option is u/f+P+G. Jeffry used to be similar but got kind fucked - d/b is no longer a good input, b is fairly worthless, and that leaves him with d/f, and f. d+P+G is his decent option. If you complain about anyone, complain about jeff. It's like wolf without some of the nice pokes, without the useful and damaging reversals, and with worse throw options.
  13. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    I agreed with you CreeD, until you got to the Jeffry part. First though, I want to know if I'm clear on something.

    I thought Wolf had three low throws, which required three low escapes: [1][P]+[K]+[G], [2][P]+[K]+[G], [3][P]+[K]+[G] --- am I wrong? Are there only two inputs to escape? Conversely, I thought Jeffry had three as well, which are [6][P]+[K]+[G], [3][P]+[K]+[G], and [2][P]+[K]+[G]. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also, I think Jeffry's got a few advantages that Wolf doesn't. Namely that damn elbow, and a killer low kick or two. He seems to have some surprisingly fast punches despite his size and strength.
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    re: low throws - wolf also has d/f, d/f+PKG, the one that starts like d/f+PKG, then ends in him simply piledriving you. without the little hop you see in d/f+PKG. But yeah his throws are three directional escapes, and jeff's are as well. For low throws they're pretty much equal.

    Re: jeff's advantages... wolf's got an elbow too, and it rules. You're talking about jeff's b+P maybe? Wolf's got that too, and wolf can use it to good effect in floats like knee, P, elbow drop, pounce...
    Anyway, jeff's strikes are okay, but wolf's HCF+P,P is really good. His shrm is nice too, an irreversible combo tool that hits lower to the floor than a knee. Jeff's low kicks... eh, in version B he had the kickass d+K+G, a 30% sweep essentially on MC. But in C it's just a poke.
  15. LeoT

    LeoT Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    From the observation of EVO plays these two days, Wolf seems to be weakened in regular move a lot. I could only notice the upperhand of playing Wolf if you are good at using Giant Swing. The main reason may be the revised [6][K], which is no longer floating. Even countered, the opponent is down right away (and recover so fast). I don't see any occurence of followups immediately it.

    But the addition of various follow-up down throws is so nice!
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    If the opponent is down from the new [6][K] they can be picked up by Mr. Wolf!
  17. LeoT

    LeoT Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    Yes it could be. Maybe the players are not comfortable with down [3][P]+[G] throws yet. You know, people are getting excited every time when Wolf uses the new down throw to a down oppenent with his legs facing him: Grap two legs of the down character, open them wide, step the xxxxx very hard with his foot and see his painful response.
  18. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    I've not been able to escape's Wolf's throws yet, but I've only played a Wolf like 2 times.

    Aoi's definitely got two down throws, which are [2][P]+[G] and [3][P]+[G]. Yamato said you can escape them both, but from what I can tell, you only get to try one of them.

    Not sure about such details with wolf -- I'll have to ask.
  19. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    Re: Nice New EVO information on wolf

    Just watched the Wolf vs. Sarah clip on Daioh. Seems that u can escape pick up after [4][P] and [4][P] is also now TRable after a float?
  20. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

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