VF4 Final Tune v: A is now at Century Movie mall Bangkog Thailand

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ioa, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. Ioa

    Ioa Member

    Don't know if there is any VFer in Bangkok left on this website but I will just post it anyway.

    Good news is we have finally got the VF4 final tune in Century Movie mall , close to Victory monument. What is more , the machine is with the VF card , so we can save our progress as well as our ranking. The card is not currently avaliable , but it willl be soon (according to the Galaxy' people) . The game is now 20 Bahts per game and the setting is only for 2 rounds.That is about twice the price of every other games. Seems like Galaxy will stick with this price for a while. This is sucks , I know.
  2. JimmyBiscuits

    JimmyBiscuits Active Member

    dang, that's expensive. i wonder if it'd be any use to get a group of VF players to go and try and talk to the boss there and ask him to make it 10 baht, and assure him that we would use it a heck of a lot then!

    have you seen any good comp there yet?
  3. Ioa

    Ioa Member

    I think we could try that. I haven't seen anyone playing it apart from myself. Then again I have been there only twice. Could be that the price is too high and the location isn't that great.
  4. Tii

    Tii Member

    i go there mostly on weekends during late afternoon or early evening. if you want to play, PM me. i heard there is this japanese guy there, he is supposed to be good, but i still have to see for myself..
    btw, if you play vs, to continue is only 10 baht.

    is that jimmy that plays sarah and shun ?
  5. Ioa

    Ioa Member

    Cool , I didn't know the price is cheaper for VS. We should put the URL for this website so people can post the message here when they want to play.
  6. JimmyBiscuits

    JimmyBiscuits Active Member

    well, my bro is the one who plays sarah, but i do love shun the most. and i have meager skills with jeffry and aoi. we played together at the ps2 cafe at siam square a couple of times back in 2004. i gave ya those vf keychains from saphaan phut!

    i sent you a pm, did ya get it? i might be moving to bkk in september/oct, and i look forward to joinin a group of vf buds if you all got one. you must train me!
  7. Ioa

    Ioa Member

    Just met up with the Japanese guy Tii have mentioned. His name is Kouji (sorry if I get that wrong , I am terrible with names) He is really good. He played Wolf, Akira and Lei-Fei , maybe even more. Seems to me his best char is Akira (I might be wrong). He told me he usually play on the weekends (but I met him on Thursday 8.30 PM). I didn't have chace to talk to him that much. Seems like he just want to play the game so I just leave him alone. I did chalenge him , and yeah , got my ass kicked rather badly. I need more practice..
  8. Tii

    Tii Member

    hey jimmy,
    i didn't get your PM. i'm trying to revive people who play vf to play ft, but there just isn't enough players, i think there are many reasons for lack of players but yeah if you move here do give me a call or something....

    ioa: interesting news, i might go there this weekend, i am anxious to meet him. we should play sometimes too.
  9. Ioa

    Ioa Member


    Just want to report that they decrease the price two weeks ago. Now it's 10 B per play , but it's still set to two out of three rounds.

    I did tried to the people who is looking after the machine but everytimes I tried , they just want to bite my head off or something. Don't know why they seems to be in a bad mood all the time..
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    This is way advanced notice, but I should be moving to BKK around April/May 2007. Maybe visit December 2006.

    Hoping to meet more of the VF crew there (it's been 4 years already since I was last there!). Also hoping I can engage in conversational Thai by then (my Thai still sucks).

    Anyways, thought I would post since you were looking for more Thai players (and I'm a potential Thai player).

  11. JimmyBiscuits

    JimmyBiscuits Active Member

    VF4FT is no longer at the century movie mall. i went there 2 weeks ago, searched around, then asked the games attendant, and she said it's gone. too bad.... mayhaps i'll never see FT.

    anyways, i'm living in BKK now, at asoke-dindaeng, behind fortune hotel. who wants to play? and when? and where? saturdays and sundays should be ok for me...

    - jimmy
  12. Tii

    Tii Member

    Boy it has been long since i played, but if you want to play hit me up. (ookiichinko@hotmail.com) maybe we can get around and play when vf5 is out.

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