VF4, Pai wall jugle and throws

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by marcel, Jan 26, 2002.

  1. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    I was at the arcade 2day and I was playing a friend on Lions snow stage. 1st He poped me into the air with just tapping the kick button, I hit the wall and he proceded to K.O me by then pressing down+right+p,p,p,p,k. My question is is that on another machine it gave me the option to toggle the controlller stick. They were both ver b machines and I don't know why it didn't give me that option. 2, I went to do one of Pai's throws (up+right+p+g) and it was on Lions stage again and when I did it my friends Pai simply bumped the top of the wall and got nearly no damage. My question is is that on the other ver. b machine that didn't happen (yes I am sure both were ver b machines) for any more pro Pai users see if these problems occur with u. 3. Any tips on beating Dural? 4. Is Lion wearing mascara!!!!
  2. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    My question is is that on another machine it gave me the option to toggle the controlller stick. They were both ver b machines and I don't know why it didn't give me that option.

    what do you mean by toggle ? do you mean do something else besides df pppk. maybe df ppp+d+k? if you couldnt get it it was your timing probably. this game can be a bitch especially for timing. it is so unlike tekken in this way. ur p+g being a throw?? its not on virtuaproject, and havent gotten it myself. she can
    off the wall back kick f+P+K+G
    backflip off the wall uf+P+K+G

    for a wall throw use her ddt with the enemys back towards the wall, if i am correct. may be the other way around, but i am sure its the ddt.
  3. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    For Dural: Block often. She likes to use her canned combos, so if you've seen them once, a character with reversals will probably do well too. And remember, she's still the AI /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  4. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I finally beat Dural on the first try!

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