VF4 show appearance in LA

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akiralove, Oct 10, 2001.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    This is a re-post from the LA arcades thread in "general":

    I just spoke to a guy at Westwood Arcade named David. This VERY nice guy (unusual for a US arcade operator); he said while he hadn't heard anything official from distributors regarding VF4 yet, he was going to a small show held twice a year by (Sega's official distributor in LA) C.A. Robinson and Co. to show new wares, where he thinks VF4 will appear.

    I asked if it's open to the public, and he said "absolutely!". It happens Friday, he said from 10 am to about 1 or 2 pm.

    The address is:

    CA Robinson Co.
    2891 West Pico Blvd
    LA CA 90006
    (323) 735 3001

    The web site has no info on VF4 or the event, but thought I'd include it anyway.

    Guys, I'm gonna be there on Friday, and I'm hoping that any other LA players will show up. If we come out to show support for the game, as people who have been waiting a long time to play it, arcade operators at the show will see that it's in demand, and will be more apt to pick it up. As I have to work at 12:00 on friday, I'll be there at 10:00. Hope to see some of you there.

  2. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    He thinks it will be there. Is it a normal arcade or is it just for distributors and devs. I'm interested.
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    nice to hear from you.

    Basically, there was a big amusement show in Las Vegas last weekend where according to many sources VF4 ver. B made it's debut in the US as a complete, sellable cabinet. That's where it became known as a product for all distributors (although some on the ball dists already knew it was coming and had info on their sites etc.) But, since no one has made any report about last week's show on a web site etc, I can't be positive it was there. Must have been though, as I think that show was the reason SE has been holding VF4 back for so long in the us.

    The show on friday is to show operators on the local level the same products. Therefore, VF4 should by all means be there; if it wasn't, they'd probably wait until they had it, being that it's Sega's big title for the fall (CvS2 is already out, right?). I'm thinking of stopping by tommorow to check it out and see if they've got a unit. He also told me all games are free at the show. It's not like it's gonna be a big event; just a local distributor having an open house to show new products.

  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    CvS2 isn't out yet. People in Seattle are going insane as Northwest players have been practicing to compete in that game at the arcades.

    In any case, it's the miracle of today's Sega distribution/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif We'll see what they are up to, but from what I've heard with arcade distributors, they don't even know what Sega's planning (not to mention that one distributor I spoke to was shocked that this was the first time a racing game wasn't shown at the Las Vegas show--unprecedented according to him).

    In any case, the answer is always soon. The possibility is NEVER (jk).

  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Just checked out the place. They have a VF4 machine, but as it wasn't plugged in, I couldn't see what version it was. They seemed busy setting up, and as I didn't have any real bussiness there today, I just kinda stuck my head in, then split.

    The cabinet was the same cabinet as the one at SHGL and Hayward, silver and blue. This seems to be the new standard Naomi cabinet. There were no card readers, of course. They also had Power Smash 2, Virtua Golf, CvS2 etc.

    BTW, the place is on Pico EAST of Western, on the north side of the street. The actual cross street is called Kingsley. It's a big yellow building with a black lettered sign, you can't miss it.

    I'll probably be there tommorow around 10. Hope to see you.

  6. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Alright as long as its there we'll be there we'll be there around I guess noon since we both have test in the morning but, i'll take your word we'll be down there. If you see two dumb black guys that look alike. That'll be us :)

  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd mention it now (though the news is about 5 days old).... CvS2 boards have been showing up at arcades this week.


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