VF4 Shun

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chanchai, Nov 22, 2001.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hopefully this area becomes a nice area for some Shun in VF4 discussion. Been playing VF4 3 times now and love it. Don't know how much of this has been posted on movelists and what not, but I think it's good to point out.

    Sober Punishment
    Many of you most likely noticed that Shun can access handstand from contacting the opponent from some moves such as P+K or b+K. As indicated in movelists you do this you follow up moves with P+K+G.

    The punishment comes in trying to do this when:
    a) you missed the move and didn't touch your opponent with, say b+K, and press P+K+G to access hand stand.
    b) you missed your chance to switch to handstand by being late in pressing P+K+G.

    In these cases (and most likely many more), Shun LOSES drunken points for each time P+K+G is pressed inappropriately in the recovery animations. I'll experiment more or leave the room open for someone to look this up in the Black Book or wherever and note where all the punishment is.

    Some Changed Inputs to Keep In Mind
    I'm not discouraging the look at a movelist, just isolating a section so people can feel at ease a bit.

    d+P+K is now sitting position.
    d+K+G now starts the drunken sweeps, which don't seem to be so special anymore as a result of tech rolls, but in general don't bounce as much either.
    P+K+G is drinking.
    f+K+G is the scorpion kick.

    More to Come...
    I'll post more stuff as time goes by, but I mainly wanted to bring Shun's sober punishment to light since I hadn't seen it being discussed yet. I still haven't seen the backflips which Nelson was curious about, but hopefully they're in there.

  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    nice work chanchai!! very helpful indeed... (^_^)
  3. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    It's nice to see another Shun post. I've playing with him a lot lately (along with Vanessa and Akira). It's refreshing every once in a while to get away from Akira, Lau, and Aoi (but I always go back to those three). He's a lot harder to play than I thought. Maybe part of it is getting used to playing with him. I'm trying to get the hang of him right now, so i follow his flowchart closely. I've tried experimenting with his stances and drinking opportunities. Couple of things I've picked up:

    a) u+K+G-> f+P+K is a nice (and necessary) combo. It's easy to do, and it's a nice safe way to drink (at 3dp after the f+P+K hits). I think Lonelyfighter pointed this out in another thread, and it's mentioned in the VF4 Perfect Guide.

    b) I use P+K, K-> P+K+G as a followup to a chouwan float(qcf+P or df, f+P), and sometimes as a followup to u+K+G. I use it for okizeme. I have the option to use the rolling elbow (P+K from handstand) or tap P+K and G-cancel to make him lie down. That way rising kicks will miss. From there I use K, P, and poke away with low kicks and punches.

    c) ub+P+K+G (or db+P+K+G)-> df+K or df+P: If it interrupts I try for the throw followup.

    d) ub+P+K+G-> db+K, K: I try this after a mid kick or uppercut. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    e) One flowchart combination I'm trying out is d+P-> D, df+P. It gives a KD animation on MC(?) A followup combo mentioned in the VF4 Black Book: d+P-> db+P, K.

    Like I mentioned, I'm playing around with stuff. It would help if I had really good competition. Then I'll see if any of this really works, or is just a fluke. So any feedback (or flames) from anyone would be appreciated.
  4. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    Some more things i've found out about the old bugger is f+p,p,p,k all connects from the first hit when Shun has 14 drink points and d+f+p+g (roll over throw)
    f+p,p,p,k is all guaranteed when Shun has 20 drink points this is untested by me as yet.

    Also any move that ends with Shun on the floor cost Shun drink points maybe if the move connects he might not loose any points but i can't say i've noticed.

    This site http://member.nifty.ne.jp/ken_1/game/cmd.htm#4p2p which GLC posted a while ago lists all the moves for Shun which loose him drink points, babel fish needed.

    Here's some more Shun info from a previous post:

    I also have been using Shun for a couple days now and I have been doing some research, what i've found out is (please anybody correct me if this is wrong) after 8 DP's P,P,d+K,K is guaranteed if the the first punch connects and after 16 DP's the third part becomes unblockable from when the first punch is guarded. Info was taken from www.gpara.com with babelfish so I could be wrong but it seems to be correct and I have been abusing I mean using the move effectively : )
  5. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

  6. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Some more things i've found out about the old bugger is f+p,p,p,k all connects from the first hit when Shun has 14 drink points and d+f+p+g (roll over throw)

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand. If Shun does df+P+G after 14 dp's, are you saying that f+P, P, P, K is guaranteed? I hope so. Usually I do the chouwan upper-backfist (qcf+P, P) then drunken sweeps, or chouwan-> df+P, P, K-> P+K+G-cancel into handstand. A little harder than the combo you just mentioned.

    Thanx anyway...
  7. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand. If Shun does df+P+G after 14 dp's, are you saying that f+P, P, P, K is guaranteed? I hope so. Usually I do the chouwan upper-backfist (qcf+P, P) then drunken sweeps, or chouwan-> df+P, P, K-> P+K+G-cancel into handstand. A little harder than the combo you just mentioned.

    f+p,p,p,k is guaranteed from d+f+p+g throw when Shun has 20 drink points any less and it will most likely whiff but any other time all you need is 14 drink points and it will all connect as long as the first hit connects and Shun just gets that bit more annoying but it doesn't mean you can become lazy now : )

    BTW the above information is untested by myself so please report back your finding but everything else was correct on the site so it most likely works mooohhahahahahhahahahahaha

    ps i don't know why everything is in italics but it's late and i'm off to bed figure it out tomorrow
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    If that is true then that is way too cheap. I mean that combo takes off half-life when it all hits.

    Also remember to use the LD position to get drunk points it is fast and gives you 3dp. Like if you hit the handstand kicks immediately do p+k,g then drink until you get hit you will probally get 6dp and take low kick damage.
  9. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    It's not cheap at all the trick is with Shun is to get 20 drink points, when I play an experienced player 80% of the time I don't even come close to 20 drink points and if that player is silly enough to let Shun get that drunk then they deserve that combo on them.

    Optimus Prime: One shall stand, one shall fall.

    Megatron: Why throw away your life so recklessly?

    Optimus Prime: That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatron.
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Question, does shun get any new animations when he gets drunk? Does he stagger around more now?
  11. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's true. In getting 20 drink points, Shun is so strong that the first or second hit finishes off the opponent, or I've played against someone who didn't realize that he shouldn't let Shun get drunk. When I tried it with the CPU, I was able to get away with it up to the third stage. Oh well...

    Does anyone know of any uses for Shun's d+P+K+G move/dodge? It seems kinda useless because it leaves Shun with his back turned to the opponent. Maybe he still has the Butt Push and Backfist throw, but I can't timing right yet.
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Getting Drunk
    I still prefer to use the standing P+K+G to drink over sitting down and drinking. Taking a swig while standing works well in some situations to avoid some attacks as well, and I had a lot of fun with that on Friday.

    Sitting down and drinking has moments where it's a good option though, but I feel that Shun can drink three sips in that amount of time to set it up anyways. So I use the sit down drinking method when avoiding certain attacks, but that's mainly it.

    For the most part, the u+K-->f+P+K that Ghost Dog mentioned is EXCELLENT.

    Early Blindfighting Impressions
    Shun has a semi-blindfighting game that is initiated from that stance. It very much resembles Ling Xiayu's blindfighting in Tekken3-4.

    I have not fully worked out this new aspect of Shun's play, but it's a decent replacement for the sorts of blindfighting games he used to have. Blindfighting with Shun was one of the most fun aspects for me in VF3tb. I should investigate Shun's blindfighting in VF4, but I won't really have the chance until at least next Friday.

    I just remember that I did manage to pull off an interesting rush initiated from that fighting stance (it pretty much is its own stance).

    The Notorious Turned Around Throw
    As for the TA throw, it's in there and I've pulled it off numerous times. However, it's much harder to pull off without a move like d+K+E in VF3tb. Maybe it is in the game and I haven't used it....

  13. PlugAndChug

    PlugAndChug Well-Known Member

    I tried the f+p,p,p,k after the d/f p+g when having 20 drinks and it wasn't guaranteed. Unless I'm doing it really slow. It also seems that it's not a guarantee that all the hits will hit after the first hit of the f+p,p,p,k is landed. The computer seems to be able to block even after the first hit was successful. Please confirm.
  14. Doggyollie

    Doggyollie Member

    Posted by The Wall: Some more things i've found out about the old bugger is f+p,p,p,k all connects from the first hit when Shun has 14 drink points and d+f+p+g (roll over throw)
    f+p,p,p,k is all guaranteed when Shun has 20 drink points this is untested by me as yet.

    This doe NOT work on PS2 US version. I think the first two hits are guaranteed, but the third is not. No matter if it is p or k. I am stil trying things that are guaranteed after the roll (d/f+p+g). The easiest for me is k,k,d+p,k when you have enough drink points, the only way out is to duck. I think the Chouwan is guarteed, though I am still testing it.
  15. PlugAndChug

    PlugAndChug Well-Known Member

    The chouwan is not guaranteed. I tried it several times. It seems like there is nothing that is guaranteed after the d/f p+g. It's pretty much a guessing game for the oppenent after you do that throw. Which sucks for the shun player.
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    how exactly is it not guaranteed, and what are you doing to not get hit by it?
    In every clip I've ever seen of good shun di players (and against the few I've played against in VF3, tho that doesn't count), rollover--->chouwan-uppercut hits... every single time.

    We're definitely talking about d/f+P+G, QCF+Pcorrect? (can also be done as just d/f, f+P)

    Also, to the original poster: I've seen shun do b,f+P,K after rollover, but never more than those two hits. Maybe only the first two are a sure thing?
  17. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    Everytime I did d/f+P+G, my QCF+P always connect.

    There was a couple of times that my QCF+P didn't connect because I executed it too slow and I knew it.

    Also I did d/f+P+G, QCF+P alot on CPU Kumite and Arcade(Very hard) and they never seem to be able to block or escape it.
  18. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    <font color=yellow>The one thing I appreciate about having Shun Di is that he is the ultimate Anti-Turtle character. You just can't give him time to sit and sip. The bad thing about this is that better players know this and your defensive skills need to be up to snuff along with bringing a good offensive yourself.
  19. Sausage Man

    Sausage Man Active Member

    The Chowan is guaranteed I believe. You cannot turn around and block it in the frames alloted if it is done perfectly. You can simply turn around but that only prevents the "guaranteed" stagger if you tech-roll.

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