VF4 wallpaper

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Vicks Biru, Jun 15, 2001.

  1. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member

    I made one!!!

    -The colours are dull, but features everyone including Lei-Fei, Vanessa and Dural. However, pics of these characters are unofficial and hence appear pixellated compared to the other characters when viewed in large form.
    -The file is 268k.
    -Actually, it looks good when it's not behind any applications but looks horrible when placed as a wallpaper. In other words, when viewing it on the net it looks good but once you set it as a wallpaper it's mortifying.
    -It's huge and can be used for all screen sizes.
    -Comment on it! I intend to make one per character... when some official shots of the characters come out.

    Get it at

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.angelfire.com/nj/BiruVF/vf4wallpaper.jpg>http://www.angelfire.com/nj/BiruVF/vf4wallpaper.jpg</A>

    It's only been 6 hours but I've made another one. It's an Aoi wallpaper and it's only 88kb. It looks best with <36 icons and an 800x600 resolution. It has a ripped paper and blossoms theme and I do think it looks good, pity that the pictures are slightly pixellated. I really want your comments and flak this time, unlike the hair one.

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.angelfire.com/nj/BiruVF/Aoiwall.jpg>http://www.angelfire.com/nj/BiruVF/Aoiwall.jpg</A>

    <font color=orange>Imagine losing to this bozo...</font color=orange>
    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Vicks Biru on 06/15/01 10:27 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    All I get is a hosted by angelfire picture??? Anyone else having this problem?

  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Andy, try pasting the url's into a new browser window rather than clicking on the link, and reload for good measure. Seems angelfire is picky about external links to their site.

    Vicks, not to nit-pick, but your vf<font color=orange>4</font color=orange> wallpaper consists of graphics released for the vf2 and vf3 series :) but still, nice effort!
  4. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member

    Yah... I see your problem. I tried it too and I came up with the same problem as yours. Andy's method does work, however. And the VF2 / 3 pics were used as the pictures for each character in VF4 are not out yet... hey, I even did Lei-Fei, Vanessa and Dural although they didn't turn out so good. Anyone has comments on the Aoi one?

    <font color=orange>Imagine losing to this bozo...</font color=orange>
  5. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member

    The problem disappears when you click on it the second time. The first window is probabaly just to tell you that 'Angelfire is hosting the pic'. Alternatively, you can open a new window directly.

    <font color=orange>Imagine losing to this bozo...</font color=orange>
    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Vicks Biru on 06/15/01 08:26 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  6. Robin

    Robin Active Member

    The easiest thing to do is put a question mark on the end of your links, this works with geocities and angelfire amongst others.

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