VF4Evo countertables

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Manjimaru, Nov 12, 2003.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I just wanted to inform that there is a slight typo in Spotlites counter attack tables in VF4 section..

    Jackys [3][P][P][P] is listed among elbow-class counters where in fact it is slow punch speed (13 fr)

    - ManjiMaru
  2. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    hmm actually i think i read on one of the threads that jacky's [3][P][P][P] is supposedly the best -14 frames counter, not -13
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Well, the counter tables were written for Evo Ver.A and were available before the Ver.A command lists. But now, since all Ver.A command lists are available on this site, with Ver.B on the way, the information in the counter tables has been superceded.

    Basically, the command lists have everything the counter tables do, and more. I don't think the author (spotlite) intends to update the document anyway.

    Finally, in regard to Jacky's [3][P] series, yes it can be used in -13 situations, and also (obviously) can be used in situations worse than -13, like Elbow guaranteed ones (-14). So, I don't think the counter table for Jacky is actually incorrect because:

    - It identifies Jacky's Punch speed as Medium (correct)
    - It suggests [3][P][P][P] for Elbow counterable situations (also correct).

    To get picky, you could add another class for Slow (or Heavyweight) Punch counter classes (-13) and list Jacky's attack there, but again, I don't think the counter tables need to be updated since all that information, and more, is available in the VFDC Command Lists.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well, I wasn't trying to be picky. But with other characters Spotlite has pointed out "when counter is S class use X" moves like Pai's [K]. There's nothing fundamentally wrong in the text.

    My friend just recently pointed out the table to me and this thing caught my eye. There's nothing more to that.

    - ManjiMaru
  5. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ManjiMaru said:
    Jackys [3][P][P][P] is listed among elbow-class counters where in fact it is slow punch speed (13 fr)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jacky's [3]+[P][P][P] will only combo on mC when the opponent is at -14 or worse. If you try to use it at a -13 situation, the opponent can block the last hit. This is similar to situations with Sarah's moves such as her [6]+[P]+[K] string. It's 12 frames to execute but needs 13 frames on a mC to combo.

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