VF4Evo Versions

Discussion in 'Console' started by Hopkins, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    I have read in reviews and posts about the relationship between the PS2 VF4Evo and the "10th Anniversary Edition", but that the PAL version didn't include it, or only part of it, blah blah. Could someone explain what the differences between the Japanese/US/UK PAL/any other versions of the game have been please?

    Also, am I right to believe that VF4Evo is what is refered to as VF4Evo Beta in the move lists?

    Many thanks.
  2. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Version B is the Arcade version of Virtua Fighter Evo(Final Revision).
    This is the same version as all console versions.
    The 10th anniversay disc came seperate with the pal version of VF4 EVO.(Not sure about the japanese version) Whereas the US version came with 10th anniversary edition included on the same disc.
  3. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    Thanks for the reply! I didn't get the 10th Anniversary disc with my PAL version - maybe it was a special offer when the game first launched. I'll try to get hold of it on eBay.
  4. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hopkins said:

    I didn't get the 10th Anniversary disc with my PAL version - maybe it was a special offer when the game first launched.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, ther was about 1000 copies of 10th Anniversary for Europe. But the only way to get it was to win it. It wasn't for sell.
  5. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    Ah, I see, thanks! Well, I expect that there'll be little chance of finding it on eBay then!
  6. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Buying the U.s version's probably your best bet, if your machine can play imports that is.
    Tbh your not missing out on much, after a few goes you'll be back to the proper version.
  7. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    Yeah, thanks, I can imagine that might be the case. It would have been a fun novelty to get for free but otherwise reserved for the collecters. Although, doesn't it contain video footage of tournaments?
  8. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Nah no such luck, it's just vf1.evo :p
    vf4 evo moves with vf1 physics, rules.
  9. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    good point

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