VF5 Combos

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Myke, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Source: Tougeki Tamashii VF5 Article
    Author: Yanaga
    Translation: noodalls

    It's finally here, the summer's most anticipated title Virtua Fighter 5 (VF5). Getting into the new elements and systems is great but what is wanted first is combos! In this issue, we'll go through numerous combos for each character. If you read it you won't be missing out on the big damage available.

    Increased damage for increased win ratio!

    Combo Basic Knowledge VF5 Version
    The first step towards deciding on combos...
    In 3D fighting game combos, the juggle starter, launch height and other variables are numerous. Drum these into your head and aim for the day when you can get the best combo.

    VF5 Weight Details
    Amongst the components of a combo, the most important one is the height to which characters are launched, depending on their weight. In the table below, the characters are divided into 4 basic groups.

    Light weight

    Light middle weight

    Heavy middle weight

    Heavy weight

    However, it's not as simple as character weight leads to launch height, as the characters stance also has a large influence, so don't think that weight class = ease of juggle.

    Characters with particularly low stances such as Shun, Lion and Blaze, despite being in the light middle weight category may sometimes have heavyweight combos miss on them.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Point 1 - Character weight
    In this title there is weight, and each character's body weight is set. The basis of a combo is to launch the combo and to hit the opponent while in the air, so naturally the higher a character is launched the more time they spend in the air the more hits that can connect. Conversely, heavier characters are harder to land successive hits.

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    Point 2 - Foot Stance
    Foot stance depends on the position of both characters front foot. At the start of the round both characters have the same foot forwards, which is known as "closed stance". Conversely, if opposite feet are forwards this is known as "open stance." This foot stance has a large effect on the ease of connecting combos.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    Point 3 - Counter Hit
    When the combo starter connect on a counter hit, the move will tend to launch higher than on normal hit, allowing stronger combos. In addition, there are some combos that will only work with a counter hit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The basics of combo starters...
    The basic launcher to juggle, depending on opponent weight, stance, counter or non-counter, so to get the most damage possible takes quite a lot of getting used to. There are the types of moves that launch the opponent quite high, but there are also moves like Kage's [3][P] which allow a juggle. The latter tend to allow relaunching more easily.

    Many technical juggles...
    There are two basic types, moves that slam down directly and moves that lift up then slam down (aka flop), and in either case if a move connects with the opponent's legs you can continue to inflict hits. There is significant damage correction on the first hit, so generally a standing [P] or [2][P] followed by a big damage move works. Also, [2][P]~[2][P] to give a relaunch is possible.

    Remember moves that cause crumples...
    From front on, there are head, stomach, vitalpoint and leg crumples, listed in order of ease of combo. Stomach and vital-point crumples are easy to follow with a [2][P] for a relaunch. The crumple situation does not change depending on counter or non-counter hit, and there are many combos that will connect regardless of foot stance or weight. Moreso than weight, the situation in which the opponent ate the crumple stun will dictate the success or failure of a combo.

    The numerous special starters...
    Lei's [3][3][P]+[G] etc. throws that shift to combos also exist. This is similar to the situation following a crumple stun, however no damage correction occurs, so a simple big hit will often be effective.
    Otherwise, Jacky's [4][6][P]+[G] and similar moves, while stunned other moves can connect on the opponent to provide a ground combo.

    Remember the points and increase your basic knowledge
    The 3 points previously covered are the 3 big things that will decide the success or failure of a combo. First, become able to divide up your combo usage based on the weight class. If you can do that, then look to remember the stance specific combos. First, immediately after the launcher connects, get in the habit of looking at your opponent's feet. Then, if you can determine when a CH has occurred, that will be more than adequate.

    The four starters explained above determine the situation at the start of the combo. The requirements for juggle combos are often difficult, whereas the requirements for crumple combos are generally non-existant so the combos are simple. In slam combos, determining foot position is often important. In throw combos, the foot position is always the same so you only have to remember weight classes to get maximum damage.

    The next three points aren't really essential for combos, but if you can incorporate them your combo ability will be much broader.

    If you can remember the foot position requirements, the enjoyment of this game will increase greatly!

    New elements in combos
    The most obvious new elements is that if you hit airborne or crumpled oppoennts with specific slam moves, a relaunch will occur. The opponent "bounces" off the ground and flies into the air, allowing combos that haven't existed in the series up until now to be created.

    The addition of side and back crumples is also a big change. Side crumples occur when specific moves hit the opponent on the side. The hitbox during the stun is large, and hte time until the opponent hits the ground is long, meaning that you can get some excellent combos. The conditions for this to occur depend on the move, so it may require a minor counter of greater. Back-turned crumples occur when a side-crumple compatible move or a head or stomach crumpel move hit. Further, the back turned stomach crumple allows for throws, so a backturned crouch throw may connect.

    Another new addition is the stun that occur when an airborne opponent hits the wall. The opponent sticks to the wall and slides down slowly, meaning that follow-up attacks can be added. However, there is significant damage correction on the first hit, so either multiple hits or relaunches and combos should be aimed for.

    Using these new features, new VF5 style combos can be attempted.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Point 4 - Relaunching
    The phenomenon of when a hit connects against an opponent just about to land on the ground, the hit launches them higher than they normally would. This lets you connect combos that would not normally work, however the timing is quite severe.

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    Point 5 - Fastest timing (no 1F kill)
    When input normally, moves such as which include a (crouch) dash, before the move executes 1F of dash motion will come out and the move will not be as fast as possible. However, if you input the lever motions in the time before the buffer window, and the button inputs during the buffer window, the move will come out with fastest timing.

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    Point 6 - 1F kill
    The opposite of point 5, before inputting a move add a dash input, the execution for the move will intentionally be slowed by 1F. This is used when going for relaunches such as with a or for timing adjustments. When you can use this, it will guarantee relaunches in some situations.

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    Coming soon: Character combo lists
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Links to combos don't work right now
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Brad's page seems to be down, and has been for a little bit. Any chance of it coming back soon?
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    All of these links are broken. There were links to the combo posts by noodalls buried deep within each "VF5 character thread".

    Restoring these combo links and posts is on my to-do list.
  6. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Oh ok. Awesome man.
  7. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Whoa shit!

    "Tadashi" is closed and "Hachi" is open, right?
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thats a cool way to break down the character- and stancerequirements. Looks like all black book combos are listed?

    ps. good work, Noodalls and Myke.
  10. Rammy

    Rammy Member

    I can't read Japanese. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif What do the circles mean? Is there a translated version somewhere?
    Thanks in advance.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    The red/orange circles indicate that the combo works on the character.

    / \ is open stance

    The other one is closed stance.

    EI= Eileen
    AO= Aoi
  12. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Red is for Normal Hit & Counter Hit. Yellow is for Counter Hit Only.

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