VF5 community numbers after SCIV release

Discussion in 'General' started by funkpanda, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. funkpanda

    funkpanda Member

    So I was having a conversation w/ my friend about SCIV and VF5.

    He was saying that VF5 sucks compared to Soul Cailbur and that no one will play it once SCIV comes out.

    Mind you, my friend sucks at VF5 which probably inspires his response.

    But I was wondering what you guys will think? When SCIV comes out, how much of the community will leave? Will we be forced to play against only the japanese in our VF online matches?

    I personally don't know. I'm not good at balancing 2 fighting games at the same time. I can normally only focus on one at a time.
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I will be playing SCIV, but not to the serious level of VF. I'm only going to play it alot just to customize my characters, but that doesn't mean I'll stop playing VF5(Online)There's alot of folks here who not big SC fans, So you'll still some VFDC cats on. But when SFIV drops....That's going to be a different story.
  3. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    I think we'll see a temporary drop. I, myself, became rather inactive around here (like I was all that active in the first place) once Smash Bros Brawl was released. But, the devoted VF players will still be around, and things will balance back out in the fall or winter.

    Personally, I'm worried about SCIV's staying power. Namco assures us that they're making the game as balanced as possible, but with no arcade release, and more and more trivial characters being released everyday, how can we say for sure? I think everyone's going to pick it up, have fun beating each other senseless and spending hours getting enough plot cruft to post on Wikipedia.....and then the game will be old news.
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I think things will be about the same to be honest. When it comes down to it people generally will gravitate between games. Me, I'm a VF fan so I'll always play some VF despite what SC does. Coincidentally I play SOME SC when I'm not playing VF. SFIV?
    eh honestly while I want to try it out. I'm not excited about it. No plans to buy it either.

    I don't get excited by most 2D games for that matter.
  5. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    I'll be sticking with VF this year. Neither SFIV or SC IV look that fun to me, I may give SCIV a go but I'm hooked on VF5. Now if or when VF5R is announced for consoles...
  6. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    One thing I don't understand:

    They said they make SCIV balanced, but I saw videos of Yoda jumping and slahing around. He is very hard to hit, fast and strong. That and the "Too much guard and you die in one hit"-Feature makes me wonder if the game will be balanced as promised.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I'll play it. Not to the extent that I'm currently playing VF5 but I'll play it nonetheless.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't take to long to learn the In's and outs of SC4

    so it will be a good light substitute for me
  9. shaka_zulu

    shaka_zulu Well-Known Member

    shaka zulu 1
    probably get it when its comes out.Still play VF5 more than it.

    waiting to play blazblue more then anything Arc system works kings of 2d fighters.
  10. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member

    I feel that some competition for VF and Sega will be good. Sega did a good job with VF5, but cant really stop supporting this game completely. Look at what bungie and the others are doing with their games. I mean, I love sega as much as violent sex, but they need to be more proactive with this game.
  11. HamalSharatan

    HamalSharatan Active Member

    SCIV definitely will have more mass appeal, so we'll see what happens then. I think I'll play them both.
  12. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    I honestly do not find Soul Calibur IV that appealing. The first two were okay, but three was something else. I am also not too enthusiastic with the guest and bonus fighters since I am kind of disappointed Namco created only one playable fighter.[/size]
  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I second Seidon and Blacklac on my plans with SCIV. By no means is it pulling me from VF though lol.
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I was reading in a video game magazine and the writer said you had to be really nasty to win with Yoda. He said Yoda is weak and takes a lot of practice... Who knows?
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm hoping the too much guard and you get your armor broken only applies if you turtle for a long time at once much like a guard meter, which they also would need to add. But the guard meter shouldn't be affected by Gaurd Impacts, Which for the love of god they better fix.
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Tournament mode will be fun; I wanna see how good VF skills translates into SCIV
  17. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Ill play SC4 when it comes out. Im sure I wont be on VF for a little while.. but Ill probably be back.
    When Halo 3, COD4, and a few other games came out, I didn't play VF for a couple of weeks, but then picked it up again.
    I am actually pretty excited about playng SC4 online. A few of my old buddies and I used to sit around and play SC2 for hours on end.
    Of course, when you go from VF to Soul Calibur, the power of a button masher increases ten fold
  18. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    Well, seeing as how I'm playing VF5 on PS3...and it isn't online, while SC IV is...Let's just say that I'll be playing <u>alot </u>of SC IV, come July 29th. lol
  19. Aria

    Aria Member

    ive pre ordered that game..same to all sc games like i did...and um what should i say...ive played here around in my world (germany lol) man tournements and won all like before in doa ,kof and 3rd strike i did...that sc3 was unbalanced and like they sai that sc4 will now balanced,dont mind me...in the end it will be a good game..so dont worry guys..thx to the nex gen..they are updates sometime..look over to doa4...in the beginning "withou" the updates that game sucked till the end..but now its an really fine game(with many idiots online lol -.-)....i will play both vf and sc4(okok im right now a newbie in vf5) thats the reason why i wont quit with this beautifull game=)
    ...the only thing that worrys me is the "create your own soul(so character edit) ....i hope it works..i dont wanna see an fast and speedy astaroth"
    ...and to turtle in sc its an alltime job...jus like the many get in panic beacause the new "instant kill moves" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    ..oh before i forget hehe sry again for my lazy english but i hope and think many of you know what i mean ^^
    so lets enjoy the coming game and dont worry so much =)
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i m all vf5. soul caliber 3 couldnt inspire me at all compared to EVO, sc4 wont touch my vf5. I loved create a character tho--damn smb and his lancer. wish vf5 let me create a character. anyhow, i m a perfectionist and vf5 burns longer and stronger than all other fighters in depth. altho, it will suck when competition thins out.

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