VF5 disconnecting problems

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by LittleGiffy, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. LittleGiffy

    LittleGiffy Member

    Hello, I'm new here so I appologise if this is not the right spot for this.

    Lately I have been disconnecting from players left and right and I can't figure out why. I've had the game since launch and haven't had this problem before, also I can still play DOA and Street Fighter without a hitch so this problem is quite confusing.

    So anybody else been having this problem? I know it's not because the other player is quiting because majority of the time there winning. (40 percent winning average... I do alot of loosing.) And many times it disconects before the match even starts.

    Any responses would be appreciated
  2. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    If you are running other media on your internet, that would be your first issue. I know, from experience. Second if you are not, make sure no one else is : ) That is, if you have a wireless router, make sure it's password protected, or someone parked down the street might be surfing their iphone on your internet, causing your games to drop. And lastly, sometimes it has happens. It has happened to me more recently. And even more if i'm listening to podcasts while i'm playing : )
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  4. LittleGiffy

    LittleGiffy Member

    Well thanks for the responses guy's.

    Thanks for the link Plague that was just the thing I was looking for.
  5. LittleGiffy

    LittleGiffy Member

    Hello, sorry to do this but... I cant find the edit button.

    Any way’s I checked my Internet speed and it runs at 716 kps download and 229 upload... Now is that fast or slow? Any response would be appreciated Thanks.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Are you using wifi?
  7. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I guess that explains why I loose to you sometimes and get Pissed off. Thats awful slow for download
  8. LittleGiffy

    LittleGiffy Member

    Nope I use Verizon DLS the ether cable goes from my router to my 360 and I make sure that nobody else in the house is on the internet while I'm playing.

    Also I would like to mention this is not a lagging problem, if you have 4 green bars it tends to run well and match is running fine then suddenly it disconnects without warning. I'm starting to think it's just my router settings are not agreeing with other peoples router settings.

    Again thank you all for the responses.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Here's another thing you can check. Does your DSL use PPPoE? If so, check your router to see how often it tries to renew your connection. You can change the time interval and I don't know the best settings. Something worth looking in to.

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