VF5 Final Showdown Announced for PSN and XBL

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 23, 2011 at 7:25 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]From http://www.sega-australia.com/news/?n=5290

    "LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO— 23rd August 2011—SEGA® of Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Virtua Fighter™ 5, the latest title in its celebrated fighting franchise, will see a grand update and expansion released as a standalone title for both Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.and PlayStation® Network. The new game, entitled Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, will contain a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5’s mechanics, balance and animations, along with new game modes, new dynamic fighting arenas, a massive collection of customisable character items and two all-new characters added to the roster. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is expected to be available in Summer 2012."

    Other News

    Also check out Gamespot's announcement which includes a short interview with SEGA about the home version features.

    From SEGA's facebook page, along with the console announcement is news that Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will be playable (via arcade cabinets) at PAX!

    It has begun.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 23, 2011.

    1. KiwE
      God damn it thought Q1.
    2. def
    3. deeFive
      sold! i may even double dip!
    4. noodalls

      This is why I kept visiting, waiting for the news to finally come.

      (p.s. Australian summer 2012?)
    5. Fulan
      no way........

    6. CJA
      What?!? wait......
    7. Rayne
      Damn, can't believe you just beat me to it! I've been making sure I have permission to post this over the past 30 mins! Yep, it's happening. I'm going to try and get the trailer up on CVG as soon as possible. WIll link to it when it's up. I thought it would NEVER happen, I'm so happy it is but we have to wait until summer 2012. The wait will kill me!
    8. SuperPanda
      I said I wouldn't be back until Sega drops a new VF on console, so...

      Hi everyone.
    9. Dennis0201
    10. Rayne
    11. kingo
      O_O !!!!!!!
    12. Myke
      Considering the announcement originated from SoE and SoA, I'm assuming it's Northern Hemisphere Summer 2012.
    13. Dennis0201
      Next summer.... SEGA might announce VF6 for arcade. But anyway, it's still good to see we finally can play FS!!
    14. MAtteoJHDY
      Colonel Gaddafi ousted from power, and all of a sudden Sega announces FS for console. Concidence? I dont think so.
    15. Ash_Kaiser
      I hope it's not Southern Hemisphere Summer 2012. We'll have even longer to wait if that's the case.

      Also, who hasn't had at least a quick wank yet?
    16. Feck
      I had one and i've only just woke up [​IMG]
    17. mitsuruga
      shit, I`ll have to freeze myself considering the waiting time.
    18. MAtteoJHDY

      ameSpot: Can you explain or go into greater depth on some of the changes/improvements that have been made over previous versions of Virtua Fighter 5?

      Sega: Since Virtua Fighter 5 released on Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2007, the arcade version has received two major updates. The digital release of Virtua Fighter Final Showdown will incorporate all of the improvements the arcade team has rolled out since 2007. Here are the high points.

      We've overhauled the core fighting mechanics to make the game more accessible to new players while being careful to retain the trademark depth and balance of the game. Essentially, this consists of two elements. First, changes were made to mechanics which had a steep learning curve and weren't bringing enough depth to the game; control inputs were streamlined and made more consistent across characters, the throw and escape system received the most notable changes. Secondly, we added enhanced visual cues to the game to better communicate what kind of hit was landed.

      Moreover, while the base animation system from VF5 was excellent, further improvements have been made to make the fighters move more naturally, react more convincingly to moves, and communicate better to players when a move is blocked.

      We've also added two new playable characters. Taka-Arashi, a sumo wrestler from Virtua Fighter 3, is coming back and Jean, a karate expert, has been added to the roster.

      For the first time, PlayStation 3 owners will have an online versus mode for the Virtua Fighter series. With little latency, our online mode is already known for being incredibly faithful to the experience a player would have standing right next to their opponent in the arcade and we're glad to bring this mode to all players, regardless of platform.

      Finally, we are planning on delivering a large amount of downloadable items that will allow players to fully customize their favorite fighters.

      GS: What will be included? Are we looking at standard console-version modes?

      Sega: Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown will introduce a new single player mode. Besides online and single-console multiplayer, there will also be some modes that weren't seen in Virtua Fighter 5. We'll be talking about those in more detail in the future.

      GS: Since online is going to be incorporated, is there going to be spectator or tournament functionality?

      Sega: Those modes will not be included.

      GS: We're assuming this is going to be a hefty download--any idea on size? Is anything getting stripped out to make it smaller?

      Sega: Nothing will be stripped out, this will be a faithful representation of the game that our fans have come to love in the arcade. While I don't have the exact memory footprint today, it should be consistent with other stand-alone downloadable games.

      GS: What about pricing?

      Sega: We are not announcing the pricing at this time.

      GS: Will this version have hooks for DLC or tweaks that the team makes?

      Sega: Yes, we will support DLC to deliver our fans a massive number of downloadable items that will allow for unprecedented levels of fighter customization.

      GS: Is this a simultaneous PSN/XBL release?

      Sega: Yes.

      GS: What spurred the team to release the game now?

      Sega: While we have received an incredible number of requests from our fans for a home version of Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, we wanted to ensure that we are delivering on the promise of this stellar franchise. You may be aware that the arcade version has gone through several updates and revisions over the past few years. With this in mind, we felt that the game is now in a good place to make its way over to the home consoles. We are very excited to bring what we feel is the best version of the game.

      GS: Why go digital only? Was any consideration given to a budget retail release similar to what Sega did with Virtua Fighter 4: Evo on the PlayStation 2?

      Sega: As you may be aware, digital distribution is an important part of our overall strategy. The latest generation consoles have made great strides in the digital space over the past few years and we've seen much success releasing a variety of titles digitally. Aside from our new IPs, we've tapped into our library of classics and arcade hits and brought many of them to our fans through digital channels so that they can enjoy them on current generation platforms.

      Careful consideration goes into our release strategy for every title. We felt that Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is a perfect title to add to our digital portfolio. Releasing the title digitally will allow us to bring the title to our rabid fan base, as well as new and soon-to-be Virtua Fighter enthusiasts, at a great price point.

      GS: Final Showdown seems to put a definitive close to the VF5 series of games. Is VF6 something that's being developed?

      Sega: Virtua Fighter is a very important franchise to SEGA and the continuously growing Virtua Fighter fan base. AM2, the developer of Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, is focused on delivering the best version of this beloved franchise to our fans.

      GS: Is this strictly VF 5 Final Showdown content, or will there be an option to toggle gameplay options from previous revisions?

      Sega: This is strictly Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown content, considered the latest and greatest in the series.

      GS: Is there any possibility for a retail release in the future?

      Sega: At this time, we are not considering a retail release of this title.
    19. Okiron
      finally \o/

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