VF5:FS Location Test Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    First location test announced, check the news section for more info.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Yay, can't wait for the vids [​IMG]
  3. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I can't wait for those location test vids! *foams at mouth*
  4. LostCloud

    LostCloud Well-Known Member

    Lost Cloud86
    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Awesome news, thanks again, Reno. *Frantically searches everywhere for VF5FS videos* - I see Sega's behind the times in Location tests as well?
    That's just stupid that they aren't holding a test outside of the Tokyo area [​IMG]. So many VF fans left out...

    Anyway - So freaking hyped! I can't wait to see an entire match of FS!
  5. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Heading to the location test right now, will bring you some impressions later.
    man I hyped:)
  6. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    any news from the loc test?
  7. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Small writeup coming. uploading a few pics as well.
  8. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

  9. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions



    Short VF5FS first impressions:
    -no new characters
    -modes: score attack and the new knockout trial

    -Characters move a bit different now
    -jumping will be a surprise to alot of people!
    It's not SFIV jumping but its quite different from VF5R.
    Basically you can jump alot higher, it even looks kind of
    silly sometimes.
    - I only tested, Akira, Goh and Kage.. But it seems there is more changes this time around then with VF5R when it comes to moves. More stuff added and alot removed?
    -camera changes more now. It sort of becomes a animation when certain moves hit. Like akiras bodycheck. or kages k+g. Looks kool

    lol, It almost felt like the first time I played akira back in VF4, I could hardly do any moves. Most of his standard mooves have changed, both command and animation. And since there were no movelist players had to figure out stuff themselves.

    off the top of my head:
    46P+G changed animation and no longer launches.
    3P+G I get a throw, but not the one im used to. I think you can continue this with something.
    43P+G this is the one seen in the trailer. can be comboeed.but I dont know how.
    SPOD is the same.
    vf5r "SPOD" is the same
    666P still crumbles.
    dragon lance is the same.
    43P2/8P. now crumbles on hit as shown in the trailer.
    good stuff!
    VF5R 6+P+K= P+K in FS
    46P is still here
    P+K,P is gone. (at least I couldnt find it?)
    66P+K is changed. Could only get it to hit once.
    shoulder input changed again: 33p+k. same for Goh.

    Anyways, after too many credits I figured out it wasn't too
    loosing and spending money trying to figure this out: /

    Goh on the other hand was easier to get into. I also wathced another goh player and picked up some stuff. Until they release a movelist I'll be playing Goh in FS.

    Enough about the techincal, all that stuff will be covered later by the pros,
    far more knowledgable than me
    The overall feel of the game was good. The animation of some of the stuff was def more appeling and looked very smooth.
    Some of the new backgrounds were kind of hit or miss. I remember beeing really hyped about VF5Rs stages and I cant say
    the same this time around. Maybe some of them are too bright and happy?Others were really cool though. (why not show these in the trailer SEGA?) The music is as alwyas hard to hear at an arcade but im sure I hear some cool tunes.

    The jumping again: Cant say I really liek it. Felt kind of weird. they jump way to high. Dont know if it will be a problem at all, or even if it will be used.
    If you did a jumping kick and hit the opponent will be hit to ground like a groundboundmove (whats its name?) hit. so you can combo of it.

    More impressions later, this was written pretty fast.
    I'll be doing a longer writeup of Goh. And might go to Ikebukuro later to play some more. Picture and play from Shinjuku. There was alot of new stuff so alot ro remember.
    Information might not be 100% accurate.

    I'm sorry about the bad picture quality lol. I just figured something was better than nothing. I'll snap some new ones later today.
  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    thx anarkira for quick and helpfull post!
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Thx Anakira. You the Man bro.
  12. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    If you have any questions about Goh or Akira I ll be happy to try to answer them as its hard to remember everything. I'll go to Gigo tonight and play some more.
  13. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    I'd like to see those jumps in action...I hate jumps ?_?
  14. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Overall system changes that I was able to glean from a Japanese Vanessa player friend of mine that went to the test. Myke, if you see fit, please put this on the front page, I'm a little too busy right now, but if it's not I'll put it on the front page proper tomorrow.

    - If you are hit during a failed evade, it's a Counter Hit
    However, if you are successful with your evade, you move to the opponent's SIDE. Huge risk/return here, as they were proclaiming. However, you apparently can still evade if your attack is evaded.

    - Low full circular attacks are now stopped if they are blocked.

    - 0 frame throws, AND throw clash has been eliminated. It is now much closer to the VF4 system, apparently.

    - Backdash has been MUCH improved, however... if you are hit DURING a backdash, you will be knocked on your ass and you will be at a huge disadvantage.

    - When you land from a jump, you are considered crouching

    - Stomach Crumple = No longer open to low throws, and standing punch will not float you properly.

    - Goh's stage's wall crumble after one blast

    - Low throws have changed to 1_2_3 and 33_P+G. Yes, P+G. I have no idea how this will work.
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Good stuff guys. Sounds pretty good so far.

    Looking forward to the Goh writeup.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    This is a joke, yes?
  17. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Any change on movement? Is there a different way to cancel the backdash now, for instance, or to do other fancy patterns?
  18. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    picture bonanza.





  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: VF5:FS Location Test Impressions

    Cheers Anarkira and Reno, sounds good so far... One question though, we're not talking VF1 style jumping are we?
  20. Anarkira

    Anarkira Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

    First VF5FS Goh Impressions:
    Keep in mind that I have barely played VF5R Goh, so
    it's sometimes hard for me to know weither this is brand new or from R.
    For different reasons I haven't followed VF5R goh.

    random notes:
    PKP: the same as R from what I could tell
    33P+G as Reno mentioned, is now lowthrow and the throw that used to be here is gone (??)
    The animation is awesome: )
    33P launcher still here
    3PP still here
    4K is now a cool hitthrow kick. about the same range as stnading K from what I could tell. on hit press P+G for a sweet animation
    P+K is now a taunt looking thing that can be comboed after (on counter only?)
    3K can now be comboed ( CH only?)
    Basara is the same
    Rolling is still here.
    4P+K is still here
    1K+G Steps on your foot. looks funny
    The headbut from R is still here. stagger on block right?
    3K+G, on hit P+G is still here. looks even cooler now.
    Shoulder is as Akiras, now 33P+K.
    Gohs sabakis has been changed. You now use p+k+g+direction.
    like 1 for lows i think and 4 for mids (will check this further)
    for low, mid and high. Goes into the grab the same way though (needs to be confirmed about the tsukami)
    the 46P+K,P,string is the same as R.
    46K+G still here lol
    knee is still here
    overhead punch ahs been added. 9p+k. similiar to jeffs in R, goes over low.
    Some of this stuff can be seen in the FS trailer I now see.

    trailer shows:
    stepping on your foot, the new p+k CH,p,the new 9p+k,into some new on hit knee..hmm dont know this moove.

    Didn't get to play much because it was packed. And when possible you met someone who was a hardcore VFR, they beat me hard:/

    Really frustrating putting some time in learning R then starting all over again with FS lol

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