VF5:FS Tutorial Videos

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Plague, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Learn to play VF5:FS. Watch this collection of training videos created by VFDC members and SEGA.

    These videos provide information and suggestions on how to approach the Virtua Fighter game system--from beginner level advice to more advanced tactical information. The show's hosts, UltraDavid and James Chen asked the questions, while the show's guest, LA Akira, provided the answers. This is about four hours of information.

    [​IMG]UltraChen TV First Attack Show - Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
    [​IMG]UltraChen TV Level 3 Focus - Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

    Youtube Version
    [​IMG]Youtube Version: First Attack - Episode 15 - Part 1
    [​IMG]Youtube Version: First Attack - Episode 15 - Part 2
    [​IMG] Youtube Version: Level 3 Focus - Episode 13 - Part 1
    [​IMG] Youtube Version: Level 3 Focus - Episode 13 - Part 2

    At over 2 and half hours of footage, he covers a wide range of topics geared toward new players as well as experienced players from other Fighting Games!

    Basics - 0:28, Evade - 32:09, Knockdowns - 42:46, Fuzzy guard - 1:06:23, Option selects - 1:31:34, Back and side turned - 1:45:27, Ring outs and walls - 2:01:55, General tips - 2:18:01

    There were a couple of points made which were technically incorrect, and I'm not sure if this was on intended in order to simplify the explanation, but just in case and/or if any new players really want to know:

    Side Frame Bonus
    The side frame bonus advantage is determined by the base damage of the attack. I think you mentioned that only Punches received a bonus of 2 frames from the side, while everything else got 3 frames. The way it works is:

    base damage 14 or less: +2
    base damage between 15 and 24: +3
    base damage 25 or more: +6

    Counter Hit Bonus
    Similarly for the counter hit bonus, you mentioned it was based on the attack class (P, 2P, etc), when again it's based on damage of the attack being interrupted:

    base damage 24 or less: 1.5x
    base damage 25 or more: 1.75x

    Volume 1

    Volume 2

    Volume 3

  2. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Very cool thread with loooots of informative stuff. Awesome compilation [​IMG] I'll get my friend to check out this thread, I couldn't teach VF nearly as well as some of these videos can.
  3. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Having watched DandyJ's excellent video, there's a couple of things I've been trying to figure out:

    - From backturned it was mentioned that you can duck under a throw instantly, which I've done in previous VFs but I couldn't replicate this in FS. Using Kage's [4][4]+[P] on guard, the CPU was able to throw me when I was using both [2] and [2]+[G] inputs. I could avoid the throw by BT crouchdashing forward or backward, but not with only the [2] crouch. Using a -5 on guard move (Pai's [4][4]+[K]) and a -6 on guard (Lau's [6][6]+[P]+[K]) I wasn't able to use a crouch dash.

    BTW I changed the ring positioning so that the CPU had their back to the wall, to ensure that the attacks were not simply pushing the CPU out of throw range.

    - Related to the above, when guarding immediately after these attacks and being thrown by the CPU, a side-position throw was executed. I understand that from BT that it is 6 frames before you are able to guard, then for another 3 frames you will guard in a side turned position before returning to a normal guard. But it seems that the side turned 'state' actually starts before you are able to guard. For example Lau's [6][6]+[P]+[K] is -6 on guard, leaving 4 frames for recovery before the throw, but from this a side throw was executed.

    Shun's [4][4]+[K] however is -8 on guard, and resulted in a backthrow from the CPU (had to put the CPU right up against the wall to prevent it from being pushed too far away). I further tested this move with attacks - On guard a 12 frame punch (Akira) would result in a side-turned hit against Shun. An 11 frame punch (Kage) would result in a back-turned hit. So it would seem that from BT when you press guard:

    - it's 4 frames to a side-turned state,
    - total 6 frames before you are able to start guarding,
    - then another 3 frames before you are fully turned around.

    If what I've tested is correct, though you can't duck throws from a back turned position, if you guard immediately from a -6 or better position, a side-turned throw will be executed, which is possible to escape reliably with guard-throw-escape if you can pick the direction. At -7 or worse position, a backthrow will be executed which is unescapable, and you have a much tougher guard/reverse nitaku attack guess to make.

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